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Karma’s Hat

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Everything posted by Karma’s Hat

  1. Karma’s Hat

    No fucking way rolf
  2. Karma’s Hat

    No kidding it's 17m/s at the moment. I could live with the wind if it weren't for the fact that the streets are covered in shite and it's all blown against your retina as soon as you go out.
  3. Karma’s Hat

    Hating oshare is rather passé is it not? Just Irokui and early Aicle alone eclipse a healthy portion of the bands around today. CindyKate was one of the most under appreciated band is the scene 2
  4. Karma’s Hat

    I more or less agree. I instinctively treat all nostalgia acts with hostility from the outset and Grieva especially I hold in low regard. Whenever not clearly ripping off something better, they're a milquetoast bore of inconceivable proportions with a production about as sterile as an operating room. The turn of the millenia was never this drab.
  5. Karma’s Hat

    I'd frequent the bar downstairs more often if it wasn't owned by the chinese mafia and they'd stop playing rammstein.
  6. Karma’s Hat

    what what what Velvet Underground Nico was a racist? never heard of this before
  7. Karma’s Hat

    Great and accurate observations from the two people above. I have taken note of this myself; both that these bands get instant, albeit not particularly sizeable fanbases upon formation without even having released music or even previous band history of the members. If one goes to the facebook pages of these bands you are quick to find out that these are not the people that for example frequent this very forum here, but instead they're almost their own strange breed that is relatively distant from all the happenings in Japanese visual kei. It is true that there are people who cross over and are more in the know, however they remain a minority in a very odd community where even the more universal bands like X and Gazette make far seldom make appearances in their tastes as of those of the people here. The fans present on the social media pages of these nordic groups are moar likely to be into various emo bollocks than whatever just made it into the indie Oricon charts last week. in Tumblr I have not once seen people spamming material from both continents, ever. Yet despite all this, these bands appear and disappear very fast making very little impact spite inexplicably amassing a considerable amount of facebook likes and youtube views. The fact of the matter is that these bands are the shite playing at the youth center near you and they fail to capitalise on their dubious popularity of a mysterious origin, and end up meeting the same fate that by and large every other "local" band does. The future of visual kei, is not Stockholm nor Helsinki, not the least because here we lack a certain VISUAL KEI infrastructure that allows many bands to last longer and gain more monertary capital backing them that exists in Japan. Being familiar with the circles here, I can say with total confidence that these bands exist almost completely separate of "us", and the weeaboo of the mid 2000's fad are a dying breed, sentenced to death with no possibility to make an appeal, and this is the carcass of the local scene taking its last breaths before it rots away on the pavement. If one of these bands takes off, Japanese visual kei doesn't benefit from it the slightest. Yohio is popular as fuck in Sweden, but where are the Japanese bands touring there? The record sales? Nowhere, that's where. It's worth noting that Yohio is the only western visual kei band to have ever had a physical release and we all know that was not because we worked his way up the ranks, gathering an organically grown fanbase along the way. He got into Eurovision and broke through with the kids, now working to establish himself there through various different projects. He obviously flopped in Japan since he has pretty much completely ceased to promote there, has he not? His first solo LP got a release there but the second didn't as far as I know. I would have done the same, and it appears that he has managed to make himself a name in Sweden which is commendable. As a side note according to hear-say this project is the result of him not particularly caring for the fact that his fanbase is at least 3 years short of their first pubic hairs, and therefore this is him really expressing himself without giving a toss, if you will.
  8. Karma’s Hat

    dudunuwhiuu dudunuwhiuu fokin gr8 u guize better than the bloody jap bands you listen 2 durrr The sloppiness gives it that something the bands from the latter half of the last decade had. Mods, unlock the brutal kei thread right now! We got an addition to make.
  9. Karma’s Hat

    Some compilation of their early material. Proposal and Bijinkei are both in the dl section
  10. That segment sure dragged and it was a little disappointing to not see an armbar. I think people actually started booing when Rousey let steph go because literally everyone expected an armbar. It was strange how on/off the crowd was. Both Boreton and Rollins got crickets save for the ending, but for example Ambrose earlier got a massive pop and during the main event they were going crazy the whole way through. It's sad that the 'E seems to really only bring their A-game for RAWs when they're performing for a brutal smark crowd like Post-Mania, Philly, NYC, Chicago. This topic should be moar active considering the volume of people who like 'rassling here. I'm sure none of us can resist doing armchair booking for hours on end if given a chance. So I'm wondering what they're going to do with Reigns for ER because almost every prominent singles guy is taken, so that leaves... Kane or "please retire" Show? I swear if they do that, that'd be the worst possible thing to do after the guy has had two totally legit singles PPV matches in a row. It'd be a little silly to have triple threat again if they decided to keep him HW tittle picture for EC, but that's the only way I can see them going about it, unless something new and unforeseen develops next or the week after that. The roster is so deep now I don't even know how they're going to fit in everyone. I hope Ambrose and Harper get a gimmick match for ER, preferably for IC number 1 contendership or smn.
  11. Karma’s Hat

    shit sounds and looks like a sneaker commercial lmao
  12. I did. Took them one PPV to make to make me interested enough to tune in to RAW again, which was something completely unfathomable a couple weeks back. No particular match aside from the genius main event was even close to A+ I thought, but they just made their midcard scene relevant again and the possibilities are endless. I just hope they'll keep elevating guys and also give the non-main eventers real feuds to fill out RAW. Less recaps and filler, moar actual things happening. I didn't like how the arena looked in sunlight, but as soon as the sun set it during Reigns/Brock it looked fucking amazing with that red tint. I wish the whole event could have started a bit later. I hope Blandy and Rollins get about 25 minutes for the next PPV. Rusev/Cena for the third time is a little ehh, but it'll be a gimmick match so I hope they'll manage to get Rusev over somehow despite having to suffer his second consecutive loss.
  13. Karma’s Hat

