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Karma’s Hat

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Everything posted by Karma’s Hat

  1. Karma’s Hat

    Lol apparently this is a thing that has been going on for a while. Says there somewhere that these people had some video up but it has been deleted. https://twitter.com/GazemobRadio instagram deleted also bah Slight off topic but I am just so thoroughly embarrassed by the uh, fandom if you can call it that. You really need to re-evaluate your life if you are an adult and go around calling yourself a "sixth gun" and partake in all the almost cult-like wank of fan brother and sisterhood, unless you're intending to pull a Heaven's Gate.
  2. Karma’s Hat

    When I saw that tweet I also figured that something is going to happen. It's still up in the air whether it ends up being some session live none of us will attend or a new band. I mean it hasn't been that long since they disbanded, so I don't think there's any reason yet to worry about him coming back.
  3. Karma’s Hat

    I have an entry exam in one hour but I decided to have lunch at the other side of the town and I came to realise the repercussions of that decision after paying for the food. Not giving up on a paid meal so if it takes more than 20 minutes to arrive I'll be fucked will the desire for lunch be my undoing dundun
  4. Karma’s Hat

    I'm not trying to be silly about it just for the sake of having something to write about. Everything contained herein has not an ounce of exaggeration nor a single unwarranted superlative. This was a complete disaster and everyone is worse off for having been there: the organiser, satsuki and the attendees. It comes to no surprise to anyone that obviously this was top 3 least attended visual kei show in Finnish history, with the only other contenders being that Maria band who performed at a youth recreational center, HITT and possibly any of the dozen times ADAMS and Plunklock came here. Even if I forget a gig it's beside the point anyway, because what you need to take away here is that there was an audience of well below 100 people. I doubt this was an issue for the organisers as the low attendance must have been well expected beforehand, and as has been demonstrated in the thread before he has no band with him and henceforth the least amount of gear possible. Satsuki the shrewd business man came to rake in the merch money and get out as fast as possible. The weather was fabulous and we arrived to the vicinity of the venue quite early and after checking out the line we gtfo'd to drink more at a nearby park. We looked to be the sole contributors to the average alcohol % in the attendee blood stream average. After finding out that the bar would be closed we came to the mutual decision that we'd skip the Finnish act - who's name shall not be mentioned because I don't want anyone to check them out even in jest - who would be warming up for Satsuki for the night. My dislike for all the shite local bands everywhere near you is intense burning fire. So we finally went in shortly before Satsuki started and nothing could have prepared me for it. I honestly think that when Satsuki started singing over a really bad sounding backtrack everyone was in the same state of shock as I was. The mixing of Satsuki's very distinct voice and the song playing in the background sounded so weird that I cracked up uncontrollably right away and tried to get a yoko ono joke out and just couldn't without control the nervous laughter. I talked to one other random attendee after the show who expressed similar feelings, so I would rightly imagine that most people there felt this way. Right for the first song the crowd was as unenthusiastic any I've ever seen. I don't think anyone knew the songs, I mean, at all. Satsuki must have felt very awkward after every time he tried to get the audience to sing the songs it would fall flat straight away. He was practically begging for reactions throughout the songs and after every song played and numerous times said that the audience was shy - he did this a lot. There were multiple few minutes long MC's that were the usual fare like nice to meet you Finland, my newest album is great please buy it and etc. these were the highlight of the show because otherwise nobody looked like they were having fun. I legitimately don't think there were any solo Satsuki fans there, but people like me who just came there for the visual kei association. There are few things worse than seeing a band bomb on stage and being on hands and knees trying to garner a reaction. Apparently during one of the songs they were filming the audience to make a crazy wild live show good time PV out of it and I don't think they'll end up using the footage from this show... We spent the show sitting down pretty much and I was trying to be a jerk for the bulk of the show by grunting and yelling Rentrer en soi songs, which other people seemed to do a couple of times too and Satsuki no-sold every single one. I actually saw Satsuki outside the venue at one point and waved at the guy but he couldn't care less. - Anyway the show was gladly very brief and actually looks like it may have been cut shorter than initially intended, as the amount of songs played must have been ten or even less. Don't quote me on that though. Yikes. After it was all said and done I don't think anyone had much fun. Satsuki being a touring musician must have had crowds like this before in his life, but it's probably safe to say he won't be returning and I don't think the audience would either. Everyone looked caught off guard by the lack of live musicians and just how awkward the setup ended up sounding. After the show I said that this might just be the first ever outright bad show I went to. I've certainly been bored at plenty, but even those bands had their fans and people seemed like they had a good time. Here I think every single scream and utterance from the audience was out of straight up politeness. Appl- above seems to have liked it and definitely in a completely different environment this might have turned out of very different, especially in country that has not been as spoiled as Finland has been over the years. A visual kei gig has any shred of novelty here it one point may have had, like we have had bands here like during the heyday of visual kei in europe every band was here at some point. A good crowd can salvage every show and calling the mood lethargic would probably be an understatement. Some of the satsuki solo stuff actually sounded fine, but the if a show just bombs on a fundamental level with the setting then not even okay songs can salvage it. If Satsuki is performing near you then I really wouldn't advice you to go unless you want to buy the signed Cinema Cradle DVD for 30 bux which he was selling.
  5. Karma’s Hat

