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Everything posted by madygrain

  1. madygrain

    Is that a full album!?
  2. Seems like they will be doing heavy/sad/dark music in tone but built upon pop catchyness. I'm interested.
  3. I didn't know that about the a-sides re-recordings. So no more one-by-one cashgrab? inb4 Awakening for Recollection phoenix tracklist: 01.凛(lin) 02.Call Back 03.Freedom 04.The Psalms and Lamentations 05.Foolish 06.Metamorphose 07.Silent to my pain 08.Flowers Bloom Privilege CD for this release: Feeling Universe
  4. The song selection isn't too hot. Sure, I like lin, but sans Psalms and Lamentations, everything left are just some b sides I am not into too much. I rather have the rest of their old singles re-recorded. But since they did Metamorphose and Silent to my Pain and they are not releasing it on this I guess they will keep the better/more interesting songs to a separate one-by-one release for further cashgrab.
  5. I completely agree with this. I hope Shuuji leaves instead of Kenjirou though.
  6. "Who is Member?" Does anybody here actually know who this Member guy is?
  7. madygrain

    I'm glad we're getting Tales of Hearts R, but It saddens me to no end that means we're not getting the original vanilla Tales of Hearts wich is a completely different game and superior in every single ascpect that is not purely technical. I didn't want to turn this to a game about talking about games the previous poster mentioned, but since we all know what Smash Bros. is... Meet the expanded version of the 4th installment of the king of the kill big monster→carve→make bigger weapon→repeat kind-of-game. It's a game about hitting dinosaurs that shoot lasers with big heavy hammers, stupidly long swords, bows and many other weapons. And in this game, even more than ever. It's Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate. But mostly it's about weapon mastery, timing, pattern learning, strategy and having a lot of fun watching your friends die (but not too much! this is a cooperative game, you know). That's why it's particularly welcome that this is the first portable Monster Hunter game to feature online (in the west, at least). Other features include a new aerial combat system, a greater degree of movility on vertical surfaces and the return of in-land only hunts, among lots of new content from the vanilla Monster Hunter 4, wich has been expanded on, that will probably make it the most complete version of the game in the whole series, hopefully. The game is set for an early 2015 relase in the west.
  8. madygrain

    Yeah, releasing fighting games on arcade first is business as usual in japan. What I don't think is that the interest on the WiiU is going to be enough in 2016 to release anything, knowing Nintendo's consoles lifespan. The only good think I see about this game (appart from, well, Pokemon, I gess) is that the main programmer on the Soul Calibur series is working on the game (directing, if I got it right). I like SC much better than Tekken so may find some redeeming quality. But honestly, Tekken's system and overall flow of battle bores me to death.
  9. madygrain

    I am surprised how well recieved this was. As with Hyrule Warriors, it's just another game with a Nintendo IP skin over it, in this case Pokemon instead of Zelda and Tekken instead of Dinasty Warriors. As someone that gets bored by Tekken Pokemon are not going to get me interested. But clearly I am in the minority since people that did not like the series or never showed any interested are excited by this. And it doesn't even look good graphically or artistically. The power of pokeymans I gess.
  10. madygrain

    I wish I would not like this band's music so much. They don't do shit and keep teasing us so much I don't think they deserve anyone's attention right now. But shit when they get something together I really like it. It's unfair. They should sound like the assholes they are, not good. Don't make me want to give they money in exchange of their work. I shouldn't.
  11. Things that stood out for me: -All this business is suposedly mostly based on men's sexual frustration and being unable to get dates with girls at a young age. -Parents willing to sell their daughters to Zegen thugs. This is disturbing and really fucked up socially and culturally wise. They have a lot of work to do. -"Most telling of all, they were excessively and agressively, ordinary." This whole thing is pretty ugly but I have to admit this is really smart. They are fantasy fulfillment so why go for the godess-like beauties? They are not many of those in high schools so better to drop the idea entirely and make the fantasy more realistic somewhat. I honestly don't see this kind of thing as bad of perverted in the abstract terms of "having ordinary people be superstars". I think western stars are forced to be too unreal creating unreasonable fantasies for many people. Having the level of fantasy, perfection or to put it simple "photoshopness" drop would be beneficial in my opinion. It was an interesting read, thanks for the link. i kind of lament this was just a book review I would like it to be much more insightful like Zess says. But even if it doesnt seem well documented or unbiased, brought interesting things up for me. I also didn't know Babymetal has ever appeared in suggestive mags. Awful.
  12. madygrain

  13. madygrain

    Worse than death, could only take 3 secods of each song except for the third one. That was two seconds. I counted them.
  14. I'm confused, is this releasing before or after their new mini album?
  15. All I asked was let me dream. All I asked.
  16. I really hope they stop for a good while. I did not like their latest stuff and if there is a chance XA-VAT and Cuckoo are back I will take it.
  17. madygrain

    You sure? Terrorists groups claim the acts their members commit because their entire group is dedicated to it. Its their way of sending messages and trying what they want. You're just assuming that just because he was affiliated to a Men's Right organization, that group is, supportive and somewhat guilty of it because you decided they're the same kind of dude. Your fist two lines are quite a mess. Religion based terrorism is different from the people having faith in said religion...but it's a good example about individual actions being pinned to a whole group of people is legit? Alright. Misogeny and sexism are the words modern day "feminism" like to throw around when they detect any stance that differs with the movement. Being the subject an organization that not only aknowledges men have rights as well, thet even admits they can be comprised and fight that actively, wich is the opposite of what a faction of modern day "feminism" aims to achieve I remain skeptical. And doesn't surprise me at all seeing it getting compared to terrorism and spiritual fanatism at the first chance, honestly. Sounds like the only cases of sexist violence or murder have a male perpetrator and a female victim. I wonder if it ever happens the other way around. After a quick google search it indeed seems that these are a thing as well. But I gess it only sexism on the first case. The more you know...! Yes. Its not like if he killed all those people to steal their wallets. He killed them because his sense of justice, retaionships and himself were fucked up. Specially with his videos. You can see nobody would say "he killed them because black people are all criminals" after hearing him talk. What do you mean with this? denied in what context? Is killing people due to feeling entitled to any gril to spread her legs for you not serious enough for you to not be considered illness? Let me tell you, dear, life experience is not exclusive to you. This guy being Asylum material its an insult to other mentally ill people? Its like saying that having cancer is an insult to people with appendicitis. I don't even have a clue of what you're thinking.
  18. madygrain

    Is he a top name at MRA? Did the MRA support his actions? Why do this individual's action and morals extend to a group he signed to join? I honestly think when someone that talks the way he talks in his videos and ends up killing people because of his beliefs is not a sane person. Regardless of gender, race, sex, etc.
  19. madygrain

    Those are the real bad news
  20. madygrain

    Go Ukranie but not Spain...? Do we look that bad srsly...?
  21. madygrain

    If they're in japanese why should I give a fuck about them? In fact the only reason I listen to music in a language I can not understand is for not having to endure the terrible writers most band have.
  22. Label owns the songs. Label milks the songs.
  23. madygrain

    Mini/album release should be around the corner. The special band sounds nice.
  24. I'm starting to like Sui's vocals, what the fuck is worng with me? I'm ashamed of myself again.

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