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Karma’s Hat

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Posts posted by Karma’s Hat

  1. The reason why "General Metal" thread was made, was to attract as many people as possible, so that it wouldn't die...

    But, everything you said is true. Also all the individual band topics seem active enough, so maybe it wouldn't hurt to try and make more of those as long as it doesn't result into making tons of topics for obscure black-metal band #21416324629. This seems to be more appropriate for linking many bands at once, or just general discussion of metal as a genre.

    666 posts :devilwha:8)

  2. This topic shall not die!


    New DHG album coming this year and hopefully it's much better than their ( well the main composer Vicotnik's ) last effort, Supervillain Outcast. At least they rocked when i saw them live this March. This band is sort of infamous for morphing into something new with every single album, starting with traditional Black metal with some amazing bass work by Fenriz, like in this song ( 2.20- ugh! )

    The second album Monumental Possession is basically Black thrash, which is due to Apollyon ( Aura Noir ) being in the band at the time. Not as good as Aura Noir's best stuff, namely Black Thrash Attack, but worth checking out definitely. That album was followed by the Satanic Art EP, which is my favourite of theirs. Being sort of a mix of all their previous works and the next one, 666 International, having all the experimenting but without the industrial of the future sound. If 666 International would have been released sooner, apparently it would have sounded more like Satanic art, but due to delays the sound of the album changed drastically into this


    After that their vocalist left and was changed to Kvohst of the british band Code. I do miss Aldrahn's unique vocals and odd ramblings, but Kvohst is technically far superior, especially live. Though one of the reason why Supervillain Outcast sucked so hard, is that the vocals were mixed so damn low, they were also low on the mix when i saw them live. Damn shame.

    Skip Supervillain Outcast, it sucks long time.

  3. I'm a fan of the first trilogy and some songs from the first album. I still get huge nostalgia from listening to Mechanical Animals, which i prefer to the others by miles. Antichrist superstar comes second coupled with the so crappy that it's sort of awesome live performances ( like the one in Köln, which is easy to find from Youtube ).

    These days tho... Well Gaog is such an unforgivable piece of shit i just can't. Easily his worst album and one of the worst i've ever heard overall. Some songs from Emdm are decent enough, if you don't compare it to the hits from MA. The last one was sort of okay, but still the best from the last three. 15 is a great song if i remember right, as it's been a long time since i listened to any of these albums :D

    I will listen to the new album day one for sure, but expectations aren't too high.

  4. Listened to Goblin a couple of times recently and overall i don't care for it too much, but some individual tracks are great. Moving on to the older stuff, since it's supposed to be better anyway i guess ( ? ).

    This forum needs a general Hip-hop thread. Probably going to make one soon unless somebody does it first :D

  5. Ugh that line-up is pretty bad and is MUCC and Girugamesh featured there every single year?

    Black veil brides is actually the worst band ever. No contest. You can get a laugh out of crunkcore and shit, but this shit ( i feel like repeating myself apparently ) makes me vomit and fall asleep in a second.

  6. That guy mentioned the same complaint i have had with the singles. The drumming is just there, nothing else. In different sense it just whacks along, but take away the other instruments and it is reduced into pointlessness. And i seriously hope they don't have any songs like Tsumi to kisei in there that sound like five minute breakdowns with no hooks and... I'm sorry, i meant sludge(downtuned chug) masterpieces with loads of atmosphere.

  7. I'll be writing a proper review in two days when i get rid of my fanboy glasses and start hating this stuff like a true internet badass would.

    Lets just say that Tsumi to Kisei is so bad, that it's funny. There is nothing, literally nothing going on 90% of the song and the 10% is the intro, and the soundeffect thingy after 2.30. Riffs. Start making those. Yet i can still listen to it over and over again! No former fanboy gets completely rid of it's stripes no matter how many years pass on.

    Oh yeah and the Red Soil live is worthless, suprised?

  8. Well can't say i didn't see this coming, and they haven't made much worth a while in ages, but still it feels like a part of my childhood is now gone. They were my introduction to the world of music beyond radio, MTV and one hit wonders and they got me listening to full albums and look for more bands on the internet. Still remember how Coll:set blew my mind way back when and how i thought they looked badass with all that make-up and leather :D . Then again, i also remember when Brilliant was released and i was disappointed to say the least, and heart broken around Horizon's release. Didn't care for Redeemer and laughed at Monsters, but that's life. Might as well cherish the memories and listen to Coll:set once again, thanks for that guys.

    Good luck for their future endeavors.

  9. Calm down, Will.

    I like the cover, and I like this album having an apparent concept.

    Yeah. I'd be exited if i would have liked the singles, but unfortunately no. More prog/synth/psychedelic stuff/MACABRE, less br00talpop songs.

  10. This show is starting to get moderately good again. Everyone can do a parody of Guitar Hero, Wow, Inception etc. So needless to say i have been getting steadily more depressed about the direction Matt and Trey have taken since season 10.

    But yeah, i do think this is the time to finally put South Park out of it's misery and actually have some interesting things to happen to the " lore " of the show, just like what happened in the last episode.

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