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Karma’s Hat

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Everything posted by Karma’s Hat

  1. Karma’s Hat

    I just noticed the worst thing and is that there's only five artists on the front page! And the top artists pic is larger than the others fucking laaaameeeeeeee
  2. Karma’s Hat

    I don't have a history of complaining about site updates and things like that, like I have a friend who always picks apart every youtube update and I'm just basically 'yeah it's bad but whatever'. My approach towards things working is generally very lax and I don't really get upset about anything, and when I do I just do it for the hell of it as amusement... ... But god damn this new site look is so reprehensible to me that I don't think I can go on. I haven't checked it out before aside from a screen or two so this was relatively from out of the blue, and I don't know how customisable this ends up being after they fix all that shit, but it better be. Seriously what is that low res artist picture banner now gawd if I can't get rid of it then I'm gone for sure.
  3. Karma’s Hat

    I have to ask you since you appear to be from Denmark, do you have any place in specific where you - illegally - download your danish music? I'm specifically referring to your mainstream radio play music that I really can't seem to find anywhere other than for a price at itunes and spotify but I don't really go down like that. Finnish shit is pretty easy to find from the usual torrent sites whereas I haven't had such luck with the Danish. It's not even anything obscure I'm looking for: kesi, sivas etc... thx if you still lurk the section 2 see my post
  4. Karma’s Hat

    I had to re-edit this whole post altogether. It's absolutely beyond me how all that fanfare with the videos and the horrid song that first dropped managed to win people back. I was listening to some new Lynch before I noticed that this fucking thing had been posted and the transition was absolutely seamless. To me this sounds a whole lot like Lynch and Beautiful Deformity intertwining with some really corny imagery and opening closing tracks that are looking to have some awful Dir en grey jingle jangling that I sure hope is not going impress anyone at this point in time. The only thing more sad to me personally than the fucking riffcraft of this band having taken an unprecedented nosedive over the years, is the fact that I'll probably get used to this album in a two weeks time and start liking it like I always do with them.
  5. Karma’s Hat

    I thought Wire got even better with further viewings. There's really so much going on all the time that it's nearly impossible to actually digest it all at first and it's fun seeing all of that shit again with the new perspective. It's my favorite show of all time and nothing else comes even close.
  6. Karma’s Hat

    Today is so far either the third or the fourth relatively hot day this summer. I was already getting used to playing football on a wet and cold lawn and wearing layers for running. Feck if this isn't the coldest and shittiest summer I can recall.
  7. Karma’s Hat

    I would have watched it too if I had a computer right now lolol. Then again I watch all the events, so a card with Pride retirees and rousey is not the worst thing out there.
  8. Karma’s Hat

    I don't understand how anyone cares about Rousey crushing cans. Women's mma is so fucking shallow.
  9. Bad Finnish and even worse English. Embarrassed of both. I can get the vague gist of fings written in Swedish and German due to the similarity 2 English but fuck if I could speak even a word of either, despite having taken both in school for years and years.
  10. Karma’s Hat

    This band is really rocking the mixture of visual kei melodramaticism and angryman core music for the pv's like no other. The less they diversify from this formula the better. The vocalist is a fucking beast. That's a new visual kei chorus voice if I ever heard one. edit: Twist, after listening to it three times I don't think I want to ever hear it again.
  11. Numerous "they're still around?" names there: Public Image Ltd., Low, Mercury Rev, fucking Duran Duran Looking thin on my part compared to the last p4k topic. I'll be listening 2 Young Thug, Drake, Kanye and the Bowie box whenever they come out.
  12. I wonder if they actually like Venoms that much or if they just tried to promote it by getting the name mentioned as much as possible thx 4 the summary
  13. Karma’s Hat

    Ya that last hiatus wasn't even noticeable so who knows, and that new single is great news. I'll cuddle and cry in the safety of the last moran and rin singles as visual kei dies around me.
  14. Karma’s Hat

    Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo fucking shit. I have loved everything they've done since sui and mizari joined
  15. Karma’s Hat

    I don't understand this seemingly endless pursuit some people have to give their illegal downloading habit this queer moral justification. I download shit and break the law while doing it with no illusions or general regard about nuffins. I wish these guys and gals could realise their rock star dreams but I don't lose sleep over the fact that they had to take a post at 7/11 instead. It really is up to them and the labels to come up with something that can entice people to buy stuff in the internet age if they want to keep at it. I personally don't care about the bands wishes, but I don't expect them to want to high five me either if I go to them "Yo I came to yus show 2 support bcuz I got dat last album from rutracker. I shared it with my buds and yus got like five more fans nao!", much like I don't expect anyone to be friends with me if I'm caught with my hand in their back pocket.
  16. Karma’s Hat

    ic he down graded the venue here even though I think he sold out? Either way it's like last week since he was here.
  17. Karma’s Hat