    Respect to the true pioneers
  14. Karma’s Hat

    Unfortunately it is completely legitimate, despite the fact that the nordic visual scene comes off as the biggest practical troll. I was actually damn near certain this wasn't happening anymore, because the band was announced many many moons ago, only to be followed by media silence just up until recently. This wouldn't have been the first thing Yohio has inexplicably dropped. His flop label probably already has more projects that have passed on to eternity rather than active ones, with the hack visual band having announced their disbandment to the interest of crickets ( and me ) and that girl group he aggressively promoted on twitter for a while just disappeared into thin air. Now he promotes some kid who'll most certainly end up meeting the same fate in a couple of months time.
  15. Karma’s Hat

    Nice Before I Decay pastiche album cover. Another nordic hack band that's just going to disappear after the obligatory digitally released single and EP, despite the "big" name involved.
  16. Karma’s Hat

    There are surely still people who just think of my avatar when reading the shite I post. I am not certain as to why it decided to flip it horizontally
  17. Karma’s Hat

    Would anyone happen to know if there's any bootlegs ( or other not officially released live recordings ) of theirs in circulation? Like in auctions and stuff. I don't know Japanese and I'm not very well versed in the whole vk buying culture to actually find out myself lol
  18. Karma’s Hat

    His supposed absurd tastelessness is in opposition to established values he disliked and he made a lifestyle out of it. What more do you want from trolling other than the upsetting of people you don't like because of dislike of their values? He wanted to make people living a comfortable sheltered lifestyle feel uncomfortable because he hated the lot, and by God this topic is the proof that he succeeded at it. If one needs more then look no further than the talk-show appearances he did and relish in the horrified middle America. For him every single person who didn't understand was a most probably a small victory, bringing a tiny ray of light into a world that he thought didn't give him squat. Whether one agrees of disagrees with his views is one thing, but saying there's no artistic value in the sheer brutality of the culture he lived in and the concert experiences he had is inane. It evokes feelings like any other art experience ( disgust, joy, sadness and anger are all feelings ), he wanted to bring back the danger and the vicious carnal experience back into the rock music space that was soon to be even further neutered and domesticated by grunge and indie, and the people he hated then feared or did not care to enter that space, a space he perceived to be for the outcasts only. It was like a response to the developments that had taken place in rock culture, and what he did was sort of like a last hoorah of that tradition, taken to such extremes that it seemed almost like a parody.
  19. Karma’s Hat

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mCczVPpJV1w oh my god finally. I teared up before the song even started Has anyone found the whole live anywhere?
  20. Karma’s Hat

    GG Allin certainly succeeded at what he set out to do, offending the domesticated middle class tastes from beyond the grave even decades later; and the fact that he still gets a reaction in good or bad speaks about his relevance to the rock music canon. I for one appreciate the confrontationality and the inadvertent ( most likely inadvertent , since he was legitimately deranged ) trolling of established values with his absurdism more than anything made in guitar music since the mid 2000's came about. I cannot hate something so unabashedly juvenile and intellectually honest in its simplicity. He and his music were rock 'n roll cult stardom and punk rock taken to a gritty, in your face extreme that will most likely remain forever unrivaled. What's this perception these days that a "message" has to be a high-school essay of "issues" or at worst some metaphysical quackery. He was not the type who'd write a poignant letter to a congressman and that's the point. Either way I'm pretty sure there's enough material in the character of GG Allin ( portrayed in and outside of the music ) and what made it possible for plenty of university lectures if that's the measuring stick for a message. In essence to me personally he was just fun and that's message enough, and fun is just as relevant to the human experience as overweight white guys pondering wormholes and whatever the fuck.
  21. Karma’s Hat

    I have lighter colored wooden boards and I haven't had a working vacuum cleaner in three months. brb getting asthma
  22. Karma’s Hat

    spoiler: it will sound like gazette and everyone waiting for something "fresh" will be disappointed as usual. The chorus from that clip would honestly fit every album they've made since DIM like a glove. The visuals and the other shit are just something extra that Ruki is into personally and don't really reflect anything in particular regarding the music, although the possible Marilyn Manson influence isn't too far fetched... unfortunately. That said, I like everything they've ever made save a few odd songs here and there.
  23. Karma’s Hat

    ^ I like your floors
  24. Karma’s Hat

    Lol same I liked that one too. 10 is not completely abysmal either I thought, but 11 and subsequent live dist singles are some banal shite for shure. Actually now that I think of it, my favorite from them is probably the compilation of old tracks re-recorded with shuuji 2. It's fair to say that 8 and everything before that is worth hearing.
  25. Karma’s Hat

    oshiiiii Awesome setlist for the anniversary. So much rarez and finally Reila again. This needs a DVD so bad
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