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Everything posted by madygrain

  1. Liked this bands' covers from Penicillin and hide repectively. Are they any good? Any good point for start listening to them and knowing what to expect from the rest of their discography? Thanks in advance. Posted this here randomly, it may be better suited for the artists subforum but I really don't know. If anyone thinks it should be moved go ahead.
  2. Loving the vintage feeling I get from the melodies. Electronics on the last song were a bit off, though.
  3. madygrain

    That's me most surprising part, bet won't be much longer. Not that I think this weak solo attepts will pay their bills anything, they are as bad together as they are on small stinky chunks. Aiyuurika's enthusiams may make doublecount but I don't think she's fighting with herself just yet.
  4. madygrain

    Great, I will have a chance of finally listening to their own production.
  5. madygrain

    Pressed quote instead of edit.
  6. madygrain

    This looked bad but it's worse than I would have ever expected. The LSN preview sounded almost identical like The Sorrow of the Deciever with some Swallowtail touches here and there further proving that Ruka's creativity for songwriting has been gone long ago. Along with Yusa's completely unfitting and girl like soft vocals we are in for a total mess of a mini album. Hitsugi's song is even worse with a PV filmed in a laughably tiny red box horrible makeup, acting and a shameless hide copying act that so bad hide's ghost wants to be dead again. Cheap melody and vocals that are not worth Hitler's defecation on an stick, even being as edited to the embarassing level they show. How is going Nightmare's music be any good with such talentless and tasteless members that can not do anything decent on their own with the avex production backing them?
  7. madygrain

    Happy birthday Trombe, gyakutai!
  8. madygrain

    I was skipping this band's works on purpose for some time, entered here out of boredom. Song is really nice and I am actually surprised how strong the art direction is on the whole product. I could do without the scream section but otherwise really good sign for this band. Hope the full release and future cds are as good. Is cool to see them recover from... you know, that last horrible couple cds.
  9. Finally they release an album!! can't wait.
  10. This thread is pure gold. Romantica is so amusing in every single way the group members wanted it to be. It's fantastic. I wish I could have seen them live if the ever got to that level. What a experience it would have been.
  11. madygrain

    I can not agree more to this. Credit drama and people trying to become somewhat relevant through being some king of god-tier uploader that believes he or she owns what it shares is something that baffles me. I have mixed feelings. I feel bad uploading, and I really don't want to be associated with it, but I understand it is what keeps the overseas scene going and the best way to get people to know bands and get them invested enough to start buying CDs themselves. But I don't really want myself to be associeted with uploaded files, even if it's just my internet identity or MH/last.fm identity. From that point of wiew, I would prefer my files to be reuploaded so I can quickly let go my responsability on their diffusion. This made me ask credit the band when I upload anything to everyone that shares my file. But if it's reuploaded this credit is vulnerable of disapearing and being shifted into some nickname belonging to someone into the credit wars, so in that regard I rather have the link shared and the band credited instead of some random internet anon that owns www.jajajaviualkeisencondowrldcountry.blogspot.com.
  12. madygrain

    Another disastrous release by this band. But there are no worries, they will disband soon because this single did not even reach top 10 on their first week therefore is a failture that will put the band in debt and make them disband and probably homeless for the rest of their lifes. It's so bad. Dizzy is just a rehash of something they surely did before but I skipped it because it was bad as anything they did after anima. The song is messy I could really not know what was going on. It lacks any structure! Also it uses the same formula that all the bad Nightmare songs wich is intro-verse-chorus-verse-chorus-solo-breakdown-chorus-chorus-end and I got tired of it after the first chorus so I skipped it. 0/10 I'm High roller ha! more like I'm High When I write music!! hahaha who wrote this, a stoned monkey on a stalling helicopter? everything sounds the same and the riff is the same all the time and everything is messy and over the place. -2/10 Killed in Summer terrible, I only hear drums and more drums and bad vocals skipped it half minute in. -7/50 So this music is clearly for weaboos with asperger syndrome that don't know real music. Really bad! This band would be dead if they didn't do anything for anime, their bad songs ony became popular because death note, but without anime they are just unbeareable. Overall I give it half dead crocoach/10
  13. madygrain

    Nightmare's Dizzy is also aviable through EU iTunes.
  14. madygrain

    May be good, but I want Mucc to do fresher things. This sound like their regular pop rock style, wich is ok ut not what I look for when I listen to them.
  15. madygrain

    LSN will release their first mini album titled "BELIAL". Type A - 5 songs + DVD ("BELIAL" PV) x 2625 yen Type B - 6 songs x 2100 yen Gremlins will release their debut maxi single named "the Carnival". Type A - 3 songs + DVD ("the Carnival" PV) x 2100 yen Type B - 4 songs x 1575 yen Both bands will release this CDs on the same date, 2013.10.16. Both projects updated their OHP with group shoots. Gremlins: hitsuuu.me LSN: sics-nine.jp
  16. madygrain

    Wait a second, KNZ is a full time member of GREMLINS!? just noticed that now. What the hell
  17. madygrain

    Could be, but it has been implied by Ruka on Twitter that LSN will have further activities. There could be none but I think this lineup is going to do more than just a concert. I look forward to knowing the tracklist of the concert.
  18. madygrain

    I was really looking forward to the lineups of these projects to be revealed and I am really disappointed. Especially with LSN, they had Misa and Hakuei before. Now they have Sugiya and Shinobu which are amazing... but... oh man, Yusa and Kei are so out of place. I never liked Kei, I think he's terrible at guitar. Yusa is just unfitting for a band that used to have a Hakuei and Twiggy duo doing vocals. If Ruka's songs in Nightmare are any sign it looks like this is going to be heavy/dark electro rock. This guys are just not up to the task. I only think the Kiddie guy is on board because Nightmare and that band are managed by the same company. Gremlins I give them the benefit of the doubt, but I am not pleased. Having someone from SuG is not a good sign for me in the performance department (not to say Hitsugi's vocals are still yet to be proven worthy of their own project...). I look forward to them having CD releases. I really want them to prove my first impressions wrong. But man, this is underwhelming.
  19. madygrain

    I was expecting this song to be a heavier version of star spangled breaker with some electronic arrangement here and there, so I was not excited for it, but it turned out to be much better. Nightmare has to have the most cheap PVs in all avex.
  20. madygrain

    It was confusing. I was so happy ViViD disbanded and sad at the same time because they were coming back. You are an emotion dispenser, Trombe!
  21. madygrain

    Hope you have a nice birthday!
  22. madygrain

    I wonder if it will sound like taboo or he will play it more safe. I like what Ken did on the single, but I am not sold on Kaya.
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