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Karma’s Hat

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Posts posted by Karma’s Hat

  1. Sounds like they've given up
    So with the SCREW song titles they also borrowed their disgusting drum sound from DEEP SIX. Nice going...

    Needless to say, that i don't like it at all and will not download it since their b-sides have sucked without exception since Shiver.

    lol irl, because SCREW are totes musical pioneers

    I hope i got that right.

    My intention was not to imply, that "they did it first" or anything like that, just as i was on the subject with the song titles, it was a notable coincidence that also the drum sound crossed over to the Gazette side.


  2. So with the SCREW song titles they also borrowed their disgusting drum sound from DEEP SIX. Nice going...

    Needless to say, that i don't like it at all and will not download it since their b-sides have sucked without exception since Shiver.

  3. I wish they would have still had tickets for the show here, but gladly i've seen him once already. Really entertaining live, even if you don't care for the music too much ( I didn't before the show ).

    I did go to the venue and waited in line before the show, and then just left before the door :D

    Nothing like some good old pointless waiting

  4. Every single CD that i have, that would have been also available on vinyl! I rarely listen to the CD itself, so i could have still bought the vinyls before i had an vinyl player. Now that i do, i don't buy CD's at all because they just aren't worth the money no matter how good the album is. Music is for decoration don't cha know :3

  5. Oh wait Daisuke! Aaaaahhhhhhhhh...uuuuunh.... ummm yeah not him at all. I'm slow today.

    Well fucking a for Daisuke if that is true, even thought Ozawa is probably the most boring porn actor ever. Still hot though.

  6. Lol my friend told me that i should hate them, and i was like " uh... okay? " so that was it.

    I try my earnest not to care how people dress, because i wish i would not care how i dress. It would make my life so much easier :P

  7. I'm exited as fuck for this. Though only shadow of a doubt, is Drudkh's recent weak material that hardly captures my attention. Autumn Aurora and Blood In our Well's are flawless, and the so called """"""""poor""""""" production makes them better. With clear sounds, those albums would not be as epic as they are now. In Neige we trust though! And i hope we'll get to hear his amazing screams :banjo:

    But yeah if Drudkh is now making their next album, i honestly couldn't care less. All my hope is reserved for this project.

    oh yeah and happy april fools... I saw " DISSECTION RETURNING WITH A NEW SINGER " news and i almost soiled myself.

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