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Karma’s Hat

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Everything posted by Karma’s Hat

  1. Karma’s Hat

    How does someone seriously, seriously wonder why Dir en grey is hyped to high heaven and back without being "hurr i dun liek dem so why others do"? Essential visual kei albums from Gauze to Kisou, more or less pioneered the assimilation of contemporary western trends to vk in the 2000's, broke through in foreign markets and one of the most influential bands in vk today. They stay relevant and topical because they haven't stopped tinkering with their sound thus far, and there's always an aura of mystery on what comes next to keep even the non-fans excited. It's pretty rare for a popular music™ band over 15 years old to not become a complete parody of themselves, not to mention stay relevant. It would also require some incredible mental gymnastics to deny the quality of their first two albums if you're a vk fan and the type of metal they play at the moment is very in vogue, ergo hype and relevance.
  2. clear what r ur favorite visual kei bands
  3. Karma’s Hat

  4. Karma’s Hat

    This band is just so unremarkable that it boggles the mind how they are still around after all these years of being the drabbest name on the block.
  5. Karma’s Hat

    Stop Snitching In The Visual Rock Community Knickerbocker Avenue Crew ( feat. AK-69 & KOHH ) In all honesty I think we are all due for disappointment and it'll sound like the same ol' sadie
  6. Karma’s Hat

    The interest towards this album went from 0 to 10.
  7. orly? Well I found the mixtape on datpiff but I can't find any reviews or a mention of it anywhere. Good Kid, M.A.A.D City was amazing, so it's hard to keep expectations in check because there's just no way the next one is going to be that good. I haven't heard anything else from him aside from that album the ADHD track that was on GTA and it didn't leave much of an impression to be honest.
  8. Agreed. It's really just a fashion statement to hate p4k and then give a free pass to all the other music sites because boo-hoo-hoo "hipsters". Moderate interest towards Hyperdub 10.2, Shabazz Palaces, Wolves In The Throne Room, Julia Holter, Caribou, John Coltrane and Azelia Banks Excited for Panda Bear, Grimes and while not featured on this list, there's apparently a new Kendrick Lamar album coming out too. A side note: I don't think anyone wants more Wu-tang and Raekwon albums
  9. Karma’s Hat

    Somehow I couldn't find either the Lamiel nor the Vasalla track from my computer or youtube, so I have compromise and pick Lamiel because I like them better than Vasalla 1. Dean Blunt - Imperial Gold 2. 中村晃子 - ブルー・シャトウ 3. Basic Channel - Octaedre 4. きどりっこ - お面をつけた猫 5. UGK - Ridin' Dirty 6. Swans - You Fucking People Make Me Sick 7. Crossed Out - Suicide of A Species 8. Black Flag - Fix Me 9. Saint Etienne - Like A Motorway 10. Karin Krog - Karin's Mode Basic Channel is by far the best one out there, but I also have a personal fondness for 中村晃子 and Dean Blunt. Would have been a good set of songs if it wasn't for the Crossed Out track.
  10. Karma’s Hat

    Karma is probably the first album that got just completely shat on. I belong in the camp that thinks they started sucking from Zekuu onwards and that their best releases are those up to Tsuuzetsu, but a lot of people like them up to Shion or so. Gokusai is an album that many seem to like from the post-Kuchiki no Tou period.
  11. Karma’s Hat

    Yup. What a waste.
  12. One that a lot people liked but I most definitely did not was The Bones of What You Believe by Chvrches from last year. Without the vocals it's 2010's synth pop so bland that it passes as elevator muzak and while that's all fine as bar background music, what makes it especially infuriating are the vocals and lyrics. "We Sink" has to be the corniest song ever and the douche chills I got from it were just off the charts. Their formula of generic synth background noise and insipid lyrics is not something I did not expected to get so popular, especially today with the abundance of similar stuff to go hypin' about'. In 2014 hearing the Mother We Share somewhere doesn't bother me since it's actually kind of alright, but "We Sink" is the only song so far that has made us stop dancing and change the club. However the worst thing is that if the singer was ugly a considerably fewer amount of people would give a toss. I have seen Visual Kei PV's on youtube with less comments about the singers appearance than in Chvrches videos. Alas it's not the worst CD ever, but this topic is horribly broad and this was the first one that came to mind that goes beyond the average CD that I dislike. If one had 15 bux to spare and had the urgin' for some synth pop to party to, I'd just buy the second Grimes album or anything else fitting the criteria for that matter. Just that one though? I mean Diabolus in Musica and Christ Illusion come on... Or just all Slayer after South of Heaven
  13. Karma’s Hat

