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Karma’s Hat

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Posts posted by Karma’s Hat

  1. If by 'band with potential' you mean 'another generic CHUGGA CHUGGA HURR HURR' band then yes, I guess we did lose another band with hella potential.

    Damn straight. But besides being generic as hell, they were really, really bad. Just listen to the song " Corrosion " it's horrid!

  2. I hate how easily i get depressed these days, and i'm kinda known for laughing at people who are depressed for no worthy reason ( i find this well justified, and childish at the same time. ). Depression is not the accurate term really, but that's just how it feels to me at least. I feel like doing nothing, if i get some time to myself, i just go through all the reason why i should feel sadness, and hating myself for it while doing so. Only problems that i have really, are social and deeply rooted into some certain people, and that i don't have much money, though my economical situation is as stable as it can be, so i feel like a whining bitch. People that i interact with notice this as well, but only see it as whiny and bitchy, thus get frustrated. Then i feel even worse as i get belittled, even though i know they are wrong, i just get pissed off about it. But don't want to express it in anyway, as i care about our "relationship" too much than is healthy. Also i absolutely love to debate, as my opinions are aggressive, i get feedback from the people that i work with, and i assure you, if this one person has a IQ over 80, i'd be fucking amazed. Why should i care really? Well i do, why should i let people trot around with their stupidness and shove it down my throat every two fucking seconds. While it may seem like it, i really don't have that high of a opinion of myself, but i want it to seem like it. What the hell is wrong with me? Even though i acknowledge this can't do anything about it, as it has stuck with me. I really hope this passes when i move to my own apartment, then i'll have a few less things to lose my hair over. Then again, all of this is because of my social incapability, and lack of ways to express myself in the right way. I'm sorry for turning this into my personal diary, but fuck i don't have anywhere else to write :3

  3. Let's just hope EROS will be the only attempt at a jazzy song.
    Jazz-related? How exactly? Some people seem to call it " jazzy " so i'm wondering how on earth can a person come to that conclusion. I'm as confused as you are!

  4. I love Dir en grey, but i don't have to remind universe of that all the time. That's why everybody loves me <3 .

    But overrated? In terms of general popularity? Nah. In terms of praise from the fans? hell yes. In overratedness there is no one single truth, or truth for that matter. My opinion is just as wrong as yours. Of course when something is painfully obvious then feel free to bitch from your hearts content. You can still tell if a band sucks or not, so let's keep on hattin'.

  5. And 12012. The vocalist is a woman beater and people still listen to them? That band should've got the Chris Brown treatment.
    Fucking this.
    Thats not true is it ?
    It is.
    I don't know anything about this, so enlighten me.

  6. True, and i like Luna sea more than X. I love Vanishing Vision and Blue blood, but they don't even play those songs anymore, while i don't give a crap what Luna sea plays. From the first album to last, i think they maintained a standart of excellence, though i have to admit, that i haven't exactly explored every release they have. They could play 1.40 hour long version of GENESIS OF MIND for all i care :D

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