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Everything posted by madygrain

  1. madygrain

    Cool name, looking forward to their stuff and curious about the lineup.
  2. madygrain

    I can not agree more with Sai, sadly. They really need to move on an try different, brighter things just like they did on Jubilee. And judging by the last single, it seems they are not inclined to do so. It's really sad, since this band has an awesome potential. They still do some impressive things, but they feel like a one trick pony. On a side note, their new look it's pretty cool.
  3. madygrain

  4. madygrain

    Bad name, but I've seen worse. Did that Toya guy compose anything in his former bands? If this is in the same style as spivstates with Jui's voice, I am completely sold.
  5. madygrain

    This pleases madygrain.
  6. madygrain

    And after this releases will come another everlasting three-phases tour, until 2013 right? and then other two or three one-coin singles and repeat. Sounds fun. Specially for the ones that would like to hear something new by boogieman.
  7. madygrain

    I liked the song. I did not listen Beautiful Freaks, but I liked the prior singles. Is the album as good?
  8. madygrain

    Stupip question: they were not selling Genetic World right? It's my fav CD by them ._.
  9. madygrain

    This goes for me as well. A couple years ago the scene got some pretty good newcomers, but they banished. I really want to find a new VK band (as I don't care for regular J-rock bands as much) that I really like. But everthing sounds and looks the same for me lately. I've been only interested just in Hakuei/Chisato stuff, Nightmare, Boogieman, anything Sharaku or Ao and amber gris for the most part.
  10. madygrain

    Nice, The releeases I wanted.
  11. madygrain

    I like it! I hope they release something soon.
  12. madygrain

    I have hopes with this one, the new single reminds me more of Meteora than their last two albums. It's something. I liked the song, actually.
  13. madygrain

    Sony financial situation is really bad now. I don't think they will take many risks. And pissning the retailers off by making the machine not capable of running used games is quite risky. I don't think they will make a machine that is a huge advancement in therms of power. At least it won't be a jump as huge as the original PS3 was.
  14. madygrain

    Yes, I read Bakuman. Do you have a favorite JRPG?
  15. madygrain

    But are they really doing so well that they can be confident this is not a bad move? I don't know how well their sales are going or their live attendance...
  16. madygrain

    Soo true... specially on their european tours.
  17. madygrain

    It would be sooo disapointing if they did not come to Spain. They have to. I really hope they get more dates soon.
  18. madygrain

    5 types!? Who they think they are!? Megaromania!?
  19. madygrain

    Aaahm. Do know they are avex now, don't you?
  20. madygrain

    Like if it is strange for a band to release a DVD after an album tour lol
  21. madygrain

    Their release schedule is becaming really predictible. Looking forward to their still unannounced and unrumored june single
  22. madygrain

    That solo song sounds pretty good. Too bad they seem to be the kind of nobody band that disbands tomorrow.
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