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Karma’s Hat

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Everything posted by Karma’s Hat

  1. Karma’s Hat

    The stretch of Magayasou, Kodoku and Dead Tree is something else on the Withering DVD. Kyo went old school and somehow still took it a notch further
  2. Karma’s Hat

    DIMLIM who I only know Hated
  3. This is the actual recording quality of the album so everyone rustles their jimmies
  4. Karma’s Hat

    It's the sort of loud, farty jumpdafuckup guitar wall of sound mallcore garbage that they've done lately that I can't stand, and the production just emphasises the fact and I'm praying it won't be too prevalent in the album itself. The shit they did to the remastered Uroboros tells me that someone, either in the management or the band or otherwise, suffers from an acute case of bad taste to which the only cure is death. They'd sound more tasteful recording everything through a xbox 360 headset
  5. Karma’s Hat

    how do people drink in moderation fr
  6. Karma’s Hat

    First thoughts: best nu track is 2. That fucking Aie riff with the prog elements are the shit. The vocalist really goes all out on this one, and the best stuff he does is usually fairly subtle, like how he alters the tone of the whisper and the incomprehensible screaming from song to song. the worst are 7 and 10. The first is almost a nokubura song ( probably intended for lives ) and the 10 just a snoozer 'cause it lacked the cool progressive elements they did before, so it doesn't really surprise at any point, just lulls ahead. 4 and 8 are so over the top they're good, especially the latter. it shows that they're still not that far gone from their early output, even if it now contains more superior songwriting elements and straight up experimentation with computer efx and all that other shit. the tracks that were released before are still awesome, and almost kind of surprisingly I think they're at their strongest with tracks like Vanitas and GROTESQUE where it's not _all that_ stupid heavy without getting rid of the elements and techniques. That long scream in Vanitas is still incredible What I think pretty much everyone wanted without getting was that long song, but I think the pre-released tracks and GROTESQUE and the last track are kind of already that, except shorter. None of them is formulaic by any means and have a lot of cool stuff in them that a band like say, DIR EN GREY would never have in a track they'd put out as a single. You know it's probably a matter of time before they churn out that 10 minute epic, it's just a matter of them disbanding before that 'cause one of the members impregnated a member of the royal family or something.
  7. Karma’s Hat

    Seeing as these days his career has gone to performing at the BANANA HALL with The Flying Pants, this release makes more sense
  8. Karma’s Hat

    This sounds like a bad april fools prank someone here would make
  9. Karma’s Hat

    Only now I realised they didn't include the sort of heavy title track from the previous single ( which I also hated. ) Shows they're def gunning for them charts with this one. In another context I wouldn't mind tracks like 4, I mean DEZERT was always kind of diverse as long it sounded a little weird. Here it is surrounded by the sort of sarariman oricon rock shit, a bmth rip off and just really tired and flaccid punk rock vibes.
  10. Karma’s Hat

    it wasn't enough to release bad music, they felt the need to go back and destroy their back catalogue as well. Both songs sound like shit
  11. what happened to their budget? I think even their recording quality has taken a slump!
  12. I still want to believe that the last two tracks were shit left on the cutting room floor while picking the tracks for the last singles campaign that they decided to include to sweeten the deal on the cash grab album. It also could be that they're just done, but who knows. Their looks have been getting worse and worse tho
  13. Karma’s Hat

    Goodnight sweet prince
  14. I was like "fuck dali is still around?"
  15. Karma’s Hat

    I like the cover if it wasn't for the way the logo is arranged. Reminds me of what I thought this band would have been, but alas the last two tracks stink and their last two looks also.
  16. Karma’s Hat

    They've sometimes done softer that's which I didn't like, but when they go for that menhera darker oshare it's gold
  17. Karma’s Hat

    It's hard to say whether this is almost a favour in part of the band to the european fanbase, or the management finally getting a good deal from an european tour organising body. I don't think them, or anyone else for that matter, gives a shit about the western market anymore since it's obviously not going anywhere. Even The GazettE who gets on those Itunes top rankings ( right next to early 90's metallica and queen ) only does bare bones as far as marketing in the west, by which I mean having a relatively active facebook and forcing the members to have instagram. I don't whether the tour is selling well or not, but it is odd that they haven't done this shit before and for kyo it's very uncharacteristic. Definitely comes from the management and isn't coming from the band itself
  18. Karma’s Hat

    They're so acclimated to the Japanese way of doing vk biz that it's all about live attendance and milking fans with meet & greets and so on. It's shame, because think even early on they were way better than all the other bands styled after that early Royz-sound.
  19. Karma’s Hat

    was thinking the same thing. These two and the adoratio incarnation of sukekiyo are as far as I'm concerned a few tiers above everyone else
  20. Karma’s Hat

    Good good like the preview let on. This band is criminally neglected in the west
  21. Karma’s Hat

    I mean this trend is consistent that even the top names don't draw like they used to. In Helsinki The Gazette in 2013 sold out in a day, but 2016 they still had tickets at the door I believe, and it was the same venue. The addition of shows in Russia didn't help though. Dir en grey is doing the same venue as The Gazette and since there's tickets still left I reckon it's not going to sell out. 2011 sold out quick, but this time the venue is bigger. I wonder if they upscaled everywhere else too Oh yeah I forgot to mention that the Facebook attendance for this show is pretty bad with around 350 people attending. This would barely be a third of the venue they performed at the last time.
  22. Karma’s Hat

    When shit like Nokubura and Jiluka makes you think that all metalcore vk can ever aspire to be is shoe-in melodic choruses and rapping verses, there comes out stuff like DIMLIM's last three songs that are a mix of artkei™ guitar shit, Dir en grey influence ( the good parts ) and their completely overblown early style and the technical finesse with it. I love it. Album of the year coming up
  23. Karma’s Hat

    Five more hours I'm hype war raido
  24. Karma’s Hat

    you can tell the tickets aren't selling when they even had to force kyo to do one of those
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