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Everything posted by madygrain

  1. madygrain

    They loaded perfectly for me. I am using chrome.
  2. madygrain

    If someone want some previews, you are served: http://avexnet.or.jp/nightmare/scums/
  3. smh expecting UCP revival events through this/next year and official relaunch in 2015 ~ That's waaaaaaay too late. I think he will announce UNDERSTROIKA PRODUCTION like in 5 months.
  4. madygrain

  5. madygrain

  6. Sounds cool but I would like it more if it was sung by any of boogieman's vocalists. Looking forward to what they do.
  7. madygrain

    I also liked the portion of the song that was shown to us. I don't judge easily but I have no complaints so far.
  8. madygrain

    nice sounding titles.
  9. madygrain

    Lazy PV, song sounds OK so far. Looks like this new album could be The World Ruler 2.0 in therms of sound. As far as the tracklist goes, I like they are using long japanese names again but aside from that I really do not like the song names. Other thing that bothers me a lot is that if deus ex machina is the song that ends the album because it is a clousure song it should be like that in al versions. I will be getting C type for the extra songs but I really fucking hate when they stick those at the end. Their prior album was also like that and was the only thing I did not like. I moved Dazzle and located it before sleeper when I ripped the album for my portable player but I use the actual CDs quite a lot in home and I want them to have a proper, climatic ending.
  10. madygrain

    Their new pic kicks so much ass.
  11. madygrain

    ASSaulter has been played on the radio a couple times so I would say they are on the promotion phase already, so I would not expect a posponement. Tracklist will come soon for sure.
  12. wasn't this guys also on that kone (hari) band? Chemical P was awesome, kind of sad.
  13. madygrain

    One of the members is a dog. I am sold on this.
  14. madygrain

    Holy shit Trombe, seeing the title up again made my heart shake xD I am curious about the acoustic versions and the floppy covers. I hope we can listen to them in future releases. It is also nice to see new songs there (数多因果を含む黒, 俺なんて )
  15. Another one!? I still want to get the previous 2... I wonder if ポリンキーJPN did something in the band or he was just another air-breakdance-rapper.
  16. madygrain

    The singles as a whole or just the a-sides?
  17. madygrain

    Type C Type A Type B I am ok with the designs but I don't like them.
  18. madygrain

    I hope we can buy this overseas.
  19. madygrain

    Sounds ok, but we already have Kannivalism for this. Their look is nice.
  20. madygrain

    I was really looking forward to this game since I love the saga's gameplay but I do not like the game system on this one. I feel like the combat and scenario design make some quite boring gameplay so far. Presentation looks really cool on the other hand, with the rebooted Dante and the morphing enviroments.
  21. madygrain

    They should be fucking ashamed.
  22. madygrain

    Selling a phone case for 400 bucks is stupid regardless of who sells it. But even more stupid seems to me defending such thing. Or worse, buying it!
  23. madygrain

    Guitarist Hitsugi had an accident after the show in which they announced the news. He broke his collarbone. This may take from 8 to 10 weeks to recover. Activities will be probably postponed, including album release, but expect actual announcements in that regard soon. Let's hope he recovers well. He have been resting since and he is currently OK.
  24. madygrain

    SO SOON!? This is great!
  25. Their 2nd release was not as cool as the first. The new songs is cool but I miss the electronic + rap+ rock + hakuei thing they did at first. I thought it was fucking awesome.
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