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Everything posted by madygrain

  1. madygrain

    Sad... but they had a great run.
  2. I was hoping to see ex. brq Akira new project around this time now but it seems clear he´s not coming back any time soon. All that The Droop stuff was such a shame.


    Other stable projects I like like Stereo C.K. have been silent for ages and only play from time to time.


    Thank god for Yumeleep, Zonbi, and Sioux  for being new stuff I can follow.


  3. madygrain

    I kinda like it
  4. madygrain

    Same lineup This was an exciting project one... now it has consistency wich Is great but I would love them to surprise me more like with the first release wich felt much riskier and uncommon.
  5. madygrain

    And I will buy it again
  6. madygrain

    Cool last album was very solid
  7. MTV had an interview with them were they said Boom Boom Satellites will be an influence for them so this will surely be... interesting knowing Jun's/Yomi's career so far. That kind of style would explain how he is able to still sing while trying to recover his chords. That CD cover artwork looks pretty amateurish...
  8. madygrain

    Great read
  9. Vocals are a bit weak as expected but sounds very solid!
  10. Nothing new. Sakito said on twitter that the extra song for regular editiom was poorly recorded so it would not be included... but it existence wasn't announced so the latest piece of news is actually non-news.
  11. madygrain

    It is going to be crap lol
  12. Gotcharocka keeps impressing me. I did not hope them to top Royale, but so far Screamy is up there.


    I really like the consistency of the quality in their work.

  13. madygrain

    Another one of these? Boooring
  14. madygrain

    Raise that video editor's salary
  15. He is playing a character. It's so clear it is funny you are talking about it with such intensity. Nightmare has been around with this lineup for ages. Ruka has been the most prolific songwriter in the band. He went on and did sendai kamotsu with them and wrote songs for it. He joins Yomi and Hitsugi on their dumb nico nico crap sometimes. If he disliked the band so much and was annoyed by silliness that would not had been like that. He is putting on a show to seem more interesting because he's probably a fairly boring anime/visual novel/idol otaku.
  16. Sakito will act as Vo. and Gu. Confirmed
  17. The amount of glorified solo vocalist projects on the show makes it look like it is like the kid's table. Didn't knew 168 was still doing stuff.
  18. Wow I missed all the excitement around this band. Will check them out.
  19. Glad it's a regular... the mini costs a fortune because is web limited...
  20. It is kinda like Japanese Bunbury actually.
  21. Yes, I know. But again, I just want to keep my expectations in check and warn others. Chances of being how I said are still fair enough, as far as I heard from what was played at that live.
  22. wow, that was much better than what I was expecting.
  23. Sorry for breaking it for you but Jekigan Meister is mostly a DJ act. I would not expect many actual instrunents being played and absolutely no major vocal feature. I wish I was wrong but I really think keeping expectations in check here is important. It will be mostly electronic music with rock elements. I also prefer Sakito's music to Ruka's. I find Ruka much more formulaic and disjointed. I honesly like both. But I don't think this particular work is going to do it for anyone expecting Sakito to flourish in a style simmilar to Nightmare. I think LSN is going to be closer in sound to Nightmare than Jekigan.
  24. madygrain

    No order and japanese only, for now: X - Blue Blood Dead End- Shambara Mucc - Kyuutai Versailles - Jubilee Nightmare - Anima Phantasmagoria - Requiem - Floral Edition Penicillin - Ultimate Velocity XA-VAT - 艶°C Cali Gari - Dai 5 Jikkenshitsu
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