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Karma’s Hat

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Everything posted by Karma’s Hat

  1. Karma’s Hat

    Whoa, whoa. Ebm and VK already mentioned? It's obviously time to PARTY WITH WHITEHOUSE ZsmKSWr99mA&feature=related A pioneering Power-Electronics band from the UK, notorious for the uncompromising style and the line-up which has included people like Peter Sotos, John Murphy and Kevin Tomkins. Started out as straight forward fuzz, but later moved on to using more percussion and diverse sounds. Just like most of the Noise groups that stayed active throughout the years they have released a lot of albums, yet stayed quite consistent in quality. The new albums are much easier to get into, especially the last two, Asceticists and Racket, but I advise starting with the Bird Seed album. Guru _________________________________________________________________________ Death In June Nation Initially a Post-Punk band that moved into the Neo-Folk territory while keeping some Industrial flavor around for a few albums, most noticeably Nada! and The World That Summer. The atmosphere that the songs evoke is something to behold and makes up for the occasional simplicity which is a problem with most Neo-Folk anyway. I'm not sure if I love this band so much these days more because of the nostalgia or of the quality of the music itself. I'll settle on both. I'd also listen to this one chronologically up until Rose Clouds of Holocaust.
  2. Karma’s Hat

    No, No, No No No God no
  3. Karma’s Hat

    Thanks for bringing up Test Dept. because I always forget to try them I have downloaded their stuff some months back, but always forget to actually play it. Yet last night when I was making this topic I stumbled upon them on YouTube and still liked what I heard, so maybe tonight's the night. I'd say Laibach still counts
  4. First, I'll have to define that counts as industrial music in this thread. Wikipedia The reason why I linked that here is that the term "Industrial" has been sodomized to the point where nobody is even sure what counts as industrial. These days every shitty pop song covered with bleeps, bloops and goth attire gets slapped with the term. So I'll start this topic by saying that all discussion about nu-metal, pop music, Rammstein, NIN, goth-ebm and other "evil" techno is strictly forbidden. However, discussion about other even remotely Industrial-scene related stuff is encouraged. For example, Neo-folk, Noise, Fluxus, Dada, Post-Punk, Notable people in the scene like Boyd Rice and the ideology. I'll have to assume not many people here are familiar with the scene, so here's some recommendations. I advise people to throw their conceptions of "music" out of the window before trying this stuff. No commercial jingles ahead Einstürzende Neubauten Armenia Halber Mensch This band got me into the genre. The album Zeichnungen des Patienten O. T. blew my mind the first time I listened to it and there's still nothing like ( that I'm at least aware of ) so I figure they would be a great gateway band. Their early stuff like this is disturbing, powerful and calling them "experimental" is an understatement. Later on their style changed to a more approachable direction, so naturally I skipped that stuff entirely, but everything up to and Halber Mensch is definitely worth a shot. Swans I Crawled ( Best song ever srsly!) Best band ever. Let the music be a testament for their greatness. I recommend starting out with The Great Annihilator, then moving on to While Light From The Mouth Of Infinity and then everything else Current 93 The ritual nature of the early Current 93 releases is amazing. The ruthless mood coupled with the ramblings of David Tibet make an unique combination which is something to be heard. I've seldom been so overwhelmed by sound and immersed in the mood, as I have been with the early Current 93. Later Tibet moved into Neo-Folk, but I enjoy it a lot too and consider the earliest stuff of that era fairly essential too. Nurse With Wound Probably my favorite one-man project of all time. Nurse With Wound definitely takes time to get used to and to appreciate if one is not familiar with this stuff. Surreal is the best word to describe this, and the music reminds me of a audio journey or a short movie, if you will. A bazillion discs of music have been released under the Nurse With Wound name and I have yet stumbled onto nothing less than solid. My favorites are Chance Meeting on a Dissecting Table of a Sewing Machine and an Umbrella, Homotopy to Marie and An Awkward Pause. The variety of his works is without a match, so if you don't like something, just try something else. Still beyond everything else forever. Throbbing Gristle The Old Man Smiled The grandfather of industrial music. Much more subtle than the bands that followed, yet effective nonetheless. The variety of their works is massive, and thus their discography I recommend going through chronologically. SPK Occasionally noisy industrial group which was one of the first of the kind that I got into. I haven't been listening to their stuff too much recently, but the album "Auto Da Fe" never gets old. If anyone even remotely enjoys this stuff or is at least curious, I'm happy to link more of what I consider to be essential projects of the genre. The amount of variation is huge, so don't throw away hope. Note that I didn't link the "best" or really the most representative songs from the bands, just some that I could come up with quickly. All of these bands have experimented with vastly different styles and sounds so having the best links possible is quite hard. Just feel free check out more
  5. Karma’s Hat

