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    VkBrutaliaN got a reaction from zetork in Your last music-related buy!   
    ZON – anima

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    VkBrutaliaN got a reaction from zetork in Your last music-related buy!   
    まみれた - 死因:暮らし
    アクメ - ROTTEN ORANGE (Type B )

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    VkBrutaliaN got a reaction from zetork in Your last music-related buy!   
    KRAD – abyss (reg. edition)
    DEVILOOF - 「開花」 (ltd. edition)

  4. I feel ya..
    VkBrutaliaN got a reaction from -NOVA- in DIMLIM 2 live-limited singles "僕…" & "私…" release   
    i am almost certain it is 僕… since the vocalist sings "boku wa" at 1:03 and also i read on twitter from a girl who went to the 私… live that 私… is like a rock ballade...
    also pretty happy i didn't go all out crazy and bought it - its a really cool song but over 10.000yen for only 2:40 minutes with no lyrics and just a plain white CD-R is ridiculous...
  5. Like
    VkBrutaliaN got a reaction from Manji 卍 in DIMLIM 2 live-limited singles "僕…" & "私…" release   
    i am almost certain it is 僕… since the vocalist sings "boku wa" at 1:03 and also i read on twitter from a girl who went to the 私… live that 私… is like a rock ballade...
    also pretty happy i didn't go all out crazy and bought it - its a really cool song but over 10.000yen for only 2:40 minutes with no lyrics and just a plain white CD-R is ridiculous...
  6. Like
    VkBrutaliaN reacted to -NOVA- in DIMLIM 2 live-limited singles "僕…" & "私…" release   
    sounds okay, its crazy that these singles are going for about 13,000 yen each. Well this saves me the urge to buy them haha 
  7. Like
    VkBrutaliaN got a reaction from Arkady in Why do you think that J-rock never really broke through in the west?   
    because some people mentioned the language barrier i wanna state something...
    i once (YEARS ago) read an interview with a death metal band (dunno the band anymore though...) and they were speaking about lyrics and thei vocalist said like: nowadays no one cares anymore about lyrics. and as a vocalist you can practically sing about anything cuz no one cares... as long as it sounds good and so on...
    and thats also kinda my opinion at least for this specific statement.
    because i personally don't understand jack shit what my beloved japanese bands are singing BUT i love the flow of the language so thats why i listen to it!
    also back in the day before i know any Vk bands i liked a band because of the music/vocals then i read the lyrics and was like: WTF SHIT are you serious? this lyrics are SOO SO BAD i can't take this... which was a point that ruined most of english songs for me.
    not to mention that (according to many translations i got) most Vk lyrics of the stuff i listen to are pretty damn good but kinda depressing as fuck why i am even more mostly beiing kinda shocked that so many young kiddie girls love Vk....
    so to come to an conclusion i love Vk because of the music itself, the vocal flow and because of the lyrics if you understand the lyrics in probably 4/5 cases you would probably go from: WOW i love this band to > OH that lyrics wtf were they thinking so i can't listen to this or that band anymore... DONE! ;D
  8. Like
    VkBrutaliaN reacted to Yukami in New band MIDGARD have formed   
    Ba.ゆあ left the band in November of 2017.
    They have some recordings on twitter:
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    VkBrutaliaN got a reaction from xriko in Your last music-related buy!   
    まみれた - 死因:わからん
    REVIVE – The final prologue

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    VkBrutaliaN got a reaction from zetork in Your last music-related buy!   
    the GazettE - NINTH (reg. edition)
    it's here!!! 8D
    can't wait to finally listen to it later today - pretty excited!

