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Karma’s Hat

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Everything posted by Karma’s Hat

  1. Karma’s Hat

    Lol yes this. I have no problem with people making assumptions from samples but jesus some apparently already have it _all_ figured out. What is even more ridiculous is how some people seem to lump Uroboros and DSS together as if they sounded even remotely alike. So far this band has no albums that sound like the other, so with this in mind I doubt this will sound like anything else either. If I were to give my five cents, I'd say this is shaping to sound roughly like the post-DSS material they released, mixed with some sukekiyo. However we'll only know for sure how far they'll take it when the album is released and we get to hear what they do with this sound within the framework of an album. Obviously since it's an album it will give room to experimentation which they always utilise to varying degrees. As for me, I hate the song and the samples 2. Song was a whole lot of nothing going nowhere set to kyo's awful monotonous croning.
  2. Karma’s Hat

    I just can't with this band sometimes. I appreciate their tongue in cheek attitude with this one but lawd their releases consistently have the worst cover arts around
  3. Nonsense, Abhorer is legit and I used to love that first Necrophobic album back in the day too. Went to Black Flames and Morbosidad played a Beherit cover with Sodomatic Slaughter on drums. Really that alone was worth whatever money I spent on the ticket and liquor. For next year they have Goat Semen booked and I'm already there. So my computer died and now I'm in the process of downloading everything all over again. My recent fascination with metal has lasted and I have been re-downloading a bunch So speaking of kicks, now for fun I've consciously tried to stick to a certain sound dwelling within the realm of occvlt goatfago and prominent heavy metal influence that I find very inspirational. Drawing Down the Moon, everything Profanatica and Blood Upon the Altar/Fallen Angel of Doom are in the heaviest rotation as all time undisputed favorites, but along with those two I have lined up classics from Celtic Frost, Mercyful Fate and Master's Hammer that I feel go seamlessly with the aforementioned; and along with that I have gotten some things that fall in the middle like the 90's Greek sound of Rotting Christ, Varathron and the early Septic Flesh. There's also some Venom and Sigh's Scorn Defeat thrown in for good measure.
  4. My relationship with this band started out great. Their music was an over the top circus music spectacle with fun chugging and breakdown dubbing, great contemporary visual kei vocal stylings with fantastic generic choruses, and all of it was brought together with a big dumb production job. Even at their most subdued I still found shit pretty catchy and good for an intoxicated listen. Now the short romance is brought to an end and the band did exactly what I was afraid would happen as per usual with visual kei of this sort. The new songs on this album really sucked out all the fun I had with the singles tracks, and it's all just drab now. This might still be purely coincidental however, and they'd return to the form I prefer with whatever comes out next and that would have all the dumb breakdowns I'd desire, but I don't think I care anymore. I was really holding out hope that this band would do what no VK band has done so far, and that would essentially be the post-modern visual kei Suicide Silence with the fun of both generic metalcore and generic visual kei. Now it's pretty clear that this is not happening and I was just hoping for something that there was never really any indication for, and my enjoyment of this band was at least half optimism for what the future would hold. Now in these new tracks their true nature is revealed; they're drab, dumb and most importantly of all, not fun. It speaks volumes when the visual kei interpretation of metalcore is so dire that the generic dogshit riff DAD AROMA lifted from somewhere got people excited. Gawd.
  5. Karma’s Hat

