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Karma’s Hat

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Posts posted by Karma’s Hat

  1. Byou...byo... what ever. Yeah the guy from Screw. Listen to X-rays and bare an awful vocal performance, coupled with filters, distortions and what not.

    Lc5's first song proved that the guy has absolutely zero vocal range.

    Ai from Deathgaze. Sounds like he has a sock in his throat.


    Sharaku ( ? ) from Metronome. I don't know how any of you stand this guy? Might as well 98% of the vocalists on these " Bliip Bloop " angura bands. Then add 80% of the kotekote vocalists that giggled and cried on tape for the sake of being cool.

  2. House M.D season 6 finale

    This show is more of the same pretty much non-stop, but it doesn't stop me from enjoying the living hell out of it. Hugh Laurie is probably one of the most entertaining people to watch, and the main cast in this show is near flawless.

  3. cause God makes no mistakes

    Hello there!

    Wonder how the next album will do now that the fuzz about her has settled down. I mean i heard Justin Bieber isn't popular anymore, so wonder if she's going down with him ( ohoho ). Meh it's just me, but i haven't heard much about her lately, compared to a while ago when she was the only thing i heard about.

  4. I've had this on my computer for a while, and guess today i'll watch it.

    There hasn't been many mind blowers this year, so i hope this and True Grit will surpass the expectations. Surprisingly none of those is going to air in theaters here... What's up with that.

  5. It's painful blandness is broken by the scratching sounds that don't fit in at all. The chorus doesn't fail as hard as everything else i think.

    The comments are hilarious " Old and new girugamesh fused " ??? What the hell is this nonsense

  6. But four months? I didn't even remember this topic. Also at least one of them should have been in a somewhat known band, and now they just became a subject of ridicule until some thing else happens... at least in here :)

    So did they have tiny hats or not? The only reason why i still keep a look out for new bands in this movement.

  7. Now, after much positive feed back that the new album got, i decided to give it a spin. Well now i have to say, that some of their new shit ain't half bad. This is just a first impression though, but they seem to have improved a lot from their first album, which was terrible due to their lack of skill in pretty much everything. Now there's something at least some what interesting happening most of the time, and they have a crap load of energy. We'll see if i'll start to either like, or dislike this in the future.

    Edit: Shitty band is still shitty. Why did i ever thought their stuff was not bad i do not know. The drummer plays with one hand, the guitarists suck and i don't think they have a bass player. Also their solo's are worth mentioning since they are fucking terrible ( for example on " Black List " eww ).

  8. Reminded me of the Hageshisa to preview. I remember someone here said it was supposed to be a ballad of sorts? Really exited to hear how the verse sounds.

    My feelings now? The guitar/vocal combination sounded weird first, but it's something new to me at least, so hooray's on the creative side. I'll probably end up loving the song, but if it sucks, i'll love it until the shine of a new Dir en grey song wears off.

    I hope it has skull crushing double bass 8)

  9. I'd replace the MOAB songs, but whoa damn. I really wonder how Mazohyst sounds like now. One of the best things about this band, is that all those songs probably sound at least some what different than in lives of 2006 or 08, especially the older ones... for better or worse of course.

    I'm seriously considering a trip to Japan just to see something incredible like this. When in London, all songs were more or less expected.

    Deity * fangirl squeel *

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