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Karma’s Hat

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Everything posted by Karma’s Hat

  1. Karma’s Hat

    Early Beatles sucks? Beatles are overrated? What is this turning into the popular opinions thread now
  2. Two fantastic Japanese EP's sure to be on someones alley. The second especially I post with no reservations, 'tis an essential listen despite the relative obscurity. http://stalkingduppi.blogspot.fi/If the links here are still working it's a good resource for anyone daring. If my memory serves there's Pale Cocoon releases available thou' you can get them easy from slsk as well
  3. I hate it as an ironic shtick for my own personal amusement lolol. I enjoy quite a few singles and stay away from the more often than not filler stacked albums as is customary with a standard pop affair, however I do personally eye roll real hard at the downright silly criticism directed at the quote on quote manufactured music (ooh aah the horror! ). As an anthropological curiosity its interesting. There's a reason why Kpop became the cultural force and wonder that it is and there are at least things to learn from the experience; there's a reason why there is not a country in Asia that's not taking cues from the aesthetic and music of what the Koreans are doing. They've really tapped into the zeitgeist good & proper and bulldozed themselves into the minds and markets the way others aren't now able to, and that speaks of its relevancy and importance. Take a ferry ride over however where the old lion in the jungle that is the Japanese idol pop has really bit the proverbial dust so to speak, and is considerably lagging behind in aesthetic and musical innovation. It is a one AKB48 listen away to realise how dire the situation is when the sound is so fucking outdated it gives Finnish pop music a run for its money. All that said I practically never listen to this stuff and once in a blue moon I may get a recommendation from a reliable source that I'll give a casual listen 2, and that'd be the extent of it. I do prefer American pop music by a wide margin and I cannot wait for all those tools posting hangul charts and Seoul vacation plans on the tombrls and twatters to get bored and move on to face the same fate all of us weeaboos did who took up Japanese in middle school ten years ago.
  4. Karma’s Hat

    This is sort of related to the topic. I moved to my parents place in the country for the summer and was reminded of a particular one just recently through my a decade younger brother. The story goes that there's an accomplished child murderer & rapist Jammu setä ( uncle Jammu ) in the woods near the school who abducts children to his cabin, which comes equipped with the whole nine yards of child molesting like a torture rack and steel bars reinforcing the windows. After having been here for two weeks the story has grown and grown from initially there having been just a rickety cabin in the woods, to this unbelievable extent of absurdity that its approaching Wonka's chocolate factory of murder . The children at the school know where the said cabin is located in the woods, but none dare venture to find out despite the fact that I don't think any children actually believe the story 100%. The thing is that we had this exact same story down to the name and the details 15 years ago and a 6 hour drive apart. The name is derived from a local case http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jammu_Siltavuoriand he is very etched in the national conscious as the quintessential pedo. My experienced differs from my dumb brother somewhat because us brave city children did eventually go to the woods to find out if there was actually something there, and it turned out there was. Not too deep in the woods in exact spot the story had had pointed it, there was an abandoned bed and a drawer with porn magazine or two ( we found more of these in the woods back then than you can find in the shops now. How times have changed ). It was a rather underwhelming end to all the tall tales, but I do remember the place not really being pleasant enough to warrant a return for further investigation. I don't think there's much in the way of supernatural urban legends here, but the satanist moral panic of the 90's was about as bad as it was the states a decade before. I was too young to experience it so I had to settle for child molesters, but those did live through it remember rumours of satanic cult rituals in the woods, priests coming to lecture frequently in schools, banning of metal band shirts and harassment from local pigs if you were suspected of being into music of dubious moral character. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bridgewater_Triangle https://news.google.com/newspapers?id=kp4rAAAAIBAJ&sjid=N_wFAAAAIBAJ&pg=4387,3805984&hl=en In the classic american way to go along with satanist murders it has UFO's, Bigfoot, disturbed injin' spirits and whatever else.
  5. You know, in case someone hasn't seen. There's more matches on the ROH channel that are essential watches too. Not going to front, thought the Owens segment on Raw was awesome. I still think his physique is so bad that it's surreal how much the times have changed from haytch thinking that Angle was too short to be a champion, to now pushing this slob with more girth that height. Not that guys ever get over or work relative to their physique but god damn how about cutting some. Why does the IC Elimination chamber have jobbers like Ryback and R-Truth? Where's Neville or Stardust or Bray ( who's exclusion I'd understand because they fancy him as a possible ME but he hasn't been doing anything in a while ). Owens/Cena and Ambrose/Rollins I can't wait for. Matches of the year so far? Mine are Cena/Rollins/Brock from the Royal Rumble and Ibushi/Nakamura from WK. Wouldn't rate neither less than five stars.
  6. Marked out at the Shield spot. The match I thought was really messy compared to the fourway last year, but I could have spent that time worse. Kane really sucks though has he ever been able to actually bump? Can he at least pretend not being fully aware of what's going on when he's being powerbombed through the announcers table. lmao at the match ending on a bad looking pedigree #bringbackcurbstomp Other matches I watched all the way were Sheamus/Ziggler and the 2 out of 3 falls both of which I enjoyed. The New Day is excellent and I enjoy every minute they're on but I got a little disconnected after Cesaro botched lifting Big E lolol they worked their ass off tho, good spotfest. I just watched the ending for the US title match and oh boy I wonder how they'll get Rusev out from the ditch they dug him into. I hope they insert him and Bray into the title pictures because they're both struggling and I wouldn't mind seeing some new blood in ther. I would assume at least one of them makes it into the Elimination Chamber match These filler PPV's are an okay watch but it really takes away from the whole thing when you come in fully knowing that nothing major will take place.
  7. Karma’s Hat