    What the- where? In Europe? Didn't you also go to Godzette in 2007!
  14. Karma’s Hat

    Ya srsly. I saw people talking about Aoi getting fat ( before these pix ) and I suppose he's a bit rounder from the face, but eh...
  15. Karma’s Hat

    I can't believe there used to be a time where I was ready to buy anything Assassins Creed at day one. From the looks of Unity it seems like zero of what I find the core problems have been addressed; the game will be surely stretched to oblivion with almost Word Of Warcraft-esque fetch quests, combat is still easy beyond belief, stealth remains essentially broken due to no proper mechanics, no crouching no cover system no nuffin... oh and it looks like it's the same fucking game still sans the novelty of ship battles. I was really engaged in the story too until 3 after which I found it impossible to give a damn anymore. Division was disappointing with the assault rifle combat reminding me of Lost Planet a little, but the new Rainbow Six look'd like fun despite the classic E3 Trailer syndrome so I expect the visuals to get a sudden downgrade in the following months. Hardline looks kewl. New cod looks dumb and it has a wallhack lazer gun lawl Far Cry 4 I'm sure will be great. Also yay to new Mass Effect, Tomb Raider and Dead Rising 3 on PC GTA V HD version already game of the year
  16. Karma’s Hat

    Lame lamer lamest. A terrible host look 2 Well at least Jin's new band sounded alrite
  17. Karma’s Hat

    Well he is allegedly also a drug addict who smokes jehova and I've seen him implore people to vote for a Japanese nazi on twitter too. All in all, he was the man. Is this in reference to above? Are those song lyrics on the papers or?
  18. They were scenekids who played terribly generic metalcore that was just straight up shamelessly ripped off for the most part, and I mean almost Grieva level shamelessly ripped off. Half of the fun of listening to their demos is figuring out which Bring me the horizon song they're ripping off. I guess I wouldn't be surprised if they had literally a couple of fans because their stuff is fun for what it is ( generic metalcore to get drunk to ), but there couldn't have been that many since anyone who likes metalcore would have known that they're essentially posers with a cute cover band. My theory was that they realised this themselves and thought visual kei fans were easier to milk than scenekids and thus jumped ship. As far as I know they're doing pretty good nowdays.
  19. Yeah. I'll start buying your cd's when you start paying royalties to Suicide Silence for Pleasure of Torture.
  20. Karma’s Hat

    LOL Will most likely attend Berlin while on the Lycaon/Born trip.
  21. Karma’s Hat

    Well I'm sure organisers around the world would cease every opportunity to bring over all the Mejibray's and such if they just could. It's most likely a combined effort of the organisers lacking the necessary management greasing skillz, monetary capital and lack of interest in part of the band to take time from other activities to travel beyond gods backside where Mcdonalds tastes different. HITT, ADAMS and etc. I bet tour for peanuts and literally have nothing else going on for them domestically. We getting decent tours anymore is probably just as likely as getting struck by lightning.
  22. Karma’s Hat

    Can you imagine that the bands actually like and care about the music they're playing, even after they stop making music that you like. Kuroyumecore ( or "OLD SCHOOL" ) is dead and rotting and will exist solely as a fringe phenomena within a fringe scene. What is holding it back is not a label conspiracy, but a lack of interest from the public and first and foremost the musicians themselves - which is why it went away in the first place.
  23. Karma’s Hat

    To my knowledge they're not paying squat, but the European wapanese organisers are who bring them here. Then they complain about how nobody showed up. Fucking finally coupling tours. Totally going.
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