    Going to this 1 tonite. I'll do a write up if anything transpires
  6. Karma’s Hat

    What a synchronicity that both them and girugamesh announce their disbandments. At one point both were those bands that I couldn't believe were still around. Screw was like a car gassing it on the driveway without going anywhere and girugamesh had gone through such stylistic amalgamations that one didn't know what to think. It is only recently that Girugamesh seemed to have gotten their groove back and Screw started showing some signs of life as well: and then they both disbanded lol. If this had happened like, two three years ago I wouldn't have been surprised at all, but now it caught me a bit off guard with the recent surge of activity from both of them. Screw especially I have been expecting to disband for such a long time that I kind of got comfortable with the idea they were just going to stick around forever ( much what I thought of BORN as well before they disbanded ). I moderately liked a bunch of the indies stuff, however the one time I saw them live they were so good that I have quite a bit of nostalgia for everything thing they played that night. rip
  7. Karma’s Hat

    Nah that was more like a "hay guize what songs would you like to hear" and then people just named songs. If you want to see it though it should be on their facebook updates somewhere iirc. I reserve the right to be wrong on this ha-ha if yours is tomorrow then you're probably not going to get chizuru. Good to see that they shuffled around some songs so technically everything is impossible. Their greatest offence is ending the set with tomorrow never dies bollocks but they've been doing that in japan for a while now so it figures
  8. Karma’s Hat

    As far as I know it's a management effort to surpress all sorts of bootleg photography in effort to rake in photoset cash and keep any possible unflattering pictures out of circulation. It's definitely not about the lights of the devices distracting the band or whatever actually practical reason that could be conceived of. It's just enraging to see fans whiteknighting for these bands on youtube asking people to take down their videos. The kind of a person you have to be to go around the web in your spare time looking after the ( imagined ) monetary interest of some shitty japanese rock band...
  9. Karma’s Hat

    This is just a lite version of the set they've been playing in Japan with less dogma in favor of their favorite live staples from over the years ( all these except chizuru have made relatively recent appearances though, with the exception of fadeless and dripping insanity 2 i think ). I'd say it's considerably less heavy than the dogma tour setlists they've been playing for like half an year now precisely because of the lack of the entirety of dogma. If my memory serves me, they have played a grand total of zero outright gazeballads on the two dogmatic tour legs, with grudge and ominous being the closest fitting criteria. Thefore I cannot begin to imagine the deg comparison. They mentioned the fan questionaire about which songs people wanted to hear on this tour in an interview ( when asked about whether linda and kantou will be played ), and it's definately noticeable that they actually paid attention to it when a western favorite chizuru shows up literally out of nowhere. Seeing that nothing pre Nil will show up since gazette fans replying to what one would assume to be a lame management facebook polls are a bunch of noobs, I'm holding out my breath for surprise taion. Today is dallas and if they play the mexico set tonight then it's safe to say these two sets are going to loop throughout the american leg like last time ( but hopefully asia and europe will get new sets )
  10. Karma’s Hat

