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Karma’s Hat

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Posts posted by Karma’s Hat

  1. Those covers are so bad it's ridiculous. I mean my god! That could be from my second grade English book, only thing missing is a catchphrase that promotes equality.

    I really think that this time they can surpass the awfulness of MUSIC, as long as there are songs as bad as Colors in there, they can make the new epitome for shit.

    Edit: Sorry for the ridiculous typos :(

  2. Yes looking forward to ME3 and Arkhman City. I would wet my pants over Uncharted 3, IF i had a PS3.

    DA2 looks like it has been made for the console kiddies, but that's aight' if it still rocks ( it's bioware after all ). Also everything Rockstar associated is on my must buy list. I fucking love them.

    The next Assassins Creed is my most wanted game. They managed to make it perfect for history and conspiracy theory buffs, like me :gaga: I hope 18th or 19th century London, or Paris is next.

  3. Honestly, I personally think he committed suicide :( (But please don't repeat this as fact, it's just something I think)

    He didn't have any conditions (that I know of), and he wasn't sick lately or anything like that. Maybe he was just overwhelmed with the disbanding and everything... So so so sad :(

    As soon as i read the news i thought the same thing.

    same here....wtf..

    Yeah considering all the news related to this band.

    But holy shit

  4. The government took my welfare with a new law :/

    It's no matter though, i just need to take less classes and find a full time job for eight months, so i'll get money without working once more. I don't mind really. I am a small sacrifice if some lazy people get their handout money stream cut off ( my situation is... very unusual )

  5. Ooh yeah. The first season has been really unimpressive with one dimensional characters and some certain events that have been... Well ridiculous ( the hospital, for one ). The staff firing will probaply be the best thing to happen to this series, as the writing is the biggest problem of the series. The comic is way better though, so i'll just stick to that 'till the next season comes out.

    Haven't seen the last episode yet.

    edit: aww hell i spent my 300th post for this

  6. My first language is Finnish. I speak, but don't write nearly perfect English ( Haha. )

    Then i speak terrible Swedish, tad better Russian, and a whole lot better Japanese. Writing is hard, though i'm getting better with each sentence i get out of me :) .

  7. Exciting, I've loved most of their music so far, so I have pretty big expectations for this one.

    Yes. I hope it's better than their first one, which i find their weakest release i have heard so far.

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