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Karma’s Hat

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Everything posted by Karma’s Hat

  1. Looking forward to the sound on this one. The last single grew on me
  2. For what it is it's not bad but what it is and represents, is reprehensible to me.
  3. Karma’s Hat

    Lol I have to wonder whether the guitar sounds like that on purpose or not. The underwater 96kb/s transcode tone is almost a little psychedelic, which is not me saying that it'd do them a huge favour to ditch it for something more organic sounding. God damn this studio metalcore guitar in vk is killing me oshietee better than the stuff I think ( ? ) I've heard from them previously. long ways off from being a good band tho
  4. So far sounding like mo' the same and I'm okay with it. I wasn't a huge fan of the guys from Memento Mori so I'm moderately excited to see what these guys can do witht the riffs, even though they'll likely sound more or less exactly the same.
  5. Karma’s Hat

    This one is so likely to eventually happen that it's not even funny
  6. Karma’s Hat

    stopped posting in the last thread when my post count there hit 88 lol A devastating genre piece especially for something released in 2019, even if not as good as the last one.
  7. Karma’s Hat

    Kyo's Values of Madness esque rapping over this industrial metal riff definitely gave the song certain kind, alt-metalness that I don't really want to have in my Sukekiyo. Still, just the way it develops and the last third of the song is just so intense. The level where this album will be at however is going to determined when its stacked up against the longer songs from ADORATIO that were, imo, 2010's vk master class.
  8. Karma’s Hat

    I've been on this board for almost a decade and it's still a gift that keeps on giving
  9. WOLFMAN didn't hold out for me that well. Second album is fucking awesome tho and the early stuff really solid. Loads of songs that've already been released on that tho 😕
  10. I'm not sure if trolling or not, but i'll bite Fair fucks to them for that, although it doesn't looke like the manchild audience was much captivated by them when their pinned tweet about the new song has a whopping 73 likes and 28 retweets ( and make sure to take out the ones from the band itself, so deduct about -5 on them retweets. ) Even on youtube it's not really setting the world on fire at 21k views in three months. Also how's the touring going by the way? Let me check what's going on their OHP... Oh! Absolutely nothing. Actually, how come a band that broke through 500k with one video hasn't had a one-man in their own city hmm... oh it's probably because most of the views came from Rajesh and Sanjay at the bot factory Mumbai. Maybe they should tour there. I mean they did perform at free festivals tho for what most certainly was for no pay. Shitty western vk is a like plant that is able to synthesise flopping into energy and thrive, or at least one of the members is lucid enough to give a handy to a mate organising tours and get along with Morrigan, who are playing at the dome right now I gather? The only difference between these awful western vk bands from Scandinavia and your shitty local band is that it's extremely easy to get something going that gives the impression that shits happening when in fact it is not. There's always an anime convention in need of an act to fill up space, and when the scene is so small and your friends are the ones bringing these Japanese bands you get your band to warm them up for them no problem, but when we really bring it down to any real parameter of achievement I would like for someone to point out the size of the crowd they can pull, the record label they're associated with ( the one your dad gave you doesn't count ) and the parity between followers and likes on social media.
  11. I think it’s about time to employ a straight to the bin philosophy on western vk on this board. It’s shit and largely irrelevant and everyone other the one person making all these yohio accounts knows it. It might’ve been exciting seven or six years ago when we didn’t know where it could go, but I think it’s already pretty decisively proven that all these bands outside of Japan are not going anywhere commercially or artistically, and even gossipping about these idiots is giving them the attention which they’ve done nothing to deserve.
  12. Karma’s Hat

    The newest on monochrome heaven’s official anxiety and depression thread: I can’t hold thoughts for longer than a few seconds longer much less hold them in order to fashion any of them for use. This boat flows downstream at an agonising slow pace, like crawling towards not even the abyss but a soft and comfortable bed in some facility where the lights are never turned off. Normally I’d get into something really hard as I used to, but between working and talking to humans irl I just don’t have the time to fall into this psychosis, and instead I just drudge along. I’m not even excited about music or books or something since it’s not like I can say anything about them or nothing; juggling between finnish english and polish the words and sentences morph into an unrecogsinable jumble leaving me with nothing but the awareness about my bad posture, with my command of all languages getting worse by the hour. Next I’m going to move to the US illegally and either work and/or drink for so long that they can’t be bothered to kick me out after I’ve overstayed my visa.
  13. Karma’s Hat

