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Everything posted by madygrain

  1. Flowering is much better than Fantastic Magic lol. Having a hard time getting into Lin Toshite Shigure's stuff. TK's solo project is so much easier to digest.

    1. CAT5


      I agree about Flowering. Which ling releases have you tried?

  2. why not release it on regular shops tho ;_;
  3. It's the second time they release new material as Live only... I hope the trend ends...
  4. madygrain

    All songs will be Sakito's. It's been a while since this happened. Probably Ruka is doubling down on LSN?
  5. madygrain

    PV preview in a month from now I gess.
  6. madygrain

    Sure, still I think a very limited contract would work very well for all involved. There is absolutely some cash to be made of this release wich is alledgedly already finished, so production costs should not be high at all if Yoshiki isn't bluffing. Promotion would probably require more effort but I think dealing with this album is some easy money. Again, if Yoskiki isn't full of BS again, that is.
  7. madygrain

    I'm baffled they are not able to get a publishing deal. It makes no sense.
  8. Hugh? that's actually much better than usual.
  9. madygrain

    Sharaku does both in GalapagosS. Jun (gotcharocka gu.) also played and sung at the same time in Spiv States. Plastic Tree's vo. also plays guitar live.
  10. madygrain

    Being a Nightmare hater is just so old fashioned. When it comes to Nightmare, it is showing condescending apathy with a bit of ocasional and supressed animosity what gives you a conossieur status or an irrefutable good taste. You have to play it cool to be in. Like, liking them ironically or teaching others what can they like from them or how. Don't create a mood in wich people can sense how intense your irrationally negative feelings for the band are, but just don't let the people who may be excited about Nightmare talk about them without having a complete rundown on how they suck either. With luck, the people who just like their music will go away and traffic will be redirected to the posts about the bands considered 'worthwhile'.
  11. Candidate proposals are now closed. I'm unsure if I will carry on with the stated plans since participation has been somewhat low and most entries are tied with 1 vote.
  12. madygrain

    I wasn't expecting the to re-record stuff. This makes the CD much more interesting.
  13. Nightmare has announced that their new single "Awakening." (3 types) will be released on march 23rd 2016 along with their third best of album "best tracks 2000-2005 [clowns]". "Awakening." track list: 1.Awakening. 2.Twelve 3.VISUAL-KEI IS NOT DEAD, CUZ THEY'RE UNDEAD (included in type C) I swear I didn't make the last track title up.
  14. madygrain

    Dunno... He was pretty ok with it un metronome and cuckoo... Even in early GalapagosS.
  15. madygrain

    No idea of what kind of stuff he does solo... but I gess it's the same stuff he always does... too bad because his natural vocals are very interesting to listen to. I personally loved them in Cuckoo. I'd love that band to come back and release an album but I gess that train departed loooong looong ago.
  16. madygrain

    he was doing tons of solo lives lately, so I kind expected it. I wonder if there's any chance he'll step out of his confort zone.
  17. madygrain

    I still don't know why they think Star Spangled Breaker is a song woth playing. Otherwise, pretty good setlist! Livehouse looks packed, nice to see them doing well.
  18. madygrain

    Doing a whois on their OHP reveals interesting information. The site was created in early july, that fits the idea the band was formed in spring. It took them a while to get rolling so probably It will be the same now. Also the site status is clientTransferProhibited wich probably means they are not going to recover it... or at least not with ease or soon. It expires in a year, so rebuying it and taking control of it then is a posibility, just in time for launching the band again... if they can. Thinking about burnt expenses, it may be actually quite a bit of money. Their recording resorurces can be reused but they need new lyrics and vo., their PV raw cuts can be edited but new shots of a new vo. should be taken, so may as well re-record it altogether... photoshoots and the artist book they were going to release have to be redone entirely... so band's viability it is very much at risk even if "KIKU" was not able to straight up grab their money and run, wich is still possible. Fingers crossed...
  19. I hope Yokoyama Toworu gets punched in the face everyday for a couple years.

    1. herpes


      why would you wish that on the new guitarist of Angelo????

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