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Karma’s Hat

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Everything posted by Karma’s Hat

  1. Karma’s Hat

    The production on 0 is pretty much perfect for them so this is dissappointing anyone language savvy that can check out what the japanese are saying about the single?
  2. Karma’s Hat

    Yeah for the last two tracks I can see what they were going for and I like the tracks too they'd just be better without this gimmick inb4 I make a 180 on this and call them pioneers in two weeks
  3. Karma’s Hat

    I'm just one track deep and this is objectively one of the worst production choices I've ever heard in my life. The lead guitar sounds so bad that I have to wonder what kind of audio equipment it was designed to sound great on
  4. Karma’s Hat

    That thing about unsubstantiated was sarcasm/irony when it's kind of patently obvious despite differing opinion in specific details when it comes to any individual in question, but I think the general character of the scene is beyond dispute. Not just stuff on the internet that someone google translated and then related to a friends niece's cat, but personal experience of irl acquittances and etc. This scene is super dodgy and the esteem towards its elders is so strong that 'til he is in jail nothing is going to happen aside from the gasp when the story initially came out. Maybe gya reacted and go to his shows or something no mo', I mean we can hope. And you're right, that we're free to do as we choose. I was just a little triggered because of the tone here sometimes example of the tone here: the guy sells his own demo tapes under a pseudonym on the japanese ebay just to get by was referred to as prominent and powerful
  5. Karma’s Hat

    My point was that all these soliloquies about bandmen and the community having to denounce Kisaki from the community like a leper who ordered national socialist paraphernalia in the mail completely ignores the fact that in Japan and in the vk scene it probably doesn't work like that. And I wasn't referring to Kisaki's past at any point by the way, but rather to the widespreading hazing and abuse that is not even widespread but referred to in numerous interviews including members of DeG and The GazettE just to name some of these indie nobodies spreading harmful unsubstantiated tanuki rumours, bits of which you can find from this forum. If anything even close to the shit that's in these stories came out involving someone in the American showbiz industry, they'd be goners or at least caused a polemic of such magnitude that we already have with the me too movement and so on; and then you add to this that in Japan you just don't sell out your elders because their gya came out on the supreme justice court of twitter, especially ones that has given a start to a number of people in the scene. God knows what kind of stuff is going in the background too with the father of the child and so on. The pics are about as incriminating as you can get and my knee jerk reaction is to hope the child will be involved with none of these people in the future, but the legal procedures are messy especially when it involves messy people, and if you think anyone at 100% is voluntarily involved with kisaki then godspeed to u fam
  6. The usual. If the verses bang then I'll probs like it for a couple listens
  7. Karma’s Hat

    Fucking boo what happened. What are those riffs? They sound like they came from Seremedy or some shit
  8. Karma’s Hat

    album of the year coming up no question. no vk band even close to dis level
  9. That's the mystery here because I also think some of the old stuff holds up. I recognise it's the same band and all their stuff is quite similar, but something happened somewhere along the line. Even the breakdown that I'd usually be all for does nothing for me when it's sandwiched between the same chorus they have every time, or something I don't know. Maybe stuff like this is still more structured with less gimmicks, just early Arlequin/Morrigan esque thirst for blood with a tinge of oshare.
  10. Karma’s Hat

    If you think of No Longer Human as a thinly veiled biography and take his word for it, then probably not or at least not an ardent one lol. Anyways, in the middle of a Cioran reading project and what I have left are New Gods and Fall Into Time. Definitely prefer On The Heights and Tears and Saints to the later work, with History of Decay coming in as third. Cioran is coming out of my ears now so I'm refreshing myself by reading some poetry in Finnish so I started an Uuno Kailas project also.
  11. Karma’s Hat

