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Karma’s Hat

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Posts posted by Karma’s Hat

  1. It is finally my turn to list my favorites of the year, in no specific order.


    Ihsahn - After

    Melechesh - The Epigenesis

    Burzum - Belus

    Electric Wizard - Black Masses

    Nocturnal Depression - Cult of Negation

    Agalloch - The Marrow of the Spirit

    Watain - Lawless Darkness

    Deerhunter - Halcyon Digest

    Lantlos - Neon

    Alcest - Écailles de Lune

    Kieltolaki - Massahypnoosi

    Singles and Demos

    Swallowed - Swallowed

    MERRY's singles

    Aicle - Que:serasera

    Kiryu's singles

    I will update as soon as i remember more.

  2. I had this thing going on with this girl who does a few courses where i study full time, but somehow after a while i wasn't sure if i wanted to be with her for another second. In the end i noticed was blinded by her hotness and managed to not to care about her lack of any interesting things so say, or even think.

    So now that i am freed of any social interaction, i just stay at my bed playing World of Warcraft. Getting girls is not a problem to me, at all. I am just awfully shy and lazy, which is the worst possible combination. That's how i just rather lay in bed and play, than go out and live a little. Last time i was recovering from the loss of the crush of my life, now i'm just playing Wow fuck sake. At least i get to raid and shit.

    The moment i bust out Ziggy Stardust and Liquor all hope is gone, now i'm balancing between The Doors and food. Haha thanks for reading

  3. Eros, Jesus, Porn. Where does it end? Have to wonder why they only publish 1000 copies of that single, considering how Eros quickly sold and it must have split the fans in Japan as well, and still sellout pretty quickly. Either lot of them are dedicated, or too stupid to vote with their wallets.

    Or god forbid they liked the abomination.

  4. Easy, Breaking bad. That show is so amazing it's hard to put it to words. Can't wait for the next season, as the last one ended on the biggest cliffhanger of my life. At the moment i'm really enjoying Californication, Mulder ( or davidwhatever ) is cool beyond comprehension.

    If X-files would have maintained some enjoyability after season five, it would be my favorite.

  5. I'm open minded ( the post above me ), but i find it the worst album of the year. Maybe people just hate crappy synths, excessive use of autotune, lackluster composition and no where near note worthy instrumental performance. Though i provided no examples of those, so i proved nobody wrong, but doing the same thing except this time " it's good for the things i listed here " is equally worthless when declaring the album very good, or bad ( when stating it as a fact of course ).

    Thus i am too lazy to go on detail, but i will say that i enjoyed it as much as eating molten rock. 0/10 from me.

  6. Yet again i'm alone with Bakteeri on this one, i love the title song. That's why it's unfortunate why i find the b-sides yet again, awfully bad. What the hell is up with the guitar sound they have used for almost all of their b-sides recently? I hate it. Not too fond of the riffing either, nor the screaming, nor everything even a bit on the harder side. Gladly i never expected anything from the b-sides, so i'll just stick with Pledge.

    Reita blows, i wonder if he was even absent while recording.

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