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Karma’s Hat

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Posts posted by Karma’s Hat

  1. There will always be Kisaki hate, because it's fashionable. If you don't hate him, you're not "in". People are able to find the stupidest reasons to hate him, without thinking about it for a second.

    Not only that, you'll improve your vk indies cred experience points. Hate the man all you want he still makes more money than his haters would ever make in their whole life.

    That's what they said to me about Katy Perry :o

  2. I like Shiver more, this one got awfully repetitive. I do hope Reita gets kicked out, he defines the word useless. And don't start with the " oh no they just won't let him do stuff " bs. Still was hoping for more, and i seriously lol if all the three singles have a easy listening pop rock a-side, and shitty b-sides.

    The pv was pretty pointless, though Ruki was looking awesome.

  3. Now I am looking forward to your respons.

    And with that being said: No, I am not a huge Gazette fan myself. Like some, hate some.

    Um...sorry but it was just her opinion .__.

    I thought you're allowed to write it here and noone REALLy cares that much about it..

    and to be honest..it's funny to see that a lot of bands are criticised here and noone really makes a

    Huge response to it I mean it's a thread where you can tell who do you like or not?

    It's nice but...If it comes to Gazette and somome criticised them you begin to scream ?...


    The """""""criticism"""""" was poor, and criticism can be put to question just like praise. The response was more than appropriate, and spot on.

  4. I want. He can make some really memorable stuff with a nice feel to them. Then again, he has made some of the worst songs I've heard in my life. I'm happy for Superhero being on the album, i liked it since i first heard it, Survive though... mehh...

    Not sure about Torture yet, i like it instrumentally, but Miyavi could take some singing lessons.

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