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Karma’s Hat

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Everything posted by Karma’s Hat

  1. Karma’s Hat

    Got a ticket for Helsinki. Should have gotten two to sell the other for 100 bux on the web later
  2. Karma’s Hat

    How are they seven years old already? I can still vividly remember their first stuff being released...
  3. Karma’s Hat

    In 2013 the european tour sold out instantaneously with the exception of some backwater town in France. They might phase out the ticket stock a little that not all of them will be sold in the first five minutes but that maybe the remaining 20 or 30% comes on sale two hours after the sale started - however I wouldn't risk it if I intended to go. I'm going to be refreshing lippupalvelu like there's no tomorrow at 9am on monday. Helsinki is going to sell out in a couple of minutes fosho Erm, each venue can only hold out a certain amount of people and they can't really fuck with dat due to all the safety regulation and shit. Obviously dir en grey was not sold out then
  4. Jesus Phobia was more engaging as a whole than the pretty basic chorus would let on in the samples, and that's the kind of chorus they'll have on like 90% of their songs apparently. So hold steadfast & don't let thy faith in securitas kei waver
  5. Karma’s Hat

    They say the VIP info for the Finnish show will be published before the tickets go on sale, which means that they'll have three days to do it before the sale starts. Not buying VIP this time even if there's a meet and greet, so it really doesn't matter for me either way. The European vip appears to be cheaper than the American too so I doubt that there's going to be any perks worth the price of admission.
  6. Karma’s Hat

    GodzettE Hope the setlist is longer this time around though I doubt it. I'll take anything
  7. Karma’s Hat

    I'll be so disappointed if there's no european dates because I'm pretty stoked right now - nowhere near as stoked as I was in 2013 though when I positively lost my mind at the tour announcement. Don't even care if the setlist is short again gon attend #allthedates
  8. Karma’s Hat

    lmao I was actually booking the travels to this as I went to check the mysterious surge of activity in this thread. So much for nothing. Visual kei in europe is dead and in all honesty the promoters are as much part of the blame as the unfavorable zeitgeist
  9. Karma’s Hat

    Oh fuck. I wonder if I should hold out hopes for EU dates? Heed that the VIP during the last tour was nothing but a plastic placard with a privilege for an early entry and nothing else. Wait for all the info before purchase lest it is similar this time around as well.
  10. Karma’s Hat

    Ya someone upload more of these please
  11. Karma’s Hat

    Providence not being in my favor a grand total of zero of the stuff I was looking forward to this holiday season actually came out, so I'll give this a shot for having the courtesy of leaking. thx old bowie!
  12. Karma’s Hat

    Listening to music without scrobbling is so boring but registering again at this point feels like rowing the lifeboat back to the sinking ship that's already half-way underwater.
  13. A lot of faves ransacked: Moran, Lycaon, Rono Cro, Rin. In the light of this it's still a small comfort that mejibray, avelcain and kiryu persist since in visual kei you're never sure whether yours is the next one to go. Completely antipathetic towards everything Gazette which would have been inconceivable for me to think about earlier in the year. My take on it at the moment of writing is that while they took a step in the right direction, they've exhausted whatever spark there was left and the band as a whole is beyond saving at this point no matter what they do. It could also be that I've changed myself and their heavily suspect post 2006 material I'm only fond of for nostalgic reasons, who knows! This while certainly not a comprehensive analysis of anything and I have no pretensions of it being so, is alas what I intuitively feel and watching them go at it now is like watching middle aged men do young people things, which in turn reminds me of aching backs, low testosterone, mortgages, kids at home... Things are in fact so dire that I'm almost in agreement with the Disreign comment above. Some bands I started following with completely unfounded optimism turned out to be absolutely blunders arlequin, black swan, dada roma and surely a few others that I forget. I'll keep checking out their stuff as a visual kei fan contractual obligation but I'm not holding my breath.
  14. Karma’s Hat

    Anyone got anything on karma? These more in dept descriptions of their debauchery greatly add to the experience for me and I'm very much inclined to believe every single one that's not utterly ludicrous from the outset like "bandman x has aids lol"
  15. Karma’s Hat

  16. Karma’s Hat

    Yes I couldn't have been the only one alarmed. Seriously have titles like this ever been used without some dreary foreshadowing? They seem to be on the up and up so it doesn't appear the likeliest scenario, but stranger things have happened
  17. Karma’s Hat

    The name of the second single and tour are more worrisome and foreboding than I care for mia's really phoning it in with his looks as of late
  18. Plenty of my AOTY's are present and accounted for; Future, Thugga, Jamie XX, Carly, Kendrick, Sremm, Drake, Grimes In addition to stuff I've already acquired but haven't gotten around listening like Dawn Richards, D'angelo, Oneothrix, Arca I haven't listened to Tame Impala but if that's the case then it wouldn't be the only such culprit on there because nobody should really care about anything that Panda Bear or Deerhunter are doing these days. I cannot recall an year where so many published lists will end up looking so alike, especially the number 1. It's about high time I'd make my own list too with not much left in the year, spare for any surprise mixtapes. http://www.factmag.com/2015/12/09/the-50-best-albums-of-2015/http://www.factmag.com/2015/12/03/25-best-reissues/ moar lists for the curious observer
  19. Karma’s Hat

    First album and shuugetsu heika EP from the early stuff but in addition to that I'd recommend pretty much every single they've released since 2013. I was quite let down by the fourth album despite the singles completely slaying, while almost the opposite happened with the third album whatever that was called... Either way I liked it. 愛怨忌焔 is a great, great single. Going through all the four tracks in succession is like kiryu performing a live exorcism it's fucking gr8
  20. It's fucking tragic if that cash-in box ends up being the last thing Sui's featured on. I herd this was supposedly going to be his last band?
  21. Anything short of them returning will just hurt me
  22. Karma’s Hat

    I've done it so much in my life that I downright prefer drinking alone now. I just have more fun listening to music while getting wasted on the computer than being out there surviving in the cold, paying cloak room fees, eating soggy nuggets and all that, though usually both end up happening in succession. 2012 meme game. maybe back then I didn't think that new swans was rubbish lolol
  23. Karma’s Hat

    So who's still attending this? I'm definitely going to so I just started going through their discography chronologically and I was really caught off-guard by Scheat. It sounds almost retro for 2007 and definitely nothing like I've heard from them before. Fuck it has probably been years since I've heard any of their old stuff actually. o alterna is pretty good too. This is why I should start listening to bands more before I see them live
  24. Those vocals are just savage af hope he'll be able to keep at for a few more years before his throat gets rekdt
  25. Karma’s Hat

    I would assume that it's a one-off thing but even if it wasn't, it would still be better than that deathcore logo dir en grey had for a few seconds in 2010. They even sold tour shirts with it shit was dire
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