    I still keep playing 420 on a regular basis and it has grown on me exponentially since its release. Outside from godzette it's my favorite vk album in a long time. I didn't care for slivers.exe or the first lp at first but those too have snuck up on me and I'm at the point where I can probably count all the songs I don't like from this band with two hands and don't they have like a few hundred by now. I hope they keep doing what they're doing and the h8 keeps a' comin' from every navel gazing self-appointed music critic on the world wide web.
  18. Karma’s Hat

    Division sure got down-graded again it looks so fucking bad. I need the new Fallout more than I need to breathe. No surprise resurrection for Silent Hills yet Even if the Battlefront trailer was super scripted and probably won't look even nearly that good when it comes out, even just the sound design was enough to make me mark out hard.
  19. A pretty who gives a fuck pay-per-view overall. I see that there's some restructuring going on now with the advent of the network, meaning that now since they don't have to sell PPV's with fights, the B-tier shows have taken a dive and a lot of times it just seems like they're stalling. There honestly some good aspects to this, but at its worst it is angles spanning multiple PPV's with win and loss trade booking that quite frankly ends up putting no one over. This is somewhat salvaged by the fact that the work-rate is high as fuck and seeing the same match all the time is rectified when it involves legit guys working suicidal like in the tag division. I wouldn't be surprised if doing the same garbage matches multiple times a week on house shows takes more of a toll on Dean Ambrose's body for example than going through glass occasionally in CZW. However despite whatever the in-ring quality might be, I just don't care aside from those three or four times a year when they go guns blazing, which now would be whenever Lesnar is back. I've seen MOTY's flying around about those Cena/Owens matches and I have to say that I'm not a fan! I think we got matches of equal quality from Cena on RAW recently but with less padding. I have to confess though that I haven't seen the promos because I couldn't have been arsed to watch RAW so maybe that plays a factor, but right now it just looks like Cena 'rasslin his match with an indy midget who they for some reason allow to use a bunch of different moves. Lawd if they had a Cena/Cesaro match and allowed the latter to work indy then minds would be blown all over. I just... Don't care for Owens. LOSE SOME WEIGHT DAMN IT. Anyway now it looks like things are picking up steam with the Japan show and Battleground finally having new angles. Summerslam is sure to be great as well because even the worst match is made entertaining by the Brooklyn crowd.
  20. Karma’s Hat

    It's my number 1 sauce 4 ethnographic compilations and techno so the answer is a definite yes. There does in all probability exist a better place on the web to get all those things, but for someone not on the inside or the know in particular it is the premier destination. It is pretty rare for me to not find what I was looking for there and when that happens I already knew well enough to expect it.
  21. Ornette Coleman died today 2 rip

  22. Karma’s Hat

    lol n00bs he has been into sneakers for ages now like ever1 else hip&cool
  23. Berlin is absurdly cheap for anyone not from there. To provide a comparison I'm pretty sure can't get a place with a liveable interior from the depths of East Brooklyn for the price you can get a flat in a reasonable neighborhood in Berlin. Good US cities are very rough with NYC being utter insanity. London is the worst one in Europe, but Helsinki and Stockholm are quite bad as well. I don't pay rent but I did get myself a 30 square meter flat last year for 150k from a place that's the last bastion for acceptable prices in Helsinki's inner city. Well if you luck out and somehow get picked over the dozens of other applicants, you can get a flat for even less than 700 euro in Suur-Kallio - heck I've seen some go as cheap as 550/a month. It is just that there's a ton of people trying to apply for those same flats and in the worst cases the elimination process for the privately owned rental flats is just dumb. Years ago when I was looking for a one room place 2 rent and the application asked for a bloody essay where one was to describe themselves fucking hobbies and all. Naturally I wasn't down for that kind of nonsense and opted to wait a little to buy. Muh profits in 10 years when gentrification comes a' knockin'.
  24. Not watching it live in all likelyhood but this is definitely the most interesting b-level pay per view this year so far. Too bad Rybotch had to injure one of the better participants of the chamber match, although a layoff may end up being a blessing in disguise for Rusev considering the depths he was headed. I dream for a Dean/Seth match that isn't going to be overbooked to oblivion but I already know that's exactly what is going to happen. Clean main event finishes happen only twice an year.
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