    My dirty mirror fell down so I naturally had a photo shoot in front of it. It seems to be impossible for me to get my eyes to show in a picture that I take myself
  6. Karma’s Hat

  7. Karma’s Hat

    My eternal gratitude is for the one who uploads any of that I only wish that they would properly release their lives so I could you know, buy them
  8. Karma’s Hat

    Charles Mingus - Group Dancers HHNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNGGGGGGG
  9. Karma’s Hat

    So, like every single date? LOL. I hope the Assking Alexandria guy will find Asian penis elsewhere to satisfy his longing. Interested to hear why though. I don't think it's because of the fan backlash, because us internet deg nerds are a minority. Edit: Actually, it's kinda retarded to think it's because of the couple of "fans". Most likely just schedule stuff. Still curious tho!
  10. Karma’s Hat

    Looking awesome
  11. Karma’s Hat

    Tbh I haven't seen any fluctuation in ticket prices and I have been going nonstop for years now. Just checked some old ticket prices. Kagrra was 36e and The GazettE 35e. Moi Dix Mois was 30e and so was D'espairsray in 2010, but they increased the price slightly for the 2011 concert. Miyavi was 40e in 2009 and a little less in 2010 or 11 I can't remember. An Cafe was 36e in 2008 and Girugamesh has been consistently around 33e every time they have come here. So nothing has changed really. The bands just want MOAR CA$HMONEY or settle with less depending on the situation.
  12. Karma’s Hat

    I'm Finnish and I'm sure we always pronounce the J, unless I have missed something
  13. Karma’s Hat

    I lol'd at this too. Tickets for Screw here cost as much as they did for Dir en grey, and that's just ridiculous. They must use some expensive hairspray...
  14. Karma’s Hat

    I got into Merzbow through Dharma, and it's the most approachable Merzbow album I'm familiar thus far. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hIsh1J4FbKU Check out this track and see If you are feeling it at all.
  15. Karma’s Hat

    Lasted 92 seconds. Pretty bad!
  16. Karma’s Hat

    ...I actually like this
  17. Karma’s Hat

    For Caligari I'd go with 6 or 7. Those albums are definitely the most creative ones songwriting wise. Though the best-of with the EP songs sung by Ishii is essential too, but then again there isn't pre-revival Caligari stuff that I don't consider essential.
  18. Karma’s Hat

    Katharsis 666 album cover justsayin.gif i hope they didn't steal the image too.jpg
  19. Karma’s Hat

    Internet is lawless, and thus if I was a politician I'd take it down as well. The "people" would be pissed for two months at most until they'd turn back to watch TV and drink Prozac cocktails to fuck up their brains out again. Ps. I don't sympathize with any of this, but I can see where they are coming for, albeit it's a severely misguided approach to the whole problem. + It will hurt or possibly kill all the future tax dollar bringing innovations like say, Facebook for instance. Edit 2: I Don't know the origin of the bill, but it's obvious now that one of these bills is going to get passed. It's interesting to see how long people will fight against these bills and if it will be any good in the end, or will the bills get more aggressive with time and get eventually passed when the masses stop giving a shit.
  20. Karma’s Hat

    Crazy★shampoo is pretty depressive.
  21. Karma’s Hat

    At least the first part of the trailer looks amazing. As a long time fan of the series obviously I can't wait for this one.
  22. Karma’s Hat

    Burzum - Hvis Lyset Tar Oss ( album ) Probably in my top 5 of all time. I cannot praise it enough.
  23. Karma’s Hat

    Because foreign Vk-fans are such music aficionados hellbent on finding quality art The quality didn't have anything to do with VK getting big here. It was when they fused Japanese Linkin Park clones with aggressive marketing, which worked with teenage girls and girly boys. But like all trends, they burn out fast and only the remnants are left, which you see now. They stopped bringing their bands and CD's over here because the profit is nonexistent and bands fill the two first rows of the venue. They tried, it didn't work, they stopped.
  24. Karma’s Hat

    And this matters how exactly? They have like 40% of the decently selling VK bands in their roster. I'm sure they won't lose any sleep over the fact that their music sucks as long as the money keeps coming in.
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