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Karma’s Hat

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Posts posted by Karma’s Hat

  1. cause God makes no mistakes

    Hello there again!

    But about the song, it's a one big piece of uncreative crap. I also agree on the statement that considering it's profile, it's one of the worst pop songs I've ever heard.

    I confident that i have been subjected to that song before, but in a different package with less hype.

    Please try next time. Now i need to focus on creating a serious head trauma with a baseball bat, so i can forget about this one.

  2. It's actually not even celebrated in my country, but they sure as hell are trying to get it here with Halloween for some seasonal ca$h. I don't know really, probably going go and look for my lost love, but i don't think i'm going to be lucky with that, but i do have my share of hopes.

  3. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaaahahahahahahahaha!1!11!!!1!! Way to start your solo career with a whimper.

    Generic ballads with lackluster vocals(vocalists) 10 - Society 0

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