    I first saw them when I was a kid and I lost my mind and cried through half of the fucking set 'cus 's my fav band at the taim. This was in London back in 2010 and I would have loved to attend this one too if it weren't for the fact that London is a ridiculously expensive city unless you're willing to share a room with Australian expats and guest workers or stay at an airport hotel in the back arse of town.
  8. THOUGHTS EVERYONE? I still haven't watched the ME but I'll get around doing it in a minute and then be back. This is honestly the only topic on this entire forum now that doesn't raise my blood pressure and even though I look about as proud as a pedophile walking to court when I admit to liking this stuff, I cherish the feeling of comradery amongst the fans of 'rasslin
  9. Karma’s Hat

    The people attending London can still hold up hope that they'll continue to keep saving the best shit for the back to back shows like they've always done. Rest assured they'll have this shit set for every other show though.
  10. Karma’s Hat

    Playing Arche is fine but the encore is shit and the set a song or two short. Would have actually been cooler if they played the entire Arche in order.
  11. Karma’s Hat

    lol yeah okay not feeling bad for skipping so far.
  12. rolf there's a five page thread on NWN about that. Terrible.
  13. Karma’s Hat

    who gives a fuck This forum gets so bad whenever a big profile release is coming out.
  14. Listened to that one myself too and I guess I thought it was alrite for what it is. 's kind of stuff is not my thing, but I can't h8 on the PE because of how charming Famine's signatures are. I'll play it again when lyric translations surface up somewhere. Timeghoul is legit and so are the first AtG and Burzum.
  15. DEAN BACK IN THE MAIN EVENT SCENE YES. Good match from him and seth 2 I wonder if we get a shield triple threat for Summerslam that'd be incredible, though I wouldn't fault them if they decided to save that first time for a future mania. Great show with a fantastic crowd and just good matches in general and while that US invitational doesn't make any sense since Cena's already booked for Rusev, they've been almost PPV quality matches for RAW. I saw people speculating that Zayn's injury was a work but I think he just decided to work it into the match and persevere through it. I hope an NXT talent is the one that will eventually get that US belt. The best thing on the show aside from Dean's elevation? The tag champions didn't job!
  16. Karma’s Hat

    Fucking hell, In This Moment crossed my mind when I heard this but I quickly repressed those thoughts into my subconscious. I'm only allowed to like mallgoth nu-metal crap when cute japanese boys are involved ITM are the polar opposite of taste though, and mejibray ruls
  17. Karma’s Hat

    Well if it was footage from the anniversary live then I hope that means a DVD of it is coming
  18. It's nice is that Barrett won because he's a cool guy and they've treated him like a joke since he got the IC belt. It's beyond me how much they have the champions job in this company like for example them feeding the tag champions to blandy, who took them on single-handed! Getting the new guize overrrrr now Rusev soon to have three decisive pay per view losses in a row to one person durr he'll be midcarding superstars with swagger by the end of the year just watch. It's a shame that they brought King of the ring back just to occupy the midcard for a week due to Bryan's absence. They should stretched it and have it replace one of the more useless PPVs with it like Battleground because King of the ring is a lot of fun. Well either way King Barrett will hopefully turn out to be a good angle for the midcard and hopefully it'll lead to singles matches with Sheamus. Speaking of which, Sheamus was honestly really under appreciated by people like an year ago but now I've been seeing people like him more and more. His great match with Cesaro from last year really salvaged that PPV it was on last year. I suppose it was the gimmick which I wasn't really a fan of either, so this heel turn did him a world of good.
  19. Karma’s Hat

    I'd have to take a pick between Seventh Heaven and Aku no Hana, but generally Kurutta taiyou and everything prior is perfectly acceptable.
  20. Karma’s Hat