    rip limewire
  6. Brilliant list. Ones I had not listened to before were Sextrash and Pentagram and they sound just awesome. This page of the thread is only a couple lists away from having essentially the metal 101. Yeah the MGLA day would have Bölzer too with Nargaroth and Taake being apt food and beer breaks outside. From Saturday I'd see Black Witchery, Archgoat and Absu. http://www.setlist.fm/setlist/absu/2014/enigma-bar-adelaide-australia-23c22ca3.html The beginning of the set could use some work but obviously they have to squeeze new songs somewhere.
  7. Absolutely. I've been on a massive live recording binge for months now, be it official releases or bootlegs. The only bad thing about this is that one very easily ends up hoarding a ton of bootlegs and filling up disc space. Now listening to Sepultura's Bestial Devastation. South American essentials are great shit 2. If you could make a list on those that'd be swell. This thread made me want to listen to metal again. Got Black Flames of Blasphemy festival coming up in two weeks and I'm not sure which day I'll go. It doesn't really have anything that I want to see in particular, but quite a few that are interesting inc. That bölzer that I should probably check out before deciding.
  8. Definitely agreed there, Hellhammer and Attila both were magnificent. I've had the Leipzig/Mysteriis debate a few times and it always ends up as a agree to disagree on which one is "better". It really comes down to preference in this case, because the albums have very different characters 'spite sharing some of the songs. Attila really is amazing and the drumming is so tight that De Mysteriis comes off as meticulous and ambitious, the overall sound of the album being more "mature" if you will. The cover art is actually a pretty good depiction of what is sounds like. Leipzig on the other hand is very rough, sporadic and full of youthful energy with Dead's off-kilter performance and relentless Euro' riffing. - But of course according to the general consensus of this forum Dead sucks because he couldn't win American Idol or perform like Pavarotti ( edit: originally wrote cover lolol ). Embarrassing. Downloaded Demoncy's Joined in Darkness which I surprisingly haven't had on my computer for years. Also going to give a memory refreshing spins to Musta Seremonia and Abhorrence. Just listened to Spring of Recovery and the Finnish sound is just what you described it. Very much prefer it over the Swedish and North American sound, though some American bands I really enjoy to this day as well on a semi-regular basis.
  9. My favorite from the Finnish scene is Demilich by far, everything they released. I'm trying to go to one of their shows next year http://www.steelfest.fi/ I don't really care about anything else on the lineup, but I'll try to catch Nokturnal Mortum if I get the chance and maybe even Anaal spite the horrible drabness of their output as of late. They're great live despite the fact that I don't like their music. There's one list that I can do on a whim and that's the metal I've been playing for the past year. Napalm Death's Peel Sessions album. Easily my favorite Napalm Death release and one of my all time favorite metal releases in general. From Enslavement to Obliteration is obviously genius too but stuff like the Godflesh sounding intro on Multi-National Corporations is hard to top. Peel sessions releases in general are the shit like the Extreme Noise Terror and Godflesh ones, which I've also been listening to on occasion. Mayhem's Live in Leipzig. Same as above, favorite Mayhem and one of my all time greats. This is the production I thought fit Mayhem the best and Dead is phenomenal in it. Right now De Mysteriis sounds very sterile and studio to me and the energy of the of the live recordings is sorely missed. Sarcofago, Profanatica and Beherit. I never get tired of these. Highlights of the genre and very inspirational. Incantation's Onward To Golgotha and Massacra's Final Holocaust. More long time favorites that have stuck around. I'd actually like to know what you think of Incantation since I don't recall us ever talking about them. Demigod's Unholy Domain and Archgoat's Angelcunt EP's. Both bands peaked in these and I rarely if ever venture beyond them.
  10. You should do Finnish because that's probably the only one where I could maybe come up with a top 10 list myself. It's been so long since I've gone through a lot of the Swedish "essentials" that I don't really know how they would hold up for me now years later, though I know for sure that I'd vouch for the first AtG, Nihilist, Left Hand Path and Merciless. I've probably heard everything with some profile, but it has been probably close to years now since I did that. My memory isn't all that good either and I probably wouldn't have been able to even name ten bands from the top of my head if I was put to a spot. Tonight I was going to refresh my memory on Nirvana 2002 and God Macabre but I got distracted and opted for Sarcofago, Blasphemy and Beherit instead. Tomorrow I'll try to go through some demos.
  11. Can someone point these people out to me by name, because I don't think I've seen one here that I recall outright hating NEGA on principle as you would suggest. It's just that the people who used to comment on NEGA topics have not bothered to keep on doing so, which is not surprising since NEGA was relatively big and TBS is not.
  12. Karma’s Hat

    I think everyone does those things aside from one person in particular who in addition also tends to upload easy to find releases in shite quality which should be discouraged unless it is for the purposes of assembling a discography thread. Actually scratch that, even then it's bollocks. It would be preferred if people uploaded the rips not their own only when it's something that is in high demand. Might as well get demon android back otherwise.
  13. Karma’s Hat

    MRC and the subsequent singles have really been the best shit this band has put out, and they've become the only visual kei band I give a toss about anymore. Blackdoll's insistence on discrediting the "old school" all the bloody time is very strange, considering that I don't think any other band today takes cues from the visual kei tradition and does it as respectfully as Lycaon does. Their sound now is such an unique blend of contemporary influences and old school trademarks that they can actually make songs like TABOO without coming across as a parody band like all the revival bands that have been popping up lately. The peoples fascination towards their earliest releases I wish was a mystery to me, but quite frankly it isn't. It is not the first time the bulk of the community gets conned by a repackaged Asian Limp Bizkit. Upon closer examination one should note how they're more aggressive now than they've ever been before, it's just that they're being more subtle with it. Long gone are the simian nu-metal grooves of their old music and Yuuki's performance has evolved beyond the juvenile cries and growls of a solipsistic coward into something powerful that actually bares relevance in the visual kei canon. Yuuki's undeniable front man chops and the aggressive as shit synth, drops and church bells on 残酷のサロメ get more across than the imbecilic meathead riff and bland VK shtick on 88 ever could. Their concept has been developed to a fine point and unlike pretty much any other band in the scene today, they're getting more abrasive as they go along. The divided opinion on this band only goes to show that they're more relevant than all those sappy droning dogshit bands that the visual kei intelligentsia approves of. Eros pissed people off? Good. They can sod off and go be false elsewhere ( maybe bad metal is still in the vogue, go pollute their scene ). In short: This band rules and people who don't like their visuals should give up on visual kei and go listen to Korn instead like they really want to.
  14. Karma’s Hat

