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Karma’s Hat

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Everything posted by Karma’s Hat

  1. Karma’s Hat

    La;veil pizzeria
  2. They're obviously not going to take any breaks or slow their pace now when they're hot. They'll keep churning releases consistently as long as the last one keeps outselling the one before that.
  3. wish their music was as good as their album covers
  4. Karma’s Hat

    Late despa is so shitty and these dudes look like they raided laruku’s rubbish bin for clothes so why would this project be any good just saying
  5. I like it a lot but the samples for the rest blew me away so i’m far more stoked for those.
  6. Karma’s Hat

    The gazette also have stolen a ton so I don’t know where that’ll lead us. I think considering the scene we’re in lifting a few things in a 50 something discography isn’t that big of a deal Disclaimer is that I love this band I’ll write down more thoughts later
  7. Karma’s Hat

    In no particular order and also in general definitely subject to some changes the more I think about it Aliene Mariage - Les soiree Madeth Gray’ll - compilation album Dir en grey - Macabre Kuroyume - Nagikara wo... Luna Sea - Image/Luna Sea depending on the day lots of album and bands bubbling under. A comprehensive top 20 is a task I’ve been meaning to get to forever
  8. Karma’s Hat

    Tinder is great, and just like irl using it requires a certain finesse and understanding of the code of conduct that applies there. You can’t just walk up to every 10 on the street and be like ”hey baby do you like dir en grey?” and expect them to care. My tip is to set yourself apart by expressing yourself and being a little weird. That way you’ll automatically eliminate all the basic bitches from the equation and you’ll remain with the peolle you’d actually fuck with, with who you share interests and a sense of humour. Tinder is objectively a million times better than daygaming random people like a jerk off creep or rubbing yourself against someone’s ass on the dance floor.
  9. Karma’s Hat

    That’s a tough question. For one, unlike what some might think I’m such a huge fan of vk that I can find something to enjoy in almost everything with varying degrees of guilt involved in the affair, and second, I just can’t find myself being driven to the point of disgust by anything going in the scene these days just because no individual band or event really matters or makes a difference anymore; it’s just all so irrelevant now. After this DEZERT menhera wave just repackaged the early 2010’s neon coloured mediocrity into new retro dreads ( literally some of these old royzcore bands jumped ship ) I’ve lost all hope for anything that interesting to happen, other than singular events of decent bands being decent and chugging along to a good run of a couple of releases, like say Kizu or Rands as of late. All that’s left in vk is to sink with the ship and watch it slowly fade after successive minor aesthetic morphosis taking place decade by decade, dissappearing out of sight into the dustbin as they disconnect my future 7D internet at the retirement home. Back in the day I had a bit of hostility towards bands that had made clear attempts at having lamestream market appeal with a totally limp style like Girugamesh, D’espairsray and the rest of them, but one might as well fight against windmills rather than getting all hot and bothered about aging rockers losing touch and dignity whilst having bills to pay. If I was still to name something that can trigger me a bit, it’s late visual kei’s take on power metal like Jupiter that’s so excruciatingly awful that it makes me happy that at least all of us are going to die eventually and the heat death of the universe will make sure that there will be no one left on earth to play shitty music like that. Another thing are some of these very flashy bands that dazzle all the twelve year olds out there like Leda in Deluhi did to a degree, or Jiluka for example out of the contemporaries, but then again I can also listen to both these bands at any given moment just because I’m ridiculously biased towards the visual kei sound.
  10. Loads of hopes on this band. Chisa looks good but eh. didn't listen to the last single much either
  11. Karma’s Hat

    VITIUM and ADORATIO are some of the best vk out there. IMMORTALIS wasn't there yet, but again, it still kills most new deg material while not being in the league of the stuff they did later.
  12. Karma’s Hat

    When I saw them last during the previous world tour I thought they were really boring and only by the end I was just about drunk enough to have some fun with them. Surprisingly so, since I'm a huge fan and extremely partial to most of their stuff, and back in 2013 I saw two shows and enjoyed both. I think in general they've been getting more phlegmatic live and looking old and fat.
  13. Karma’s Hat

    i like knives but i can't say the same about their music. i need at least a few more aicle covers before i'm back in the bandwagon
  14. tfw flexin on some weeb forum
  15. Karma’s Hat

    thanks for a really quick response. i was probably too quick on the trigger to assume that the one guy with an ex-crazy synth band was the composer when pretty much all of them come from crazy synth bands. this really is the ultimate shit kei superband
  16. Karma’s Hat

    This album of theirs is so fucking vk from top to bottom that it'll take time for me to digest it properly before I'm able to decide whether this stuff is awesome or not. Does anyone know who's their composer? Their synth at least sounds exactly what I've heard from Himegoto.
  17. Karma’s Hat

    Unfortunately this is the one song they will not change for sure
  18. Karma’s Hat

    people who waited for a more exciting setlist obviously don't know this band at all. the encore and vortex probably stand to change, but cockroach is the best anyone can hope for
  19. Karma’s Hat

    turned on this song, it's fucking great. the production is still ass, but it's just as epic as the last pv
  20. Just like the last single I at first find it underwhelming and then after seeing the PV I warm up to it. Can anyone clue me in on the concept of this single? At least Mamo wrote it, that I got from twitter.
  21. Karma’s Hat

    I'm more than fine with this direction. It's almost all that I wanted from him actually, and that's probably what some people might call R-shitei or Kizu lol
  22. Karma’s Hat

    i’m starting patreon for @Endigo rent
  23. Karma’s Hat

    I was on my phone in a bus when I heard the news. Drinks on me boiz and sad reacts only
  24. fair fucks to anyone who goes about shouting their opinion about this and that with a sub 500 artist last.fm chart, but I do also know that they're not much farther removed from pre-school children in their opinions and ought to not be listened to. the only people triggered by a comment like this are the ones who recognise themselves as the targets of it.
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