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Karma’s Hat

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Everything posted by Karma’s Hat

  1. Karma’s Hat

    The Blossoming footage from Helsinki looks intense. Hopefully video of the entire song will surface on youtube eventually. Seeing them tonight so expect a report. Here's to hoping for no inferno and sustain the untruth
  2. Karma’s Hat

    This saga keeps reaching new lows
  3. Karma’s Hat

    There's no way to be a fan of this band abroad lol
  4. Karma’s Hat

    me: that setlist couldn't possibly be any worse deg: hold my beer I hope they keep the rotation going and it won't be just the two of these, because than that means I'll get fucking phenomenon instead of fatal believer and final instead of kodou...
  5. Karma’s Hat

    The video has been out for about a half a month and it only has about 5k views, which is constitutes a massive flop considering the numbas he used to pull. He done fucked up. The Kerbera clip that was uploaded a day ago has 13k views (half of which are probably Rajesh and Sanjay from the bot factory like much of Seike's twitter followers, but I digress,) so in a strange turn of events Yohio got overshadowed even by the remarkably talentless vocalist from his old band from years back. As fan of empirical research every time I meet swedes either in sweden or abroad I ask if they've heard of him, and sometimes it might even take a while for them to go "oh yeah that guy" without really having an opinion about it either which way. He used to perform to pretty big audiences and it's not even that long ago. Now that's a poetic ending befitting the western vk saga that I can fully stand behind of. Like shit, it is nothing short of impressive that after having all the cards in his hand, he somehow managed to get no project get off the ground starting from his girlband to his label and then finally DISREIGN's Japan conquest that arguably didn't even deserve to die the way that it did, because I liked them. Well even if the music thing isn't working out, he's probably still allowed to MiA's gaijin zoo where all these white idiots are drinking away their parents money while looking for 50 year old gya to sell themselves to. rest in infamy scandinavia kei 200? - 2018 with only myself as a huge fan of cringe left to mourn its memory
  6. Karma’s Hat

    Some of the guesses here even make me as someone who's never been to Japan or doesn't know a lick of japanese feel like an insider of the biz. Mamireta disbanding while they're clearly growing in popularity is impossible bar some totally extraordinary circumstance and Gazette and Lynch have pretty evidently zero reasons to disband as well functioning T-shirt factories, oh and... Mejibray? Seriously
  7. Karma’s Hat

    life rn
  8. Karma’s Hat

    They hired a bootlegger to do official merch it seems like
  9. Karma’s Hat

    I mean usually when I’ve gone to these third world shows there are multiple sites selling the tickets and you can’t make heads or tails which is the official one. If it has a barcode or anything like that then I’d reckon it works. Either way it’s not going to sell out so if they tell ya to fuck off at the door then you can just take the L and buy a new one lol... also going to the warsaw show so if anyone wants to crack some cold ones wif the bois then I’m down
  10. Karma’s Hat

    I thought the album they released was fine and then i just forgot about them. I hope the vocalist comes back with a maybe a little bit more interesting concept than the one this band had
  11. In defence of deg and this album in particular, I always seem to go back and forth with them throughout the years. Even on this forum everyone lists their favourite songs and the ones they dislike with the tone that as if it were the general opinion, and that's the sort of strong opinion they get out of people. It's early, but I think this is going to be one in that line of work; today I think of one thing and three weeks another and in two years something else. Applies to many bands surely, yet not this strongly.
  12. it must have been one of the dumber heavy alt rock riffs that were featured in the previews with the shit mallcore guitar tone and trying to ignore the shit album cover and my alcoholism edit: the intro riff from rubbish heap could have been straight from NINTH. somehow, gazerock caught up to
  13. mixing ranges from dumb loud but cool to weird to just shit love the lyrics kyo's on fire, although not as much as I would have liked him to be. well we have the next sukekiyo for that and this is going to be this moab comparisons apt i think but the album was ruined for me at least for the time being when the thought passed me that this sounds like muse doing heavy gazette covers
  14. Karma’s Hat

    How is the production so bad? It sounds like the verse of Cry me a river with Yohio doing a really tacky RnB impression. Is he aiming for the charts with this? Jesus the lyrics too... also lmao about 500 views for a video that has been out for a day. Rip flophio
  15. Karma’s Hat

    Killing my ears, lungs and liver in warsaw. All I ever wanted is here again
  16. I wonder what sort of childhood trauma you need to have to buy all the DVD's BP puts out
  17. Karma’s Hat

    Totally missed this thread. Last night I was laughing my balls off at that fucking Satsuki rapping in european dives for ten odd people. If anyone is curious how the Satsuki live experience was then I wrote a report on it here, but tl;dr: no one in the audience knew the songs that Satsuki did karaoke to, and as that one finn said previously all Satsuki did was complain and beg for reactions from an audience that really was trying their best to seem enthused, which is very uncharacteristic of the generally cold finnish crowd. It was an unmitigated disaster that I recommend anyone to check out as long the venue serves drinks/you get drunk enough beforehand. All the best to SNAKEZ and Satsuki & his backing track
  18. Man it's these infinite singles campaigns that really make lose interest in a band. The next time I'll check them out will probably be the album
  19. Karma’s Hat

    I mean he'd have to do something akin to tzk and koichi if he wants to alienate me. I kind of almost want him to do stuff like what was it on the first album... child mother? No nu-metal riffs but just the same grotesque imagery and him crooning.
  20. Could barely tell it was Shuuji at first. Great stuff
  21. Dare I say that I kind of feel this from Utafumi and Kaburu? I'm still moderately excited for the new album and I reckon Ranunculus will grown on me within the album itself, as had happened with pretty much all their singles since I've followed them with the exception of Rinkaku that hit home immediately.
  22. Karma’s Hat

    oh shit i just searched cali gari on here and this happened. cool tho I liked 13 actually
  23. Karma’s Hat

    What a sad fucking ending for the entire Mejibray saga. In a way it's almost poetic lol. Like now I'd like to imagine Nanaki sounding really foreboding and prefacing this breakup and the disaster that ensued
  24. Karma’s Hat

    Ordered from them two times back in the day, and the second one took such a long fucking time I had to send them an inquiring email and 99% too lazy to complain about anything, so it must have been an exceptionally long time.
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