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Everything posted by madygrain

  1. madygrain

    Finally a new release by them!
  2. ナイトメア new single Deus ex machina will me released on 11/21 in 3 types 【Type A】CD+DVD「Deus ex machina」PV¥1,890 1.Deus ex machina 2.UGLY DUCK’S WILL 【Type B】CD+DVD「UGLY DUCK’S WILL」PV¥1,890 1.Deus ex machina 2.UGLY DUCK’S WILL 【Type C】CD only¥1,260 1.Deus ex machina 2.UGLY DUCK’S WILL 3.rubbish Best news since their last single imo can't wait.
  3. madygrain

    Sounds interesting.
  4. madygrain

    Their last album was better than Wonderful Wonderholic, which I disliked quite a lot. Hope this single gets them back on shape completely.
  5. madygrain

    Acoustic Clean vocals or voicecoded?
  6. madygrain

    A new release is welcome but I really would like to hear the album. Loved Karma.
  7. madygrain

    Loved their last 4 albums and the last singles are really good too so I won't miss this.
  8. madygrain

    Nice! do want.
  9. madygrain

    You can see their new photo and listen a new song here (second link) http://www.jungle.ne.jp/newsfeature/gal ... %EF%BC%81/
  10. madygrain

    I completely agree with champ on this.
  11. madygrain

    Also, new look is quite nice.
  12. madygrain

    I'm affraid bands with fewer fans like suzaku and Vior are going to dissolve after this event. But I agree with the people suggesting he will form a new label soon. Maybe it's just attentionwhoring and they are doing the negastroika move in label version. Over Code Production sounds allright to me. Maybe they disolve that one too and form In Between Code production later.
  13. madygrain

    I though the label was doing ok with the fanmilking and all, but I gess Kisaki's reputation really had something to do with this. I really would like see Suzaku, Vior Gloire and Rin go on any other label.
  14. madygrain

    Yeah, I also curious about the pics. How did you make no one noticed you made it up?
  15. madygrain

    I did not download the file, I did not know about the post. I don't get this at all. Was the point to prove that music is ecually awesome/bad/mediocre/whatever regadless of how the musician behind it is dressed? I think most people know that. Also, Visual Kei it's not even a music genre. I really don't get it. I gess that it was to convince VK-only listeners that the rest of japanese rock is as good if not better than vk...? but even if it's so, what's the purpose at all? like if what people chooses to listen is part of your buisness. Is ok to promote a bigger, argelby more interesting part of the japanese music in a, well, japanese music forum but I think you don't have nothing to prove. People can choose what to listen to. You don't have to aggresively put the music you want people to listen to infront of their faces likes this. If they have genuine interes for japanese music, their interest will shift of expand from VK. But if they are just interested in tranny overdressed dudes playing some rock music, I would personally choose to leave them alone. Was that the point of the disguised songs or did I completely missed it? because it barely makes sense to me, honestly.
  16. madygrain

    I don't think high about K-POP in fact I don't like it at all. I am not also saying that K-POP fans are more mature or grown up. I just wated to say that K-POP fans generally have surpassed that inmature phase of wnating to be part of a group that enbraces the unlikeable the dark and the undergroudish because it's so. In the end, as I said are the same kind of people looking for the same things, and equally annoying and superficial most of the time.
  17. madygrain

    I personally think it's because both are aimed to simmilar people. Both have pop or esy to get into catchyness and "hot dudes" on the videos. VK is more for the pre-teen/teen girl who wants to feel special and still belong to a group and have "alternative" idols that people don't understand or know but they are still good looking to her. K-POP is more for a more grown up girl that does not need to define her caracter and label herself as different. She still want to have a exotic and likeable hobby, and K-POP provides the hotness and the catchyness she needs without the argebly stupid poses and looks of VK and that she may be ashamed by now. That's why I think the "target audience" for VK, at least overseas, tends to shift from one to the other. Their tastes and attitude change, but not their entretaintment needs and preferences.
  18. madygrain

    I rather ask and have the chance to give them a listen to some tracks recomended by some fans that not listen to it at all. They sound pretty awesome, I will try to get to know them a better. Thanks for the tracks posted, everyone!
  19. madygrain

    Who...? Can anyone post any songs on yt or make a recomendation to get to know their work?
  20. Were there any samples for Independent Maze? Never knew...Shame on me I gess.
  21. Different bonus tracks for each version? I hated it when the band did it for the album, still hating it now. But really interested in this. The album was pretty good but if I recall correctly, Kisaki wasn't happy with the current direction of the band. I wonder if we'll see a shift here. Regardless, I'm interested in purchasing one version... but how I am suposed to decide wich one?
  22. madygrain

  23. madygrain

    It better have a truely glossy background if they want it to work. Just the gradient is just not right if they want to be taken seriously.
  24. madygrain

    Limited edition it's worse IMO, that kind of things look cheesier when printed. Regular could be a better collage but at least it has an idea behind it and the composition is good.
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