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Everything posted by madygrain

  1. madygrain

    wow all previews are dull at their best imo. This band still had potential, how sad.
  2. madygrain

    I don't remember, but most likely yes. Ever won a tournament/contest?
  3. madygrain

    So they are finally disoving? I really hope Ishii can focus on XAVAT now and Ao makes Cuckoo return.
  4. madygrain

    I enjoyed SEVEN a lot but this is awful and unoriginal. Not sure if I will give this a chance.
  5. Impressively unimpressive.
  6. madygrain

    I would really like a Cuckoo comeback. I think FLOPPY's latest downgrade of quality it was just a phase of doing a kind of music they had not mastered. Also hoping it's gone.
  7. madygrain

    Nice. Over Technology was not bad but their worst so far. Curious about what will they do now.
  8. madygrain

    It's tempting, with that killer tracklist and new song. But WTF is Will doing there?
  9. madygrain

    They're awesome, I really look forward to their return.
  10. madygrain

    Honestly, after a frist listen, I can not say I am really impressed. It has good stuff in it but nothing conects with me at all. I also feel the album is quite rigid in therms of mood creating. Songs do not feel different from each other at all. Some may like this thematic and coherent style of album, but I prefer having a more varied repertoire of songs. GEMINI was also bold in style but showed off different kinds of sounds. I can understand this CD is more like a "definition album" where the bands shows their own bold personality but personalities tend to have refinements. 9 seems to fall on the monochrome side, sadly. I will do a song by song review later on for sure but for now I would give this CD between 7 and 8. I can not skip the overall quality of the CD despite it's dull variety.
  11. madygrain

  12. madygrain

    Great! their OHP and looks have been updated too
  13. Never checked out your covers, but gave a listen to the last one and I must say I am totally amazed, I loved it. You have a really nice voice and technique, I really envy you. Your cover even reasonates better with be more than the original since I prefer male voices, although you can not reach Adele's talent. I will make sure I give a try to your previous recordings, my sincere congratulations and admiration, man.
  14. I don't get it. After releasing a good and sucessful album, they go on pause? Why?
  15. madygrain

    If that was true at least Jun would not write such shitty as he did lately.
  16. madygrain

    There's also an almost full radio rip of the a-side on youtube, but the quality is pretty low and it has voiceovers for the most part. I think the song seems to be nice and the bass sounds reallly cool in this one. Really looking forward to the full single.
  17. madygrain

    ROCK-MEN by イガグリ千葉
  18. madygrain

    Nope. do you think baroque is overrated? I do lol
  19. madygrain

    Yes, everybody can if they give it a try or two. Ever been really really angry with your couple?
  20. madygrain

    A prevew of the new A-side can be heared in the background of their OHP www.nightmare-web.com
  21. madygrain

    5/10 cute but cold.
  22. New song reminds me of Matenrou Opera somehow.
  23. madygrain

    I was more saddened because of I was kind of hoping for a bigger thing than a single, since I understood 'new CD' could mean 'any kind of CD'.
  24. madygrain

    YES! I would really love if it's a mini album. Also, releases on my Birthday date lol.
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