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Karma’s Hat

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Everything posted by Karma’s Hat

  1. Karma’s Hat

    You should honestly check out dai5 to 7 before anything else. 6 is my personal favorite but you can't go wrong with any of them.
  2. Karma’s Hat

    Meeeeeeee I can't decide which I want moar; world tour, new stuff or both like in 2013. If they come over here again they better start playing real setlists with Kantou. Nobody should buy that regular edition by the way. A pathetic 16 songs with some absurd selections. Stacked Rubbish is represented just by one bloody song and it's Mob 136 Bars of all things? The limited edition too barely has any songs from that album which is just weird. When they announced this DVD set I was hyping myself up for whole gigs where they played shit they haven't played in ages like Wife, Regret, D.L.N, Chizuru, Distress and Coma etc. Every single setlist was amazing and I would have killed to get any of them. edit: reading sum interview and I think Ruki is saying that an album is coming? AOTY on the way
  3. Karma’s Hat

    Lycaon disbands, I didn't close the door to my building quick enough so a crackhead got in and now in mcdonalds there's a delirious art collector who claims to have lost millions and is going back and forth with bouts of profound anger and sadness. It's a day of human tragedy
  5. Karma’s Hat

    I seriously hope someone will upload the limited version at some point, though I'm still mad they for whatever reason decided to not have fulls shows even on the limited version! The setlists for the first leg were amazing and we are only getting a fraction of a set of one show. Lot of the songs that ended up being included are ones we've already seen a bunch of times like Cockroach ( which on there twice no less ), Psychedelic Heroine, Discharge, 赤いワンピース... At least 東京心中 was included which is what I was hoping for the most. So now that leaves 7月8日 as the only Gazette LP song not having made appearance on any live recording?
  6. Karma’s Hat

    Related to demon android's cousin by any chance?
  7. There's no way Punk is coming back, especially with him and the 'E now swinging lawsuits back and forth. He's not the kind of guy who has a last match and goes to TNA two months later or retires in a fit and starts selling a shoot tape. So when he says he is done and I have complete faith in that. Even the impossible would somehow happen, it'd be at least an year away because the guy is signed to the UFC and is going through a fight camp at the moment. I skipped his matches with haytch because I just knew those would be boring as feck, but against Punk and Lesnar Taker looked ooooold. The only way he is going to have a good match now is if you have someone like Rollins go with him do all the heavy lifting. I'd rather have someone else have the Taker match opportunity as I personally think Bray is a fat slob with a massively overrated promo, but there's no doubt that a Taker match, good or bad, will give him a huge rub and do a world of good on his character - and therefore good to the roster in general. I watched that The Shield DVD and I was so disappointed. I was hoping there'd be something new on Mox' youth but he is still holding his cards to his chest. Maybe he'll release a biography They went over their indies careers sufficiently enough all things considered and I was very surprised to see CZW footage being shown. By the way piratebay should have that Moxley CZW DVD still floating around there somewhere ( might accidentally still be seeding ), along with the CM Punk DVD that I recall had the matches with Samoa Joe. So people should go get those. The absolute worst part of the DVD is that around the part when they graduate from NXT, the DVD turns on the kayfabe full throttle. That is the point where it gets about as real as those pointless "expert panels" they have on PPV's and one ceases to learn anything new. I really would have wanted to know what they actually thought about what was going on, but I suppose I have already heard that from the podcasts, however I don't recall Reigns having made an appearance on any yet? There's also one segment where they are making Reigns look really STROOONNG which is pretty silly but they hype everyone otherwise so it's all good. By far the most interesting part to me was Rollins talking about crossfit which just made me think that I'd really rather just listen to these guys talk about their diets and workout regimes than some crap in kayfabe. Oh well, anyone can still hit it up on watchwrestling for free so it's good for at least background noise if you're bored. If anyone has some essential match or promo to recommend from Kevin Steen/Owens I'd gladly watch it because so far I don't particularly care for him. I've seen some of his ROH stuff before and he just falls into the slob category for me, especially when even my boy Nakamura can't make him look good, BUT I try to reserve judgement before having seen more.
  8. Karma’s Hat