    It's no wonder that they'll have to reach down the well in order to fill the B.P record annual releases quota, kind of like when Mejibray started doing Toon Factory covers to fill up their singles campaigns. This band just makes me sad. On every album there are moments that show the spark they had at the beginning of their run that've now been diluted down by the ridiculous flood of sub-standard material they're putting out. There's always the debate whether a band is forced to do this or that, but in Kiryu's case I think it's indisputable that they're as prolific as they are just in order to stay afloat at the top.
  14. Karma’s Hat

    and sucks
  15. Karma’s Hat

    which pokemon account was yours op
  16. Karma’s Hat

    In that case visual kei might not be for you
  17. Karma’s Hat

    Same here, albeit with the caveat that I've sort of kept up with them over the years. When I put on a song I think it's 'aight, or at least not reprehensible in what it's doing it, but then after 8 to 10 minutes more I've had enough for half an year again. The synth on this new one is disgusting and their guitarists suck. This is probably the lowest point my relationship with Diaura has ever reached. I keep trying imagine the vocals in english pronounced with a swedish accent and after doing it once I just can't stop because it just seems to make sense for this kind of music.
  18. Karma’s Hat

    So it's like, a new album?
  19. Karma’s Hat

    oh my god this channel >makes videos about vk >puts out a video where he listens to buck-tick for the first time a scene authority this guy
  20. Karma’s Hat

    If you’re wondering whether a venue is operatial or not, google is your friend. Common sense usually helps too since you can see it in the poster and I’m sure it didn’t come to 2019 through a time warp. And yeah, the venues are not small and aside from a few exceptions they are pretty decently filled up. Back in 2007 when lots of shows sold out they were played at smaller venues ( but for example, iirc jigsaw saw gazette in munich in 2007 during the golden years and it was half empty, which I could not imagine happening nowdays. ) The boom is gone, but Gazette and Deg pull crowds ranging from 600/700 to even 1000+ people ( le zenith for gazette last time for one ) and I reckon it’ll stay that way till the forseeable future, or at least we’re safe to say so if gazette does it again, three times in a row with 3 year interwals inbetween. Also about the circus, I am not entirely sure but I think a small part of the venue might have been curtained off for both shows, or it is just my memory playing tricks on me because for some other bigger bands I’ve remembered the venue seeming larger.
  21. Karma’s Hat

    No. First tour had some dates sell out, but they also had fewer stops ( and the show they had in like Toulouse was not even close to sellout.) Last time even Helsinki had tickets the day of the concerts and off the top of my head I remember no dates that sold out, but they don't perform at small venues either.
  22. Karma’s Hat

    The Global Music General Discussion is enough as it is I reckon, since even that sub section hardly gets any traffic and I don't think a new section with individual band threads would help it any. The taste disparity in non-japanese music here is quite large, and the disparity in knowledge is even greater so it's not really conductive to fruitful or active conversation. The metal and goth post-punk threads work because it's kinda close the vkei anyways so there are more than one user who knows a thing or two and obviously the selfless efforts of people like bear to keep them active help as well. With literally anything else it's a variety of users coming from different musical cultures with different backgrounds so anyone who actually knows something is just going to end up spamming by him or herself. The worst scenario, and a very likely one knowing this board, is that some idiot starts making individual threads for every single shitty local band or hidden gem and then we have a section clogged with shite no one cares about, so in light of all of this I think it's sufficient as it is.
  23. holy shit dude that sounds terrible. everything about it i just straight out of my worst nightmares, like it sounds like as if I got stuck in a time warp while eating at a chinese restaurant and unable to leave the company of the two 60 year old Japanese women sitting at my table.
  24. Karma’s Hat

    I remember how dissappointed I was that Hydra 666 was not re-recorded since it sounds like it came from the Moab sessions in every respect from the production to the vocals.
  25. When I first heard Born to be free I thought it was the cringiest shit of all time. Later on I learned they have other stuff coming along the pipeline It’s like, we have this yoshiki here who is still in the 2010’s thinking of taking over the world with some hopelessly outdated and trite poodle rock that would’ve been shit in 1980, 1990, 2010 and I’m quite confident the same applies to 2020 as well. The documentary was embarrassing, X now is beyond embarrassing and anyone even looking forward to this album is the most embarrassing of all.
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