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Everything posted by madygrain

  1. madygrain

    No hiatus finally? This guys seriously need to move on...
  2. madygrain

    2012, the year of the shitty, pointless, cashgrabbing reunions.
  3. madygrain

    Wow, Floppy and GalapagosS album y the same year? Sure Sharaku is willing to make music. Too bad he is no doing it also with Ao and Bucchi.
  4. madygrain

    Nah, kaz should totally join spiv states and do some power rock guitar madness.
  5. madygrain

    I was not reacting to your post, in fact I agree with you for the most part
  6. madygrain

    It's fun because riciculous cheesyness it's in vk definition. No one seems to fucking notice when japs do it, but man, put a western guy doing it and suddenly everyone realizes. Fault of the western guy because of being western, of course. Kiryu, Megaromania, Nega, Misaruka, baroque, etc etc, tec are still awesome, cool and adorable doing the same thing. Don't dare to imply they look stupid because then you are a hater, a n00b, or a visuaru kei ignorant. The song itself it's not bad. It's bearable and I gess it can be likeable for the target audience, but falls into poor execution and plays it so much on safe clishés that don't all work (grows, per say). The guy sings ok but relies too much on it and his vocals are not amazing. The song totally lacks a lot, but it's not an act of terrorism. It's just meh vk pop, the kind of thing no one would give a fuck about or be liked by some 13 year old that just entered the scene if it was made by a japanese guy. The PV is average too. Not bad, not good. Don't see how the guy's origin makes it worse, though. Would not buy this or dig it if I donload it, but props to the guy for making what he wants even with the risk of everyone jumping over him.
  7. madygrain

    no seriously kozi stop getting bands and do your xavat work [3] Sorry for the floodinf but I can not hink of anything else.
  8. madygrain

    I think, in fact, that the message is missanderstood by a small group of people. The problem is that peole are the ones in charge to offer a somewhat canonic interpretation of that teaching that most of the people sadly follows.
  9. madygrain

    Only if I could care my english as well as my white horse.
  10. madygrain

    Any obsession with any religion or life-defining idea is a really a fertile land for discrimination to any degree imaginable. Over-inmersed Chistians are no different but in my experience I heard the worst news comming from other colectives. What is really annoying about this whole Bilble thing is that although it has been re-written countless times, the old, stupid and clearly most primitive man guide-to-life kind of phrases remain as a part of the cult when it's clearly bullshit. I am a straight guy, so, yeah I've never been bullied in chool o college for my sexual condition, never got interested in homosexual bashing internet threads or suffered in my own skin but I am well aware of the kind of things and attitudes that happen regaring this theme. But as well as I am not happy with your generalization and your deliberated wrongness. There is much to be critisized about Chistianity as a institution and as doctrine. But Chistians themselves are individual persons that live their cult differently. I understand that most of the ideas that the institution itself are regreteable and dusty attitude they show regading this and many other subjets are hate worthy but none of them apply to the whole chistian community, formed by millions of individuals that make their own decisions. Talking about the original subjet, never will understand the need of some people has the need to harm people just because the live their lifes differently or posses a diferent cultural or racial identity. If you are going to beat someone up do it because he is a scumbag and deserves it as an individual because of his own choices. Not because his existencial conditions.
  11. madygrain

    you do realize that from most of obsessed Christian's point of view those dudes did the right thing, since gays don't use seks for procreation and thus only indulge in sinful pleasures? I do not belong to Chistianity or any other religion but I think you are pretty wrong. Chistianity encourages to forgive, tolerate, and feel compassion, not to beat up to death the sinful people. Neo-nazi attacks are not that rare here in Spain either but I have not heard of such a case like this one since a really long time. May Daniel Rest in Peace.
  12. madygrain

    Pretty surprising honestly. I liked most of their stuff. I really hope to see Shaura and Mikage in new bands and specially Kaz.
  13. madygrain

    Nope... surpringly lol Do you think watching movies in 3D worth it?
  14. madygrain

    FUCK YEAH ACTIVITY PAUSE! (do they mean that or they are just joking/trolling?) Now get Cuckoo and XA-VAT back on track!
  15. madygrain

  16. madygrain

    Buying this
  17. Now The Last Story is out here in Europe I am looking forward to MGR-Revengance, Tales of Graces F, Anarchy Reings, Prototype 2, RE6 and Asassin's Creed 3, altough I have to catch up with the series quite a bit.
  18. madygrain

    Can someone help me out with my last question please?
  19. madygrain

    Good luck tryng to read Rariyura... you'll see when i post the scans XD I've never been interested in lyrics at all but with the vocalist change in boogieman i really want to get how the band has changed entirely so I am really happy with not just translations but some kind of thematic analysis.
  20. madygrain

    Just discovered this, already interested. I will try to hurry with that boogie scans.
  21. madygrain

  22. Feels like there are really few new songs, but I am really curious about this.
  23. madygrain

    Homosapiens 2.0 pleases me. Sounds kind of... heavier?
  24. madygrain

    I was really excited about this band when they showed up, but man, they have really chosen a rigid style. Hope they move on a bit in their future releases. I could not listen a full album of this and enjoy it.
  25. madygrain

    I'm listening to my HTML teacher talking about debuging. I really want to headbang.
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