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Everything posted by madygrain

  1. madygrain

    Yes, that one. It seems it's just for that, feels a little strange though. Mainly because of him not touring is within the band. Maybe he got the money he wanted and he is thinking of leaving the band? I think it's not a secret he and Bansaku went band to baroque because boogieman was making them bleed some money.
  2. madygrain

    I hope the band reforms and continues with no problem at all.
  3. madygrain

    It seems their OHP has announced that the band plans to continue indefinitely without Akira "due to circumstances in the band". May be a mistranslation on my part, though.
  4. madygrain

    Apparently Gan-Shin is bringing this one over, yeah.
  5. madygrain

    They sound really interesting Trombe, thank you very much for posting.
  6. madygrain

    Notable fanmilking attempt, still could learn a couple things from Rame, though.
  7. madygrain

    That first thing is not completely true, but regardless I am not attacking anthing. Just sharing my opinion about the news like everyone, just mine happens to be negative. Well that argument is a bit flawed. My adversion to talent makes me hate good bands, not like the bad ones. My crappy tastes and my lacking criteria take care of that. But you can't blame me, I am a diagnosticated intellectually retarded moron. I also have a small penis and I have been balding since I was 12.
  8. madygrain

    I hope is absence from this project becomes an official permanent status of the band.
  9. madygrain

    Well, that's nice. I look forward to their new music, so far so good. With an actual keyboardist it can be really fun to listen to.
  10. Overreacting to Dumb Posts on the Internet: The Official Novel based on the blockbuster Movie.
  11. madygrain

    Great to know they are back to the studio. Looking forward to their new material.
  12. Will buy silver jacket version
  13. madygrain

    I honestly thought they have always been a terrible, terrible band, although Artistical Glint was a pleasant surprise. Hopefully Vior gloire survives all of this and goes on without UCP, I would really really hate them to disband.
  14. madygrain

    For me there are two things that qualify a person to be able to critique music: 1) being able to feel something towards music, being able to feel pleased or disapointed about music and it's elements and any other feeling in between. This is, not being a robot. 2) being able to racionalize those feelings and being able to create a reasonable explanation about why a particular song makes you feel the way it does. Technical knowledge about music is a plus, but it only helps you know if a piece is good or not, wich does not necessairly determinate if you like it or not or why, as most people here (including myself) loves music produced by Visual Kei bands that tends to be pretty mediocre.
  15. I hope he was air rapping about it, at least.
  16. madygrain

    That collection album gives me the impression they will disband after the promotion tour for this new non fiction thing. Just what I wanted. Thank you, baroque, please proceed.
  17. madygrain

    I am really excited about this album, but I won't listen to it until I get it in the mail. I would like to read some opinions, Though! I would be grateful if you wrote your review here. Thank you in advance.
  18. madygrain

    I like Babylon, Boogieman, Cuckoo, Vidoll, Phantasmagoria, Metronome, Kagerou, BeaU, Guruguru Eikagan, Chemical Pictures, Rentrer en Soi, Versailles, The Legendary Six Nine and Seikima II.
  19. madygrain

    I'm suprised about MEJIBRAY's popularity.
  20. madygrain

    Maybe should we aboid using japanese text and limit us to roman characters?
  21. madygrain

    NIGHTMARE | Madrid and/or Barcelona, Spain MUCC | Madrid and/or Barcelona, Spain PENICILLIN | Madrid and/or Barcelona, Spain DEAD END | Madrid and/or Barcelona, Spain GalapagosS | Madrid and/or Barcelona, Spain
  22. I'm in love with that previews I really hope they relase those songs at retail and online shops, not just as a live distributed single...
  23. madygrain

    I love consecutive releases but what the fuck I've never seen so many types of anything!
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