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Everything posted by madygrain

  1. madygrain

    Ok. I plan to make a monthly CD/DVD Purchase-Upload intention thread, begining Sept. 1st. Will be on the request subforum. I will also make a collection share post on the same date on the main downloads main forum. Let's see how it goes.
  2. madygrain

    He was able to perform after the the doctors had them checked and gave him a temporal treatment, so I its not serious and both the band oand the staff ask the the fans to not be worried. Now the results of the exams they did on RUKA suggest the solution for the (yet unespecified) problem is surgery. Anyway it does not seem it's a really serious condition. In fact RUKA and the staff wanted to go to the hospital after the end of the tour since the symptoms appeared before the tour and he was able to bear them almost all of it except for one live, If I am not mistaken.
  3. madygrain

    Although he was able to perform the rest of the tour dates until today, he will have surgery.
  4. madygrain

    I'm going to develop my idea a little more. We would be talking about two posts. The first one would be one that could be called "Purchases coordination thread". There the users willing to share would anounce wich CD or DVD are they buying so others could decide wich one to buy in order to get all release types or to let the users know wich songs will be uploaded so they can react consecuenly if they want to. I thought this would be somehow related to the request forum so people requesting could know wich CDs or DVDs actually have to be requested. But since the content of the post are not request themselves maybe it's not correct to have it there. Maybe it could be a sub forum of the request one? This way we could have monthly threads about purchase intentions so it could be more organized. I really don't know how could it work better. The second one would be something like "MH collections thread". Each user willing to upload would post their CD/DVD list. As I inmagine it, people could request uploads to the owner via PM. As the owner uploads, a link you be posted on his post so anyone can download it. Also it dosen't bother the owner requiring him or her to upload their entire list right away. Also, requesting via PM and not on the thread itself would keep it cleaner so anyone can use their word search feature on their browser. What do you guys think?
  5. madygrain

    I am no really sure about this. I feel like this are goning to be mostly singles + re-recordings + HG leftovers. The band diserves a little better finale imo. They look really tired of working together honestly.
  6. This idea was welcome in other suggestion post, so I will repost it here and see what other people and the admins think.
  7. A new direction would be welcome.
  8. madygrain

    I don't know. In wich label is baroque? I don''t think It was Free Will, at least for the revival. But he is tied to FW since boogieman it is on one of it's subsidiaries? Anyway the letter said he wanted to discontinue his contract with *the band* not the label... But if he's pretending to have health issues he will cut contact with the scene globally so it does not matter I gess.
  9. madygrain

    It's still a major label isn't it?
  10. Are you kidding? He's a guy, just like everyone in VK xD It also seem (former?) boogieman vocalist 柊(Syu) has also sung at the event with Yuana on stage, but I am not even close to be sure.
  11. Bassist Kazu @sckkazu lists STEREO C K as one of his current bands on twitter. Vo. seems to be ex. guirugamesh ex. selm Tora (with a new name, maybe?)
  12. Today on twitter several people was talking about this lineup and about "Yuana's comeback": vo瀬音 gtユアナ ba kazu dr亜門 It seems it was a Birthday celebration for Daisuke, but not sure. Does somebody who the other members are and if this is a formal band or session? The venue was Holyday Shinjuku and the name of the session/band is STEREO C K Does anybody knows anthing?
  13. madygrain

    I think he really does not like baroque. I am glad he seems to be safe. I don't buy his health problems at all, he just hates the band and wanted to leave. I wonder how this will affect boogieman. Will he heal magically when the baroque revival ends? Well, that asuming that boogieman did not disbanded behind closed doors. I wonder what will happen now. Will this letter be confirmed as legit? If so, will Bansaku retire?
  14. madygrain

    I wouldn't say its wrong to think he was not at the hospital. If he was at the hospital, why would he use a fake pic? Yes, I know he has done it many times but we either know if all the things he reported on his blog using fake pics were true or not. And "miracle healing" suggests that hospitalization at least has fat chance of being true.
  15. madygrain

    Hospitalization was not surprising indeed. Miracle recovery and thousands (?) of fake blog entries were kind of surprising.
  16. madygrain

    Not necessairly a good thing. None of their labels was/is big, quality of the bands can be discussed, merit of raising a buisness it's less when you evade taxes. Were those sold out? Some single major bands alone top this, even some indies.
  17. madygrain

    Lolita 23q is having a really extrange hyatus. Curious about Adapter, I think he's the only one on that list that could make vocaloid sound somehow appealing.
  18. madygrain

    The only evidence of him being at the hospital was those pics and Riku's blog. People really has to notice how he has been manipulating his fans in order to get attention and motivate the most hardcore fans to push their support for his projects using made up situations. I don't understand how people can really defend so fiercely a person that lies to his fans and uses them, like if they were stupid.
  19. madygrain

    If there is surface, Sasabucchi is there.
  20. madygrain

    The composition is terrible, the vocals are disastrous, the yuki rap segments are even worse, but in the end, it totally worth it for the awesomely bad PV that made me crack myself. I'm totally in tears. What's with the really really bad PV's lately? First Black Gene, then Seremedy, now this... mother of god it's like they were all made by lobotomized monkeys in the 90's and then sent the tape in time.
  21. madygrain

    I also thought it was really linkin park-ish, but way worse. The PV is really fucking funny, so bad it's good. Also, breaks my heart how much money is thrown to this mediocre band. I mean, they can afford decent production, shooting at several locations, actors... come on!
  22. madygrain

    This should have happened before, it's pretty clear that they reached their pinacle with Jubilee and ran out of ideas after. Pretty excited about new fresh bands forming with this members. I rather have 3 new bands with potential that one in decadence.
  23. wow, I thought this would be much worse, I liked the preview a lot, I will keep an eye on this.
  24. madygrain

    I made the same question pages ago, no answer, sadly. The thing is they have not not announced any disbandment or pause but they are clearly not developing activities at least on public. Due to the baroque revival I am pretty sure they are not doing anything at all. Their new vocalist Syu has a twitter that has been also unactive since december last year. I think we can either expect a disbandment announcement anytime (specially now with the Bansaku situation) or a comeback as the Baroque revival ends if Bansaku reappears alive and healthy.
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