    What is broken, padded with fetch quests and filled with cheese to the very brim? It's the latest triple A title from Ubisoft. Far Cry 4 Oh boy. Playing this I wonder whether the third was as fun as I remember it being, because this is essentially the same game but taking place on the mountains instead. Every time I come back to it after a while I do think that it's quite enjoyable... For approximately 15 minutes that is. I suppose it's irrelevant whether the previous installment was this tedious because as of right now I am not enjoying myself shooting the same drones with the same weapons, doing the same gloried MMORPG quests ad nauseum in an environment that's not really as cool of a setting as I thought the mountains would be. One thing that this one definitely has in common with its predecessor however is the fucking douche-chill inducing lead villain who's character is essentially Heath Ledgers wacky Joker portrayal from the new Hollywood Batman blunders. The Min feller is while less kooky than Vaas, essentially the same character as the latter going through the exact same cornball routine of "unexpectedly" shooting their own subordinates, ranting stupefying, brain melting nonsense hours on end in cut scenes YOU ARE UNABLE TO SKIP BY THE WAY all the while torturing some innocent wholesome village peasant. The super duper corny performance is brought to you by the same generic hollywood man voice that they ruined the Silent Hill 2 remake with. Yuck. It looks and runs purdy good on the PC though. A quite an impressive feat seeing as... Assassin's Creed Unity The fucking undisputed king series of padding. I wish I was kidding when I say that the previous installment Black Flag had a main storyline quest involving fetching a certain number of gunpowder barrels! This takes me back to the days of playing World of warcraft and doing the "Daily's" aka. grinding my balls off for those who are not in the know. Seriously these games would be 40 to 50% shorter if all the MMORPG quest nonsense was taken out. The game starts out fine. I am allowed to change the language to French which is great because the English language speaking Italians in II and Brotherhood were just dreadful- And then it crashes. Before I'm even done with the tutorial even. 0/10. This is what prompted this write-up. Though I didn't get to really tweak the graphical settings I was informed that I need to lock the framerate to 30fps in effort to make it work properly rolf. I'll come back to it eventually though. Next I'll get around trying that GTA V PC port too. I am most excited for all the additions to the radio programming they made. I hope they added more Blaine County Radio Community Hour.
  21. Karma’s Hat

    To further add to the ones mentioned above while keeping it in the realm of stuff that is very influential right now just for the hell of it: The Velvet Underground also released their seminal works annually for four years, Joy Division's entire catalog was from four years of activity, Wu Tang Clan guys released six albums albums from '93 to '97, David Bowie's annual releases from '71 to '73 and then again from '76 to '80 is all essential and god knows how much early Three 6 Mafia affiliated stuff made within a handful of years is out there... The namedropping could go on all week and the point is that the examples are innumerable, so when people are giving their bollocks insights on the recording processes of Sadie and Dir en grey it's all unfounded garbage assumption of no worth to anyone. They could make the best album ever all the while having recording execs breathing down their neck and vice and versa, but at the end of the day we don't know what went on in the studio and inside the musicians heads*. The amount of silly speculation I've seen about The Gazette and Dir en grey in the last five years is mind boggling. The only thing worse is seeing all the classic vagueties in music reviews like Inspired™ and those that read like bloody field reports "SPOTTED A RIFF AT 0.33 VERY COOL. PRODUCTION VERY NAIS. NICE BEAT AT 4.01" you catch the drift. *there is an exception of course if it's someone documented and studied like the aforementioned bach
  22. Karma’s Hat

    You guys are giving birthday wishes to a guy who hasn't been online since 2011
  23. Not going to lie, I skipped the Cena Rusev match entirely. Like really who gives a shit at this point and why in the bloody hell is this feud still going- Oh that's right it's exactly what you said, it's the same imbeciles who got Bray buried last year. Remember when that guy got huge reactions last year before and little bit after mania? Rip I like Reigns' look now with moar facial hair and I like that he is getting a little bit more comfortable out there as time passes, teasing heel behavior even. Really what I want from him the most is more aggressiveness and more offense in matches. He needs to be a brute because he just looks silly when he is getting beat up for 90% of the match. But at the end of the day I'm just amazed that someone actually managed to have a match with Show in 2015 that wasn't completely abysmal. I'm jealous about the opportunity but I probably would have regretted going 2 after that dud of a street fight lolol. I hope they're going around the east coast next winter when I'm going to New York for a while. Too bad I recall the rumble next year was at some who gives a fuck state.
  24. Anyone bothered to watch the PPV? It was clearly an opposite day on Sunday because Chicago wasn't fun at all, Ambrose/Harper stunk and Reigns had the match of the night. Even Ziggler and Shaymoose never really took off but it was an okay Raw match regardless with an acceptable ending. I wasn't too excited going into it anyway since every result was a foregone conclusion and I'm glad I didn't have to regret not staying up and watching it live. Took less than a month for the apathy to come back, even though the London episode was alrite with Reigns cutting a pretty good promo I thought! Lololo did you guys see that Rusev and Cena are going to go at it AGAIN at the next PPV. The next match Rusev buried ali... I mean an I quit match. I agree on Zayn and Owens coming up as a tag team. They can start having animosity between each other right after winning the tag titles maybe and then you can go back to their angle on the main roster again. I still can't stand Owens with his fucking terrible physique. Imagine what a fat midget he'll look like next to a ripped killer like Randy. At least other short guys like Neville are jacked and Bryan used to look kind of okay before all the injuries. I have a feeling Bryan is going retire soon at least for a while, but I hope he'd be okay to come back like Shawn did. Am I the only one here who's all in on the UFC now? This summer is going to kill with 187, 188 and 189. 190 looks pretty bad with Rousey headlining and all the soon to be retired heavyweights filling up the undercard, but they'll have something decent in there by then I'm sure. If Jones fucks up the 187 main event now with his shit I'll be devastated.
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