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Karma’s Hat

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Everything posted by Karma’s Hat

  1. Karma’s Hat

    Went google translatin' on his twitter and there's already mentions of pedophilia and retirement by the japanese leaving tweets, so even if this woman drops charges and disappears as they often do in the west, Kisaki is still most likely more or less finished in the biz. Then again even Woody Allen and Polanski are still around so who knows what really matters to me tho are all the pedo puns I can make with phantasmagoria songs !!
  2. Karma’s Hat

    In a way Kisaki is the ultimate bandman constantly hustling abuses both women and children betraying bandmates evading taxes breaks the law been around for way too long and there's no signs of him stopping
  3. Karma’s Hat

    I like Jin and i don't give a fuck
  4. Karma’s Hat

    You can only see tzk's back because they can't show that he's crying
  5. Karma’s Hat

    I fuck with 420 really, really hard. I think it's one of the best 2010's vk albums even. But other than that there are a lot of B-sides that are definitely worth knowing like black baccarat, sou to utsu no kyoukai, gesshoku and so on. This is one of those bands that really grew on me, and now that I have become very biased to their sound I tend to like most of the stuff they did. If there's one thing that they are then it's unique, with the faults and all it's the whole what makes the mejibray experience.
  6. Karma’s Hat

    they have two albums it'd take like 5 minutes to browse through them dude their "heaviness" remained consistent throughout and it's pretty much like kuyashii said. they had a style and they stuck by it with slight variation.
  7. Karma’s Hat

    They'd legit a have a better career as the south american HITT than trying to navigate through all the places they've been blacklisted at in Japan. When there's more gaijin comments on your social media you're not in a good places tbh
  8. Karma’s Hat

    I think virtuosity is overrated I think the importance of "skill" is usually blown out of proportion by illiterate morons posturing as music critics but some of the shit koichi did there made me go "ouphh" irl edit: I can't stop listening to it it's so bad. I get the bedroom casio aesthetic is cute, but the internet is flooded with similar stuff that's considerably better and without the bitter taste of betrayal to boot.
  9. Karma’s Hat

    I almost wrote that I don't think this is a thing anymore if it even had been one in the first place, but then I realised that stuff like youtube comments are almost like an alternative dimension compared to this place, especially the comment sections for newer bands are rife with people bringing up the gazette and dir en grey, although not really against each other but to disparage the newer bands. I don't know man I just prefer to stay out of all of this for my general health and wellbeing.
  10. Karma’s Hat

    are the japanese fans in on the joke or?
  11. Karma’s Hat

    in real talk all this talk about post-core amphibian dainty-punk is getting very tiresome, especially since the main proponents of creating these inane subgenres and categories and marketing gimmicks come from people who've been listening to metal for two weeks and think they're now on the up and up for discovering ritual ambient or some shit like that. A band like Dir en grey is impossible to strictly, or at least in a very definitive way, to categorise because they're a combination of two very amorphous musical traditions of visual kei and metal anyway. Their nu-metal base acquired somewhere midway through their career has been almost completely transformed thrice over due to the accumulations of sounds and techniques they've kept on acquiring over the years, and while visual kei is a strange case in of itself ( like, you can still hear the influence of X and Luna sea from almost every band, namely in vocal melodies and how guitar solos function, or that even in 2018 a vk song exceeding 2 minutes in length would not be caught dead without a chorus ) Dir en grey is unique even within that context. They've had progressive elements and done weird shit through mazohyst to hotarubi and then revisited these techniques again and again later on ‑ all the while having songs seemingly contrast in genre on the same release; and despite this there's still a common thread and heritage running through their stuff, but it just defies simple category since they're quite unique. Even if what I just wrote doesn't make any sense, the point still stands that there's else you could call THE UNRAVELING other than visual kei or alternative rock/metal, and neither of those in today's context mean much of anything.
  12. all this for some shitty japanese nu-metal
  13. Karma’s Hat

    Jesus that's fucking rank. I want to say yes, but for some reason I recall these, almost wing-like things at the far ends of the D and Y. There exists a shirt for this tour ( Unwavering something of tomorrow? ) with just a straight up band pic with the logo. It was easily the worst shirt from them I've ever seen. This was at least for the 2010 London show edit: found it
  14. Karma’s Hat

    I miss their awful deathcore logo from 2010. I couldn't even find it on google anymore ( can someone else try ), but it was definitely on shirts and stuff when I saw them live around that time. Even if it was fucking bad it was still appropriate, because I remember a lot of scenekids at that show with people playing metalcore from their phone speakers etc. Good times
  15. Karma’s Hat

    can anyone confirm if his dick was out fr or nah he does some difficult stuff on CD and that screaming in addition to this smoking ( and probably a lot of drinking ) is going to fuck him up in no time. I've always wondered how long his voice can last with posting pictures of him smoking and touring.
  16. Karma’s Hat

    SANA/HITT/SATSUKI three-man might be able to fill a stadium in the donetsk republic
  17. Karma’s Hat

    I mean it does look like an experience even if the crowd doesn't seem to agree with me
  18. Karma’s Hat

    visual kei funderground fuck off
  19. Karma’s Hat

    hizaki's weave snatched
  20. Karma’s Hat

    hopefully at least
  21. Karma’s Hat

    The Mode of Macabre is so good. Best DVD out of this series hands down. egnirys is a top tier vk song, and it's only lost in the shuffle because comes from a band that up to this point had only put out straight heat anyway
  22. Karma’s Hat

    Yeah... But the signs of going soft were already in the air when they got the new members before the second album. The middle of the second album is no less soft than anything on TODAY, and Hentai was already knee deep in mid period Girugamesh vibes. The domestication of their sound was a gradual process and by TODAY it finally became a neutered house cat.
  23. Karma’s Hat

    Kyo is about 160cm I believe the dude from Kra on the other hand was like, 155 at best? I think the shortest bandmen are the vocalists from Kra and Nightmare
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