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Karma’s Hat

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Posts posted by Karma’s Hat

  1. Guess i went to a different London show when all i saw was Weaaboos, Scenekids and a couple of reasonably handsome young men and women.

    I sort of feel bad for all the short people in the crowd. One of them looked like she was going drown in a like lake of constantly moving and jumping people.

  2. Oh christ that's one of the worst ways to go. I want to know how they ended up with that instead of burning them alive ( which would have been a far better choice, well not for the pigs, but most of them seemed to be doomed anyway). The people who decide those things must have their reasons, they are the ones having the power and most likely have earned it.

    You are either Japan, a communist or USA's bitch in their plans of world governance in far east Asia. Wonder how the soon-to-be-ending Korean truce will affect the politics of that corner of the world.

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