    So when was this coming out again? The 11th of March was the date before it got delayed?
  9. Lol 'rasslin. It's a little like smoking where if you stop it, you still keep thinking about it a lot and feel instant kinship when you find someone else who has done it. I Started indulging when I was kid but forgot about the whole thing after Angle left for a few years until I got back into it when Punk got big. For 'E I only occasionally tune into RAW - which I end up regretting pretty much every time - and watch all the PPV's along with keeping up with the dirt sheets. This years Mania is interesting for a few reasons. First the obvious which is that Reigns is terrible #smark. That might be an exaggeration, but I haven't been able to not cringe at every singles match he has had since Orton carried him to a half-decent one last summer. I can't really put my finger on it exactly, but I think it's his submissive body language that I absolutely loathe and awful psychology. His bewildered look after the rumble wasn't anything new because I swear I have seen him like that almost every time he wrestles. In matches he looks submissive and never in the least bit of control; and last I watched spite of his character being potrayed as this POWERHOUSE, he ends up ( poorly ) selling 90% of the damn match until the finish! If he could at least come off a little bit more intense and masculine I'd have him essentially be another Goldberg figure which I think would suit him far better. And of course It also goes without saying that his promo cutting abilities are first rate Botchamania and it's not that he is being fed lines but that he stinks on ice as an actor. The second thing is whether the rumoured Undertaker and Wyatt match will happen but god I hope not. Wyatt is another who's wrestling ability I find dubious and I have so far only been able to enjoy his matches with Bryan and two with Cena, but those two can carry just about anyone. Creative really fucked it up with the no-feud feud him and Mox had, resulting in awkward matches that I suppose were okay but really ended up hurting both guys at the end. As much as I like Mox, he needs someone else who can go and now he got the shaft and has been delegated to midcard boo Aside from the gripes I'm looking forward to possible Orton-Rollins and Bryan-ZIggler matches which will be gr8 for sure. Other than that from the active product I watch NJPW like everyone else these days, although not religiously. I try to tune into anything Shibata and Shinsuke are on. https://scontent-fra.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xfp1/t31.0-8/10294981_1474264182809086_2999997757911246645_o.jpg my Chris Benoit autograph I got back in 2004 along with handshake lolol. Stacy's in there for good measure.
  10. Karma’s Hat

    With this the greatest injustice in the history of the forum has been rectified
  11. Karma’s Hat

    It is with a heavy heart that I profess to not being into this album at all. My thoughts on the recent developments of the band have been documented on Lycaon thread ( which is an essential read before proceeding ) some time ago and needless to say I was hyping my balls off waiting for this thing and after I finally got listen to the thing from beginning to end, I felt nothing. Ever since its release I've gone through it a few times trying to dissect my feelings towards it... or lack thereof rather. The important facet of my relationship towards Camera Obscura is that thematically they've lost me here. The album appears to be working on the themes of Shadow and this has been done at the expense of the debauchery of Masochist Red Circus. It's worth noting that variety present in MRC is also gone in favor of almost Royal Order esque chugging with a special guest feature from that god-damn dad aroma riff, and when you have songs that essentially repeat their parts ad nauseam it's not really worth sitting through this thing just for the ride either. I loved the smell of spilled liquor and cum from Eros onward and when they started having those fabled -old school- tinges I was sold. Well those are gone now for the most part, along with the almost occult atmospheres they played around with on some the b-sides. There are songs here that I should like -in theory-. They've got their usual vocal hooks delivered by Yuuki's voice which I am very much a fan of, but nothing ever ends up hitting the mark with me like their singles did. I really cannot shake the feeling that they've just added hooks into exceptionally drab skeletons of songs and as a result lack the more richer and most importantly varied sound scapes of the singles. I honestly thought that until now they had not released a song that sounded even vaguely similar to another since Rose. I'm just extremely underwhelmed. Songs 3,4, 15 ,16 harken one back to their old stuff in a very unsavory manner, the ballad in the middle is the single biggest who gives a fuck ballad I've heard in my life and while Gypsy along with some others are cool, they unfortunately remain cool for the first two minutes after which you've heard everything and can safely push skip without missing out on anything in particular. Where I see myself in the future is in sticking to the singles but I suppose I'm not completely discounting the possibility of this album growing on me, but right now I remain doubtful.
  12. Karma’s Hat