  11. Like
    VkBrutaliaN reacted to Saishu in DADAROMA new single "「僕はアンドロイド」(Boku wa Android)" release   
    Everything sounds boring after hearing the most recent Dimlim songs. 
  12. Like
    VkBrutaliaN got a reaction from zetork in Your last music-related buy!   
    THE THIRTEEN - URGE -アージ- (Type C)

  13. Like
    VkBrutaliaN got a reaction from zetork in Your last music-related buy!   
    てんさい。 VS BUK BUK - 入場者全員に両バンドVo.によるコラボCDを進呈。
    まみれた - 死因:無視
    マーブルヘッド –『 - タイトル不在 - 』

  14. Like
    VkBrutaliaN got a reaction from zetork in Your last music-related buy!   
    breakin’ holiday – LILITH
    L.A bash all the emotions - Get Fxxk Hxx


  15. Like
    VkBrutaliaN reacted to Manji 卍 in -真天地開闢集団-(Zigzag) new single 「帰りたいけど帰れない」 release   
    Serious artwork,new MV ,non live-limited... all good,but I simply don't like this goofy side of them,I want serious tracks, cuz the vocalist is pretty good. 
  16. Thanks
    VkBrutaliaN got a reaction from マジゲイ誤算 in L.A bate joins Starwave records + new look & new single release.   
    1:47-1:49 the lyrics say "Fuck you rat bastard mother fucker!" alone that vocal line! 8D
    the 2nd song has a quite cool ground beat and everything but i really don't know if i should reccomend that song cuz first of all out of the 3 bridges the first 2 are completely rapped and the last one is completely screamed. the refrain kinda comes outta nowhere and is completely autotuned and sounds kinda "happy-ish" and very out of place... i mean you get used to it after a few listens but still it could be better  and also before the last refrain you'd think they'll get you with another killer breakdown but unfortunately no breakdown at all in the 2nd song which was very surprising to me...
    so overall if Get FxxK Hxx is a 9/10 for me Fxxkin face would be like a 6/10 but that is mainly because of the refrain and the missing breakdown...
    still i am very much looking forward to their upcoming new maxi single cuz i really LOVE the electronics they pull off and everything else so they really have lots of potential imo!!
    * UPDATE for the 2nd song.
    after listening to the song around 10 times as of now i must say i really got used to the more happy-ish/autotuned refrain so it doesn't really bother me anymore - the only thing i am really still missing very much would've been a breakdown so new score for me would be like a pretty good 7.5! 
  17. Like
    VkBrutaliaN got a reaction from TheZigzagoon in New band MIDGARD have formed   
    because its the best live venue! - at least from all Vk lives i went to i found shinjuku club science to be the best one when it comes to sound/location etc. ;D
  18. Like
    VkBrutaliaN reacted to suji in ゴシップ (Gossip) new limited single, "面会謝絶/少女A" (menkai shazetsu/shoujo A) release   
    ゴシップ(Gossip) new live-limited single, "面会謝絶/少女A" will be released at their live at Takadanobaba AREA on July 1, and will also be available for mail order (500 copies, 1000 yen) starting on July 2.
    1.面会謝絶 (menkai shazetsu)
    2.少女A (shoujo A)
  19. Like
    VkBrutaliaN got a reaction from Jiyo in NvM 1st full album DAY BREAK release   
    NvM 1st full album DAY BREAK will be released on 15.07.2018 for a price of 3000yen (tax in)
    13.DIM LIGHT 
  20. Like
    VkBrutaliaN got a reaction from BrenGun in Your last music-related buy!   
    breakin’ holiday – LILITH
    L.A bash all the emotions - Get Fxxk Hxx


  21. Like
    VkBrutaliaN got a reaction from Aferni in Vo.ミラ (Mira) has joined アンドゥー (UNDEUX) and new mini-album release   
    【崩壊盤】GLK-058 ¥2100(税抜き)5曲入りCD
    【腐敗盤】GLK-059 ¥2100(税抜き)5曲入りCD
    5.馬鹿な女 (new song)
    so almost all songs except of one are re-recordings from their 2 live limited singles with their new vocalist.
    also you can find the cover artwork for both types on their ameba and they look pretty awesome to be honest!
  22. wow
    VkBrutaliaN got a reaction from qotka in ex-MEJIBRAY members new project, "8P-SB" has formed   
  23. Daria
  24. Daria
  25. Yikes
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