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Posts posted by madygrain

  1. Nightmare's Yomi new band TAKE NO BREAK


    >be Yomi

    >start damaging your vocal chords around 2014

    >restrain your vocal range and performance for Nightmare while it does worse

    >get a polyp around 2016

    >get barely any treatment

    >go back to touring and recording and definetly ruining your voice for good

    >band decides you are a fucking jerk and decides for you that they are going to have an hiatus so you can fucking heal

    >get a new band

    >call it TAKE NO BREAK because hah! who needs that!?

    >it sounds unbeareable

    >not all the vocal filtering and programming cand mask how awful vocals sound

    >master everthing so instruments and effects are also very loud

    >still unbeareable to hear

    >"it's BOOM BOOM SATELLITES influence"

    >Nobody buys that

    >now hitsugi sings better than you

    >now Sakito sings better than you

    >be grateful the other 2 nightmare members arent opening their mouths to sing and probably embarassyou further

    >continue touring and ruining your throat  for nine months until you will have to retire


    I can not stress how awful it sounds.


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