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Everything posted by madygrain

  1. Seeing how his management is oriented I don't expect much in terms of a hard rock sound.
  2. Another album I'll be buying this year! 2017 is being great for me so far. Stoked for megamasso too.
  3. I liked the first release a lot too. Hope they prosper.
  4. madygrain

    wow that was confusing for me. Thanks.
  5. Sui looks like he's going to drop a very big poop in every single photo. What a weird pose.
  6. madygrain

    I never followed Lezard or loud grape but he is a nice singer. Looks like an I retesting shift in tone. Any idea how they could sound? It's interesting seeing this could be a calmer band than Lezard. Hopefully all vocals are clean.
  7. madygrain

    new thingie
  8. madygrain

    Hugh I did not gave GRIMOIRE a chance and that track convinced me. LACK-CO sounds worth looking into too. I wasn't chemical pictures biggest fan (vene though I liked them) but I can see myself getting into L-C. Surprised by Grieva's popularity.
  9. madygrain

    So nobody asked what kind of music are they playing or what bands are they going to be inspired by? Or how many members are they...
  10. madygrain

    I'm offended by OP. I pay my fee every year to get all that juicy downloads. If OP wants that too he should pay as well or give me other benefits for my premium susbcription like one dinner with Sharaku a year, free tickets to Maria Cross outdoor performances or significant discounts on that pesky rarezhut shop. Or global admin status with no responsability, that works too.
  11. madygrain

    I feel ex.Vent Croix Vo. Is wasted on this...
  12. madygrain

    I was meaning it honestly. Little Hearts push the scene a lot and they produce tons of meaningful events that are super good for medium sized indies as well as bigger bands.
  13. I like how the vocals con trust with the instruments. And it's daily catchy too. I'll try grabbing it.
  14. madygrain

    this is super important, awesome news.
  15. madygrain

    I would be surprised if all members are newbies or have had shorter careers
  16. madygrain

    My prediction is that it will be a good year. My hopes: - Stereo C.K. album - Tons of new promising and diverse new rookie bands -ISUKE and Akira new band -New Nightmare related projects turn out ok -More interesting European tours -I find a way to get Last Girl Hikasa material -Megamasso returns and its great -Rame new band doesn't suck -Ice/Eros new stuff doesn't suck too much either -Bands in general surprise everyone not disbanding all that much
  17. I guess I'll buy it BTW Crazy Crazy has a unmastered preview on the band's soundcloud https://soundcloud.com/lsn-tokyo
  18. madygrain

    Hugh I don't even know the bands they're playing with on the demo lives. Much harder to know who could they be if they aint rookies. They don't look like it. They sound ok. No grunts are welcome. Hope the chorus is catchy.
  19. madygrain

    Thanks for the story. I hope Kei still lives on the Avex basement.
  20. madygrain

    I don't think they will keep the secret up much. I'd bet we will know more about them before march 4th
  21. madygrain

    Vivid fiasco? Never followed the band much. I like t-t-t-take off when it released tho. Some wtf stuff: 1.Kiwamu chair antics took to long to be mentioned in this thread. They defined an era here. 2.Of all the bands that could go super popular in vk and go mainstream... golden bomber was the chosen one. 3.Vior Gloire: releases super good album, then disappears.
  22. Bad news for me. LSN Lineup (seems like a permanent lineup this time): Dr. RUKA (Nightmare) Vo.揺紗 (Yusa) (Guts and Death) Gu.Shinobu (Creature creature) Gu.Shinichirou Saitou (12012) Ba.SUGIYA (Moi Dix Mois)
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