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Karma’s Hat

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Posts posted by Karma’s Hat

  1. I got spongebob arms, but when my companion notices, it's too late for her. :mrgreen:

    I hate working out, and i hate moving in general and there isn't much to motivate me as long as i stay attractive. I did have a gym membership once, but that was a long time ago and i didn't care much for it anyway. And eating healthy? I lived six months solely on coffee, bread and kebab haha. I'll die before i see 30.

  2. Rome Total War mod Roma Surrectum 1 ( The second runs badly due to the dated engine )

    I love this game! Except when i'm getting molested by Gallic tribes in the east, and Macedonia in the west. Macedonia has just entered the Italian peninsula, and i'm fucked. If this game wasn't so fun i would be frustrated beyond belief.

  3. When i was still living with my parents, we had Disney channel on pretty much all the time if the tv was open due to my young siblings. Well of course i had to watch too when i had way too much spare time because at best their shows were great ( Boy Meets World, some other live acting show that wasn't manufactured by Disney ) and well darn it i found Hannah Montana decent enough for watching along with most of their programming. But then, they started to cancel a show after another, and now they probably have six which they rotate the entire day. Also their new live action crap is horrible.

  4. After seeing new LA Noire trailer i can safely say i'm stoked! Rockstar can milk me for all they want :3

    I might get Crysis 2 IF they include the map editor and the multiplayer gets praised to the skies, but from the looks of it, it will suck horrendously. Also New York? Really? Reaaaally? Fuck consoles and their corridor shooters.

  5. Lotus

    Why, oh why did they have to go with THOSE guitars at the beginning. If it would have been something not-so-chuggy but still reminiscent of a harder song, it would have been cool. The chorus still comes a bit too early, but the single version added some of the build up i needed after hearing the radio version.

    I'll have to repent and say that i enjoy the chorus very much now that it has a proper context and i have gotten used to the VCLEFX that layer Kyo's voice. The piano rocks, so does the production and the breakdown. Well basically the only things that bothers me here is the beginning, and the songs length. Should have been at least 5 minutes long if you ask me. 8 out of 10 for now, most likely will grow on me.


    Now this is hard one for me, for i am the last person to look ( well maybe Will is the last ) for a objective Dir en grey review. This is a mixed bag for me.

    I really love the vocals, disjointed feel of the song, the weird effect half way through and the production. But fuck me the chugging riff chugs dick. CHUG-CHUG-CHUG-CHUG.

    The song also feels hollow, this was problem for me with the original Obcure too, but i felt the live version they had played before this somewhat fixed that issue.

    So basically i hate that they haven't fixed the hollowness and the riff just sucks way too much.

    If i had to rate it i'd be either 3 out of 10. Now i just like it for a day or two because i am a fanboy and i suck.

    Reiketsu Nariseba ( live )

    Holy shit! This destroys the Uroboros version. Kyo somehow managed to do this and sound crazy, vicious and powerful. Well this is a Uroboros song after all and the feel that it has is just something perfect for me. All the minor sounds here and there really make it for me.

  6. Depends alot on the country, and it's drinking laws :mrgreen:

    Usually metal crowds i've seen have been pretty laid back and if you really like the band you have no problem getting in front even if you arrive late ( depends on the size of the venue of course. ). For a folk metal concert i don't think anybody is going to die even if they end up in the center, though sometimes surprises may happen.

  7. Pretty much agreeing with the people above, and when i get my hands on the actual version that hasn't been mutilated for radio :3

    Though if Kyo's vocals would have been more altered in the chorus, he would speak in binary. ( i stole this from a fine gentleman at the comments. Thank you. )

    Ordering the single for the poster.

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