    First the dumb nu-metal riff in the previous PV song and now this. This is not looking very good at all and my interest towards the album is steadily spiraling towards zero.
  15. Karma’s Hat

    1. Do you feel like you are entitled to free music? If you do, why? If you don't, why not? No, but it doesn't really concern me either way. I'll leech as long as I can. 2. How do you feel about people refusing to share their music because they want to support the band? I don't think anyone actually believes that not sharing affects the bands revenue in any substantial way, so anyone who uses that either just wants to feel special and important for supporting their favorite bandomens drinking and whoring or uses it as an excuse for not being arsed to share. "Who are you? Why should I share you anything" is a more acceptable response and it should end all whining right then and there. 3. In relation to the second question, what do you think of people who tell others not to share something they themselves paid money for as they think its content is exclusively for those who paid for it? Kids who want feel like they belong. Undoubtedly the same people who come up with stupid names for fanbases like SIXTH GUNS!111 and then paste them everywhere. DON'T SHARE FANCLUB MATERIAL WE R HERESY SIXTH GUNS!!1111 4. Do you think entitlement to free music is worse in visual kei than in other communities? I haven't really seen hoarding and entitlement to the same extent anywhere else, but then again I don't listen to anything else where the demographics are even remotely similar to this. The visual kei scene is a combination of unique set of circumstance that very much enable this kind of behavior, and I don't just refer to entitlement but the hoarding, bragging and idiotic herd mentality ( SIXTH GUNS!!111 DON'T SHAER!!1 ). 5. How do you feel about people who deliberately share releases in low bitrates to encourage you to buy the CD? Do you think that if someone does decide to share, you're entitled to the highest rip? Ugh. If you go through the trouble of sharing something then do it properly or don't do it at all. 6. Have you ever been approached by people, either on Monochrome Heaven or last.fm, who wanted you to share something? If you didn't want to share, how did they react? What did you think of their reaction? Yes, but I don't really have much to share so it's never a problem and I always oblige. I understand the begging can probably get extremely irritating for people who are known for having huge collections.
  16. Karma’s Hat

    Shadow is just as good as the other stuff they have released lately, so the b-sides should be up to snuff. I don't have any problem with them having breakdowns and shit, but gawd they should never take any cues from complete hack shite bands like NB.
  17. Thank you for reminding me of Fullmoon and Infernum. These are records I had and even gave a spin as a kid, however I was too dumb at the time to appreciate any of the classics from the Polish scene. An year or two later I finally got into Graveland and Veles, but had already forgotten about Fullmoon and Infernum so I never got to give them a second outing. What'd ye think of the last years Peste Noire? I gave it a shot yesterday and... I really don't have an opinion on it. Requires more listens.
  18. As I usual I absolutely loathe the b-sides. The first one is just all cheese and the second is the token safe hxc number ( the name of the song is just as generic as the song itself ) with the corny crowd chant parts for lives. I don't think I simultaneously hate and love any visual kei as much I do mejibray edit: listened to the full single. Second track is not so bad ( sounds like everything else they ever except even less remarkable than usual ) but the third is still utter shit.
  19. It's the usual and I'm completely fine with that.
  20. Karma’s Hat

    Lycaon absolutely blew my mind. I have a completely newfound appreciation for what they are doing now and I am even more of the opinion that their royal order stuff is just dogshit compared to their newest releases. Shadow was great and the thing yuuki does with the spotlight when the light goes out is the shit. Born I couldn't be arsed to watch, and instead I brushed shoulders yuuki who came next to us to look at born. He fleed upon approach but still appeared another time and gave the same cute hand sign "GOMEN GOMEN" to us when we wouldn't stop trying lolol
  21. Kenjirou is the safest bet obviously, but we shall see. At this point I don't think I even care anymore. I haven't liked anything since that EP from 2010, and besides after that lame album they released they have been more occupied with releasing a bazillion fanclub only dvd's rather than making music so who gives a fuck.
  22. Karma’s Hat

    I know quite a few of these but by reputation only. Heard some Radwimps a while back though and I recall it was alrite Terveet Kädet - T. Tuho 黒夢 - 黒夢 ゲルニカ - クラウド9 The Velvet Underground - I'm Set Free Colette Magny - Malachites Norfolk Jubilee Quartet - My Lord's Gonna Move This Wicked Race Swans - Little Mouth Throbbing Gristle - Maggot Death - Live at Rat Club Half Japanese - Shy Around Girls Ata Kak - Obaa Sima Probably the first all around good set of songs I've posted here. The Velvet Underground song is one of my favorite songs from one of my favorite bands ever, so the choice was obvious spite the presence of swans thar.
  23. Karma’s Hat

    Orite somehow forgot about Screw and Vivid. The first doesn't seem to going anywhere so how's Vivid? At least in here their releases get subzero buzz, but I reckon it's different in Japan?
  24. Karma’s Hat

    What does PSC even have left at this point. Sure feels like yesterday when their roster was stacked and now they have... Born, D=Out and Kra?
  25. Karma’s Hat

    sup hj
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