    Isn't that venue a lot smaller than koko? Fucking boo if it sells out quickly The prospect of some rare songs being played since it's a two nighter is really tempting and it's been five years since I've been around those parts anyway.
  13. Karma’s Hat

    Now in hindsight I really don't know why I expected this to set the world on fire. The first Aliene really is next level stuff and I consider it to be the best visual kei album ever made by a healthy margin. It blew my mind even then that they could follow something so unique and wonderful like that with something as awful as 21st Century, which had a sound that has dated about as well as the Y2K theory and the old episodes of America's Most Wanted. I always wanted to blame Kyoka for that because he never did anything even half decent past that and has shown himself to have questionable taste time time and time again from shite bands to that awful outfit he had in the Key Party revival live... In my mind I had fantasised this to sound a little like the Nega demo track and old aliene, but there was really nothing there to warrant such hopes lolol.
  14. Karma’s Hat

    Yes yes yes oh thank god I ended up panicking for nothing. All my active favorites are releasing something aside from the question mark Moran. 2015 is gr8
  15. Oh don't get me wrong I far prefer these bands to the all the Nocturnal Bloodlust in the world, I think everyone does. It's just that this style never really went away after all the Kagerou, MUCC and whatnots pioneered it from 2000something onwards, so I don't really think this is particularly old school nor do I see the current fad of these more thematically darker bands ( compared only to three years ago. 2009 we had a ton of these ) as a revival of anything. One doesn't need to go back many years to have seen the scene full of bands that looked and sounded much akin to this one.
  16. Seeing old school mentioned here made me check this out but I don't recall old school bands basing their sound around what are essentially Korn riffs. This really sounds like a tricked out visual kei Korn.
  17. Karma’s Hat

    I think 1 was fun for what it was, which is them essentially having a noisiest possible session they could ( although I think it could have actually been really cool if they went even crazier as now it just fell a little short ). 2 is good because you really can't go wrong with the material from 6 to 8. I fear that it'll be just as dull as 11, but the absolute worst case scenario is that it'll be as dull as the banal live distributed stuff they released after 11.
  18. Karma’s Hat

    Good that it's finally coming, but I really don't have an optimistic bone left in my body when it comes to new cali≠gari. Reserving caution and hoping for samples
  19. Karma’s Hat

    Aren't they pretty much the best selling visual kei band around right now if you don't count all the L'arc en ciels and gazettes in the world?
  20. Karma’s Hat

    Someone play through that and take pix pls
  21. Karma’s Hat

    A band reissues an album with an extra track news at eleven
  22. Renis is the shit just disregard the shoes.
  23. Karma’s Hat

    Not super thrilled about the covers but I'm sure when I listen to the album it all ties together somehow and it'll be the perfect finishing touch to the greatest visual kei album released in 15 years like I expected
  24. Karma’s Hat

    Called it. I fucking knew we'd never get a Rin LP with Sui on the vocals for some reason.
  25. Karma’s Hat

    Fuck I'm going straight edge for the foreseeable future. Everything even down to caffeine I'm absolutely done with. I'm through with looking and feeling like I've had the aids for the past decade and I'm through with having my heart rate so utterly and completely fucked that it is practically racing it's way through my chest half of the day. The bulk of the past year my diet has been so atrocious and my cardiovascular health so shit that going outside has been more of a struggle than it has needed to be, and by Christmas my body was pretty much eating up itself when I was practically living like David Bowie during the Station to Station recording. Not like much changed after I flew to my parents for the holidays because then I drank and six out of eight days there and I just passed out in peace at my own quarters. At least I've had the decency lately to leave my brain chemistry alone for the most part and I haven't mistaken any Grimes haircuts on the street for half eaten heads since last snowfall. Quite honestly I don't even recall when I last wrote a facebook status update, posted here or even had done some school work while not on something. I'm willing to bet I haven't written a word during my entire academic career sober since I turned bloody 18 and that feels like a lifetime ago. It's not that intoxication substantially affects the quality of my writing, but it's just a habit I've had and was not very inclined to get rid off. Now I've done the initial preparations of having thrown out the ashtray and having indigested the leftover vodka in the fridge. Might as well have a go at it now and try to make 2015 less shit than 2014.
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