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Everything posted by madygrain

  1. madygrain

    Weren't some GazettE members DEG roadies in the first place? I am not a huge fan on any of this bands but DEG keeps my interest while Gazette don't. I don't think a musical comparation per se would be possible since they do quite different music now but it's clear for me that in therms of skill DEG is better. I like this concept of band battle I wish we can see more in the future with more balanced contestants xd
  2. madygrain

    Nope. Do you feel motivated today?
  3. madygrain

    Finally, great news.
  4. He wanted Kissinger to keep the record to him, or so Felix says. It could be since they were chatting during the ascension via radio. I don't think the visor thing should be a problem since he was in constan communication with the ground staff.
  5. madygrain

    I liked Brilliant force more than illegal other side, but they release pretty consistent stuff. I like the new song.
  6. ^With two Kagerou members in that, I would be surprised if it turned out that way.
  7. madygrain

    Many bands can do jazzy songs, few can do it right. Nightmare is one of those but it does not mean everthing jazzy they do is gold. Their works on that aspect tends to be over average in the VK scene at least, though.
  8. madygrain

    I think it would be a more jazzy version of Sawllowtail, if that makes any sense.
  9. madygrain

    Yes, always a great experience. Do you like dogs?
  10. madygrain

    I agree with almost everything Ito said. I honestly find it underpowered/too late in the cycle, pricy, lacking the novelty of the original Wii. The new gamepad looks like a extrapolation of their DS hardware and a really extrange attept of getting on the tablet wagon without putting multitouch funcionality or being able to carry it around your house. Weird. I like some of the first party Nintendo titles but as an owner of all the current platforms from this generation I really think the launch lineup is really lacking a powerfull exclusive game for the most enthusiastic players. As much as I love Smash, I would rather pick a 3DS, cheaper and with a more solid exclusive lineup that will also have that very same game. Bayonetta 2 and monster hunter 3G are tempting but again, the second one only makes 3DS more desireable, not WiiU. And the first one, well, that was kind of a low blow. At least we are getting I secuel somehow, I gess. I am not sure about the friend codes thing though, their PR said people would have some kind of profile.
  11. Well, they have not announced boogieman's disbandment but their drummer lives now out of tokyo, the guitarists are both in different bands now and their bassist and vocalist seem to have disappeared from earth. I don't think they will go on, honestly.
  12. madygrain

    Nice, we may have news then.
  13. Finally Yuana moves on. I love boogieman and it will remain as one of my favorite vk bands ever, but at their current state I prefer its (former?) members doing anything else. Also, Kazu! Hope this comes along as kagerou 2.0. I am not sure about the vocalist, though.
  14. I feel kind of bad for liking their music, but they always look awesome.
  15. madygrain

    Title track is composed by Ruka.
  16. madygrain

    The dark jazzmen theme of the look is indeed rising my expectations.
  17. madygrain

    Since hey have been on avex their C type covers have allways been a photo of the members :/ I really don't like that trend.
  18. madygrain

    New look on OHP CD covers can also be seen, but really small as always.
  19. madygrain

    Are they still indies? And they play on ZEPP venues? wow.
  20. madygrain

    Still not sure about the suzaku thing.
  21. I guess I am the only one liking the preview.
  22. madygrain

    This basically. Yoshiki just started recording this and It's already putting a release year. Like if any of the years the X JAPAN album was going to be release meant anything.
  23. madygrain

    The ones kisaki posted on twitter and you can see in the first post. I was joking, though.
  24. madygrain

    Fans report that the pictures provided by Kisaki are stock pictures with the band members photoshopped in them.
  25. madygrain

    Release has been pushed back to the 28th according to OHP.
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