    01. NIHIL 02. DOGMA 03. RAGE 04. VORTEX 05. LEECH 06. FADELESS 07. DRIPPING INSANITY 08. DEUX 09. OMINOUS 10. INCUBUS 11. Hyena 12. UGLY 13. UNDYING 14. Filth in the beauty Encore : 01. AGONY 02. HEADACHEMAN 03. TOMORROW NEVER DIES Still not a fan of the set
  11. Karma’s Hat

    Some songs will be rotated for sure. Last tour had two sets and they differed on 3-4 songs iirc, and now since the tour is far longer with an album to promote, I'd imagine a lot of those will come and go. I blame it on the early hour of the day that I initially mistook Chizuru for Chijou lolol Chizuru is a cool addition for sure, but if one song is not going to stick around for all the setlists, then it's that one. At least that shows that there's the off chance of there being something unexpected in the set.
  12. Karma’s Hat

    I absolutely loathe that setlist. Yesterday I wagered the encore would consist of stacked and toxic songs, and lo, it is so. I didn't expect the set to be longer this time, but fuck that's the worst case scenario encore for me. Otherwise disappointed for no deux, but fadeless is a positive surprise.
  13. Karma’s Hat

    My favorite from this era with dogma and deux
  14. Karma’s Hat

    god those gimmicky chinaman rice hat city wok instrument sections on some of their songs are the bane of my existence.
  15. Karma’s Hat

    See that's how these tours work that have a show in every town that's willing to take 'm. HITT and Adams are the other text book examples where they brought no equipment, had either airbnb or fans host them and then just rake in whatever the merch brings. Back in the day I thought shows like this only saturated the market, while lowering the stock and killing visual kei in Europe in the process, but now the scene is completely and utterly beyond salvaging so who gives a fuck. The bands that tour overseas are those that have no domestic career going for them. Satsuki is probably pushing mid-30's at this point too. Notice too that if satsuki isn't flying back and forth to Japan mid tour, the guy is staying in Europe for a really long time, and I can tell you he is not staying all that time in a hotel. still going 2 this 1 thou lolololol
  16. I'm surprised how little attention this band gets. That LP from last year was wonderful for what it was
  17. they've been flopping in shitty internet band limbo since I was like in 6th grade RESPECT
  18. Karma’s Hat

    oh my god hitomi singing entichers
  19. Karma’s Hat

    I wish I knew the exact date so I could celebrate accordingly, but either way my 10th year anniversary as a weeaboo is coming up shortly. I saw a link to D'espairsray's Garnet at a gaming related message board, and the rest is history. If I was so speculate when this took place, I'd say it took place around around November or another month when it was snowy at the end of the year. I definitely was in 7th grade by then. Rest assured that many classmates came to know about dir en grey and the likes, and they couldn't have possibly given less of a shite about all of it.
  20. Karma’s Hat

    I told Iria from Ruellia to grow his hair long again. iirc he replied with something along the lines of that he tries to get it as long as his day job allows.
  21. It's that time of year again when I'm all in. The older I get, the more I like all those albums I didn't get into when I was a youngin' so now I'm listening to Hellhammer, Graveland, first three Bathory and heavy metal in general. The aforementioned Obscura though is definitely like the best example of an album I loved to death when I was 18, but wouldn't give the time of day now. I haven't listened to Considered Dead and Erosion of Sanity in forever, but I remember wanting to like both yet neither I really listened that much lolol. Bear what's your opinion on the Blazebirth hall stuff? I've had them on my computer forever, but never got around listening to them.
  22. Finnish show cancelled due to no1curr. I'm surprised that this wasn't one of those Orochi-kind of shows where the organisers surely couldn't even have been expecting anyone to show up. One has to wonder what kind of an attendance they were projecting for themselves by booking Nosturi, which is a venue of considerable size in an age where these bands perform to a near empty Gloria.
  23. Karma’s Hat

    Karma is my visual kei hero gtfo to your business school and church fund raiser event if you don't like him
  24. Karma’s Hat

    Whenever there's video footage of Uruha that doesn't have any fantastical lighting or camera angles I notice that his face is very bloated lookin'. That could be anyfin, could be botox I want to believe. [2] to all koichi and mia they're both the most obvious examples I could think of
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