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Everything posted by madygrain

  1. Guest Artist (text format): aie from Gibkiy Gibkiy Gibkiy, the god and death stars) 鋲 (Byo) ex. Screw Cazqui from NOCTURNAL BLOODLUST Hitomi 怜 (Ryo) from BAROQUE, kannivalism Ryo from for severe addicts only Sakura from Gibkiy Gibkiy Gibkiy, Rayflowfer, ZIGZO) SATOち (satochi) from MUCC 静海 (Shizumi) ex.蜉蝣 (kagerou) 逹瑯 (Tatsurou) from MUCC ツバキ (Shubaki [?]) ex. Sel'm ユアナ (Yuana) from boogieman, STEREO C.K. Guest DJ: 愁 (Shuu) from THEE MAD COUNTRY'S STORE Felt thread worthy for the huge lineup and session potential. Expecting Yuana and Hitomi session for the old times.
  2. never got into how they sound (even if 2017 nen 7 tsuki 21 nichi no nikki was able to hold my attention) but they surely have a superb visual art direction. Really wish I liked them.
  3. madygrain

    No they don't. They have a jimdo website and no releases.
  4. this guys are clearly doing well but I absolutely don't want them to be a trend setter.
  5. madygrain

    bands being currently distributed by enter brain (some old/not active ones included): Probably promoting some new band. Not too excited, but could be good.
  6. madygrain

    Hope they don't scream too much...
  7. madygrain

    Drummers are so rare they are lucky to recruit one fast instead of having to contract support.
  8. madygrain

    That doesn't sound good!...
  9. madygrain

    No samples?
  10. madygrain

    Nightmare's Yomi new band TAKE NO BREAK >be Yomi >start damaging your vocal chords around 2014 >restrain your vocal range and performance for Nightmare while it does worse >get a polyp around 2016 >get barely any treatment >go back to touring and recording and definetly ruining your voice for good >band decides you are a fucking jerk and decides for you that they are going to have an hiatus so you can fucking heal >get a new band >call it TAKE NO BREAK because hah! who needs that!? >it sounds unbeareable >not all the vocal filtering and programming cand mask how awful vocals sound >master everthing so instruments and effects are also very loud >still unbeareable to hear >"it's BOOM BOOM SATELLITES influence" >Nobody buys that >now hitsugi sings better than you >now Sakito sings better than you >be grateful the other 2 nightmare members arent opening their mouths to sing and probably embarassyou further >continue touring and ruining your throat for nine months until you will have to retire I can not stress how awful it sounds.
  11. madygrain

    It's so demodé is endearing.
  12. madygrain

    They've grown on me a little, the first song on their CD has some interesting bits here and there. There is potential.
  13. madygrain

    All this new bands sound the same...
  14. madygrain

    Despite the constant negative press pafevfe
  15. madygrain

    not the sound I was expecting. They're not too bad but I was expecting something more mature and distinct. Vo. sounds just like everyone else these days.
  16. madygrain

    Rose of Peinapple pen I dig it
  17. madygrain

  18. madygrain

    Is this decade old vk band disbandment week?
  19. madygrain

    He will surely continue. I really have to catch up with them.
  20. madygrain

    Way too early for a best of indeed. I hope they release another álbum before disbanding. I thought they were working very well. Maybe they are and I am being just too paranoid.
  21. madygrain

    I don't get the hype around this guy. Hope he ends up doing something interesting.
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