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Status Updates posted by kyoisKILLINGME

  1. Spending most of my life on my computer

    1. Jigsaw9


      You're not alone! XD

    2. sai


      while ruining my life with it, lol

    3. Ito


      Most days I spend 8 hours at work on a computer...then I come home and for leisure I go on my computer...

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  2. started playing dead or alive again..since the game upgraded i have to do everything over @____@;;

    1. kyoselflove


      wow lol. yay now you can play for another year XD

    2. Tetora


      Gee golly gosh.

    3. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      Is that the one with the punching and the boobs?

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  3. still refuse to play resident evil 3 on hard mode... stupid nemesis

    1. Gaz


      i wanna beat it for the 3rd time but meh, emulators are lame :/

  4. Still using "email name"? You haven't clicked the link we sent. Having the correct email address is crucial if you get locked out of your account. Send it again" wtf does that mean? tumblr wth and i didn't get no email from them..wtf is happening lol

  5. stupid headache go away..

    1. Delkmiroph


      sleep is best way

    2. beni


      Keep drinking and rub your temples!

    3. kyoisKILLINGME


      its gone now i was probably hungry xD

  6. stupid washing machine -____-

  7. Super Junior's Break Down Song is in my head again :x

  8. thanks mom for ruining my day...

    1. beni


      Giving a shout out to my mum for every single night of taking me away from plug too early. xD Hopefully your mum is cool every other day! It's okay Rose-chan~

  9. Thanks mom for ruining my good mood...

  10. that new transformers movie was awesome O:

    1. Tetora


      My boys forced me to come watch it. Was actually quite nice. Real long, but my fav of the series considering the others really werent my style.

    2. Augie1995


      I'm just excited because Shia LaBouf isn't in it. His acting is a bit erratic, as was his character, and Mark Wahlberg is a better comedy/action actor

  11. that was really painful to write...

  12. the chat won't load for me...

  13. the chat won't load for me...

  14. the furneal was today...i tried not to cry but..it didn't work...

  15. the moment where you just wanna slap a bitch across the face for saying something so stupid -_- get a life

  16. the one thing i hate about summer is the FUCKING BUGS you come in my house your going to die sorry <__<

    1. kyoselflove


      Kill 'em all!

    2. Ro plz

      Ro plz

      The Got damn struggle...

  17. the only thing im spending this damn money on is the ps4!! so stop telling me what to do.

  18. The test came out okay my mom is gonna be okay ^__^

  19. there a damn nyan cat flying around cat i know you added that... xDD

  20. thinking about getting lollipop chainsaw should i get it?

    1. beni


      One of my favourite PS3 games. x'D I have bad taste not only in music, but also in games. ^^

    2. PsychoΔelica


      Lolijigsaw the pun ahah

    3. kyoisKILLINGME


      beni boo pls xD and jig lmao

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  21. thinking about going on a downloading rampage! :D

  22. this lady at aunt's house asked if i smoked weed cause of the way i look....UGH im soo sick of people thinking im high!! this why i hate people! go burn in a fire you bastard

  23. time to give soul calibur a break now xD stupid custom characters... <_<

    1. kyoisKILLINGME


      okay i might be lying...

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