    How come are my bois buried on page four? 😕 What did people think about the new album My general impressions are that it's a bit more ferocious than the last one which suits me quite fine, and the singles are great and that's like 50% of this album at least. There's not a whole lot to be said about a band that hasn't really changed on any fundamental way since like two albums ago, so what's left is just to keep track of the shades of different colours that've appeared and disappeared every time they put out something. It's like keeping track of birds... Anyway, only two ballads and the last one is nice, the kind of head banging live tracks that were not singles range from tolerable to quite ok while still being totally left in the shadow of the singles like Toge, DOUBT and the long title that fucking rip. At its best this band is as crazy as it can be when the guitarists break out from their torpor a little and funny vocal effects are piled on layer by layer, although here the ballad at the end is kind of a testament to the fact that this band can do more than just one thing while retaining its own sound. Anyway, decent effort while not as good as the first or the second albums.
  12. Karma’s Hat

    Heh, sounds like a direction that Lycaon could have gone to had they gone a more metal route after the last release. I appreciate the vk cheese in the vocals, the pounding generimetal instrumentation not so much and the aesthetic is a bore.
  13. I'm kind of embarrassed that I was excited for them at one point. At least they're nowhere close to as shitty as Mathilda is now
  14. Karma’s Hat

    been a while since there was a face to the name
  15. It's shite. What happened to the team that made their first PV? Who was the ghost writer for the first two singles? Actually, who even played them because this band sounds so fucking sloppy I refuse to believe it's the same people involved.
  16. Karma’s Hat

    I think a lot of people here, including myself lol, don't really understand how all this stuff works in Japan in the vk scene especially also in relation of the general public in Japan. Afaik, vk is already perceived as the last refuge for people totally unfit for society, an whether some bandoman is guilty of this and that over there is not really something to cause much attention, probably because the perception of the vk is pretty much true and all these dudes are just really shitty when it comes to treating both women and each other, I mean just look up stories of how they treated the vocalist from Screw back in the day and imagine if something like this came out involving some lamestream band in the west, like that could pretty much be the end of everyone involved; and this is only the beginning, like I think we've already heard tons of stories of really dodgy stuff which while shocking to people in the west accustomed to a totally different kind of culture and conduct, especially when it comes to regarding an elder statesman of the scene like ki$aki. This is an underground music culture of rejects that had a flash in the pan moment 20 years ago that brought it to the surface, which while an important moment it for sure didn't change the general makeup and reality of the scene, which is a large prostitution racket ran by yakuza and horny guys wanting to play shitty rock 'n roll to a fanbase consisting of people with as many issues an the bandguys themselves. And to add to this I think everyone knows the Japanese think we are joke and that some gaijins are rustled is literally no concern of theirs, unless you're willing to fuck or buy them some chrome hearts of course.
  17. Karma’s Hat

    Now having officially freed up his schedule, he can relocate to Ukraine
  18. Karma’s Hat

    Their best album not included noice
  19. I'm already laughing at the fact that there will be people who will listen to this all day while simultaneously not even shrugging their shoulders in the direction of all the J-indie music that's all this, but better.
  20. The individual parts of this in themselves are okay with the exception of the rather phlegmatic vocalist. Unfortunately they're so generic in the style that they'll most likely disband before getting better, or idk maybe people are just as partial to this sound as I am and will support them nonetheless.
  21. Karma’s Hat

    It was shite and you can tell obviously tell the guitarists are gone, and sounds like the production values went with them. also lol'd at the small view counts on this one rip disreign
  22. It's okay. Their peak is behind them, but this album is shaping up to be at the very least a decent singles collection.
  23. Well that's a piece of shit. Got excited about this band for nothing.
  24. Karma’s Hat

    Old Dolly felt like they had an infinite resource of great vocal and lead guitar melodies. I don't know about their lyrics and so on, but for some reason the domineering mood that's in shinshoku rosetta was always an undertone in the rest of their stuff as well, or at least I'd never call them just straight cut cotton candy oshare. I was spinning the Evil/Moonblood Fuck Peace/We're at War split earlier and it turned out the Moonblood side was some of the worst stuff I've heard of them, I decided to put on Satanic Warmaster's debut that I've been listening to for the past two days. I've been on a C-tier metal kick for a while now and Strength & Honour is all about that.
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