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Status Updates posted by kyoisKILLINGME

  1. *violently replays danse macabre over and over*

  2. that new transformers movie was awesome O:

    1. Tetora


      My boys forced me to come watch it. Was actually quite nice. Real long, but my fav of the series considering the others really werent my style.

    2. Augie1995


      I'm just excited because Shia LaBouf isn't in it. His acting is a bit erratic, as was his character, and Mark Wahlberg is a better comedy/action actor

  3. the one thing i hate about summer is the FUCKING BUGS you come in my house your going to die sorry <__<

    1. kyoselflove


      Kill 'em all!

    2. Ro plz

      Ro plz

      The Got damn struggle...

  4. Father's day is the day i hate the most...

    1. kyoisKILLINGME


      i just hate because my dad isn't alive anymore :/

    2. Tetora


      Same Rose, I like to appreciate all dads there for their kids on this day. I look at my friends who are already fathers, and how good they are to their kids, and how much that means cause I wish I had that.

    3. hitsuji-hime


      Eh, I don't care much about my dad either, he cares more about fighting roosters than his own children.

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  5. last fm what are you doing..

    1. Karma’s Hat

      Karma’s Hat

      No other site is so consistently fucked. Jesus it has been like four or five days already...

    2. CAT5


      lsst.fm is messed up lately because they're pruning everything related to VK ;P

  6. ugh i think i need to get a new xbox controller....

  7. My Mom is seriously a asshole sometimes argh!!

    1. Metoichi


      my mom too ^^


    1. Tetora


      Nice. Dont drop it!

    2. kyoisKILLINGME


      omg i would cry this phone was fucking expensive

  9. no more downloading for a while..cause my norton subscription is up...get renew until i go back home...bleh =_=

    1. kyoisKILLINGME


      o.o does that work with windows 8? cause that's what i have..and also i have a laptop

    2. Miasma


      lol yes it does work with w8. if you already have it just install mcafee. MSE is the best free antiviurs app imo, you won't regret using it as your security software

    3. Miasma
    4. Show next comments  30 more
  10. got my mother a card for mother's day ^__^

  11. im must not be getting enough sleep..my eye keeps twitching...

  12. i decided im done with plug dj and im never going on there again...im sorry .__.

    1. CAT5


      whaaa, what happened? [2]

    2. kyoisKILLINGME


      i kept getting connection errors over and over for no reason and i didn't know why i emailed plug about it and they told me to delete my cookies(switch i did) and i though that would help..but nope...and then i just decided..that im not gonna let plug upset me soo i just left .__.

    3. kyoisKILLINGME


      i mean im still gonna be around just not on plug :/

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  13. people just keep trying to annoy me...*sigh* seriously leave me the fuck alone

  14. im am no longer 21 ;__;

    1. Gaz


      yeah i still remember that awful feeling ;__;

  15. the moment where you just wanna slap a bitch across the face for saying something so stupid -_- get a life

  16. finally getting my laptop!! got some much to download... x_x

  17. all these random disbandings happening i can't take it ;-;

    1. Tetora


      It's a conspiracy. They're out to get the Visual Ones...

  18. so i broke my mom's glass and i called her and told her...and she wasn't mad... o_o she's planing something.. i know it..

  19. i don't have to go in tomorrow!! woo a day off i love it <3

    1. Tetora



  20. i start my job tomorrow...lol i am so nervous

    1. bonsaijodelfisch


      so, i'm guessing the job in question was tetsu's before?

    2. Dark Kinma

      Dark Kinma

      that's nice, job = lot of money = buyiing lot of Vk cd ^^

    3. digi


      Good luck, rose! <3

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  21. i can't take this i need my laptop...i haven't downloaded in a long time...going crazy over here!! >_<

  22. it's been snowing for 2 days now...

    1. Rize


      Woah~ :o Here it hasn't been snowing yet~

      > _ < ; )

    2. Licio123


      Its hot as hell here. >_>

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