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Everything posted by madygrain

  1. madygrain

    I don't like arlequin or pentagon but did enjoy their release. I want to think there's potential.
  2. madygrain

    I'm... not good at faces. Any clue?
  3. madygrain

    I do hear fukusuke in Metronome and The Beethoven
  4. I know, it's they smaller venue close to the actual dome, but it's still pretty big. I remember bands I thought to be much bigger than Daizystripper like Baroque or Nightmare played there. I was not expecting them to have an event there. It's bigger than most ZEPP venues wich are almost limited to long standing bands, right?
  5. wow I remember listening tho their first single when it was released and buying those 2 albums they released on the same day. Now they play on the Tokyo Dome Hall for their tour finals? I thought they leaked long ago but they have grown a lot.
  6. madygrain

    They're super late for promo, in general. I'm a bit torn on this too. It's good but it didn0t get me like the 1st release. I was also expecting a more diverse set of songs compared to what they did previously. It will all grow on me with ease, though.
  7. Seems Kaz will take his time to recover, but he will return to the band when he's better. In the meantime Chariots has supended activities from nov 23rd. including their one man on that same date Until then though, the 3 remaining members will act with a support gu. From the start of the suspension of the activities of Chariots they will play under the name 37564-ミナゴロ-( 37564 minagoro) and being a different band (?) Their intention is to be able to come back as Chariots asap, though. Here's the original message for a better interpretation:
  8. madygrain

    Nov-dec-jan is already is looking super interesting, but I expect march to have many interesting releases too, as usual.
  9. I hope Sakito takes some singing lessons too. He's not bad but there is room for improvement.
  10. madygrain

    Actually memeshikute is a 2009 song so... it counts as a 00's boom byproduct too, technically...
  11. I'd say Ruka is competing against everyone since LSN is the only project that has never done a gig with any of the others. That, or they're givig him the cold shoulder. It could be an avex thing, though. Grenblins and Jakigan are both still under it and Take no Break doesn't seem to have a lot of live presence (plus it seems they're trying to distance themselves from the vk scene).
  12. madygrain

    Lol I didn't event count them, I assumed there were just 4 of them since Kei left. He's SUGIYA (Moi dix Mois, ZIZ, LSN as support).
  13. madygrain

    LSN (NIGHTMARE's dr. Ruka solo project) new single LIMIT will release on december 6, 2017. CD typing and tracklisting [Type:A] 2,000 JPY + tax  ■CD   1_LIMIT   2_maze  ■DVD   1_LIMIT( MUSIC VIDEO ) 2_かみさまのいうとおり? [LIVE at CHAOS PARTY] 3_Monsters inc, [LIVE at CHAOS PARTY]  □[Type:B]1,500 JPY + tax  ■CD   1_LIMIT   2_maze   3_Villain New band photo LSN current lineup reminder: Vo. 揺紗 ( 華族 → THE KIDDIE → GUTS AND DEATH、LSN as support) Gu. 齋藤 紳一郎 (12012、LSN as support) Gu.SUGIYA (Moi dix Mois, ZIZ, LSN as support). Ba. Shinobu (Creature Creature, LSN as support) Dr. Ruka (NIGHTMARE, LSN)
  14. JAKIGAN MEISTER (NIGHTMARE's gu. Sakito solo project as vo. & gu.) new single スターゲイザー (Stargazer) will release on november 22, 2017. CD typing and tracklisting Type:A 【CD+DVD】 2,000 JPY + tax  [CD]   1.スターゲイザー   2.Title TBA   3.Title TBA [DVD]   「スターゲイザー」Music Clip Type:B 【CD】1,800 JPY + tax   1.スターゲイザー   2.Title TBA   3.Title TBA
  15. madygrain

    That's too bad... What kind of stuff did they play? Did Mr.X chocke inside that bag?
  16. madygrain

    I have to listen to this guys
  17. madygrain

    Keep us informed please!
  18. Right. He played Sasuke on some theatrical adaptaion of Naruto, wich seems to be a thing.
  19. madygrain

    Sid is looking for their missing clothes right now
  20. Euclid Agency (artist management/CD recoding & publishing titan that has Golden Bomber, Anli Pollicino, some Penicillin side projects, etc, under their belt) has announced that actor Ryuji Sato is starting his solo project titled The Brow Beat under the ballisticly original artistic name "Ryuji". The whole thing is being musically produced (aka songwriting and musician selection) by Penicillin's Vo and general VK legend Hakuei. Ryuji seems to have a very prolific role in theathers, TV drama and some movies. He has been doing a musical play lately so he has some performance experience. Admiteldy, I had no idea of who he is and have to look all of this stuff up, but, yeah, he's a big deal. His first album 「ラグナロク」 (Ragnarok) will be released Jan 1st 2018 under TAMULA (Euclid's sublabel for Penicillin Side projects) in 3 types: A: CD+DVD (DVD: 2 PVS + MAKING) 2800JPY + tax B: CD+DVD+ Ragnarok Photobook (320 pages) 2800JPY + tax C: CD +DVD + Branded Bandana 2800JPY + tax CD tracklist +credits 1.アイリス 作詞:Ryuji 作曲:渡辺壮祐 編曲:tatsuo 2.ジセイノク 作詞:HAKUEI 作曲・編曲:tatsuo 3.unlost 作詞:Ryuji 作曲:HAKUEI 編曲:tatsuo 4.scarlet syndrome 作詞:HAKUEI 作曲・編曲:tatsuo 5.パラノイド・スター 作詞:HAKUEI 作曲・編曲:tatsuo 6.Black & Black 作詞:HAKUEI・Ryuji 作曲・編曲:tatsuo 7.Browbeat 作詞・作曲:HAKUEI 編曲:tatsuo ※プレス限定盤Cのみ、ボーナストラックとして、 HAKUEI「日本」のカヴァー曲入りの全8曲 DVD Content 1.アイリス(Music Video) 2.Black & Black(Music Video) 3.Making No support or recording members have been announced at this time. Euclid themselves already have a decent pool. The real interesting thing is Hakuei gabbing his phone though. Look at the credits for his latest solo album if you don't know what I mean. While Free Will and Goemon put their bets on Kizu and the still very mysterious Poidol respectively, Euclid seems to be making their next big move now that Zonbi has found their footing. Interesting stuff.
  21. -Mr. Sui it seems your new CD is sold out already and it's not even released yet. Congratulations, sir! -It's not over -W-what do you mean by that s-sir...? -Print another type. -We can't do that sir we already told the fans how ma... -PRINT IT -Yes, Mr. Sui...
  22. madygrain

    How much would this album be if some of those guests wrote the songs for him? This will sadly remain unanswered.
  23. madygrain

    1.Nightmare 2.boogieman 3.Penicillin 4.Metronome 5.Mucc 6.Amber Gris 7.Versailles 8.Kagerou 9.Phantasmagoria 10.Megamasso
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