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Everything posted by madygrain

  1. madygrain

    Cool. Sucks about the live limited stuff though.
  2. 20 people that will buy 250 tickets each, remember that.
  3. Someone introduced me to X JAPAN on 2004. I was already interested in Japanese music because of games and stuff, looked for bands from there and stayed.
  4. Same here. I hope Super Booger Man and Such a Nonsense being bonus songs mean they're looking into creating better heavy songs instead of discarding them.
  5. madygrain

    Their last album was pretty ok, good for them to end on a high note.
  6. madygrain

    That lineup sounded like ass, I hope Yusa and Kei get the kick and pick some actually talented people.
  7. Intrigued by his words. He worked a lot with tons of bands back in the day. He's pretty decent.
  8. madygrain

    Cautiously optimistic. I mean, not for the CD but for the quality of the lulz that will be generated by it's delay or underwhelming release.
  9. Is it shop-exclusive, live distributed or something like that? Or can we expect it so see it on neowing?
  10. madygrain

    New look and covers on the OHP.
  11. Tales of Zestiria looks pretty rad

  12. madygrain

    TABOO was a contract deal with some horror movie to get a theme/credits song from Nightmare so they threw some To Be leftover since they just finished the album. I expect this to be much better even though I did not dislike TABOO.
  13. madygrain

    Sounds like their best release since their full album.
  14. madygrain

    Mexican food is awesome
  15. Live limited mini album. Come on now.
  16. Yes, he swiched accounts after OP was made.
  17. The full lineup sounds very promising
  18. madygrain

    That sounds really promising. Their last album was a bit harder and monochromatic than what I would have liked/guessed. This direction seems much more of my cup of tea when comes to this band.
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