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Karma’s Hat

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Everything posted by Karma’s Hat

  1. Karma’s Hat

    That having animals somehow correlates with abuse and neglect babies is a logical leap that maybe concern a tiny tiny minority in the US or something. In Europe and CIS countries people get just to get and the animals are rife on the streets dying and the same philosophy is often extended to children as well since who even has time for them outside of a few suburbs somewhere. And what about illnesses? Introducing foreign species to ecosystems adversely affects biodiversity and we’re only touching the long term effects of people turning the planet into an ikea parking lot.
  2. Karma’s Hat

    In 2019 people don’t need pets anyway and they ought to be slowly phased out through bureoceatic permit jungle and intensive taxation. The industry is disgusting and the only people who need cats are people living deep in bumfuck countryside where rodents would eat the paint off of the walls if they could. Dogs serve more functions than just one but again, the permits should do their best in keeping them off of the hands of people who genuinely don’t need them. I’m on my phone so i’m too lazy to check it right now but afaik someone posted something here saying that cats don’t affect the bird population but as far as I know in finland it has been observed that it does and quick googling showed an article about the effect they’ve had in for example, australia. Either way it is a foreign species that does not belong to the local ecosystem and therefore it ought to not be there.
  3. halp someone make me like this band because they do everything kind of in a way I always wanted but I just can't get into them
  4. Karma’s Hat

    This is true, but unfortunately there are no solutions to this. Increasing cost will just keep the lads home and let rich idiots bring the world to ruin instead, which is truly not better in anyway; and second, no sympathies should be had towards idiot locals wanting to keep their picture-esque towns forever in the year 1972 pure of foreigners, and same applies for gentrification which is a part of a far larger phenomenon and fighting it by restricting travel is just asinine. Almost all European cities look and feel exactly the same ( with the exception of a couple that've lagged behind for geopolitical reasons in the balkans and belarus/ukraine ) with their craft beer pubs and escape rooms and there's nothing anyone can do about it except invent new forms of resistance and subversion. I believe in hazing as effective quality control and I believe it builds character. No one asked my consent in bringing me to this world and therefore I will ask for none once I'm fit to leave it. The only thing that makes this life bearable to anyone who isn't totally stupid is the lifestyle of relative luxury our affluence has been able to achieve for a few people in the expense of everyone else in the global north, and I'm at a disbelief that still some idiots want to hype up this world by finding some mystical current running through their blood that'll make them more important than just cum trampling on the heads of others, or even worse, that we have some obligations to other people to stick around here when no one even asked if I wanted to join their shitty humanity club in the first place. Can you imagine if someone just told you one day that "hey, now you're a member of our gang of sungazers and how do you dare to leave us bro what about our feelings??" Burn self-help books and throw the people who read them into the bonfire immediately afterwards. Not necessarily an unpopular opinion since I know this is a sentiment some people share: the most poignant music of our age is what is stereotypically labeled as its most ignorant and violent. Making a song with three words repeated on distorted bass is by far less ignorant than releasing some new age rock opera trilogy on colored vinyl in 2019. I don't know how anyone has the patience for such pompous shit while earth is practically rotting right underneath them.
  5. The third track was like a Sex Android song which was cool. The first two are nice and the last like whatever, and while that's all well and good I think this band is going to hit a plateu and soon
  6. Karma’s Hat

    if someone could compile all the dick pics throughout the ages that'd be appreciated. There should be at least Tenten and Danchou that are not too difficult to find, an alleged Yohio that might prove to be a bit more scarce and then one that I recall someone claiming to have been Miku but I'm not 100% on whether that's legit or not.
  7. Karma’s Hat

    Would kill to hear this
  8. Karma’s Hat

    In addition to a change in the cadre of bandguys, there's also been a cultural shift in general. Nu-metal got off with far less and when the metalcore century arrived it sealed the deal that the general public went for more polished sounds and professional musicians. If you explore deep youtube, twitter or even band OHP's in the old traditional way you can still find those indie bands that sound like no one knows what they're exactly doing, but these bands just aren't popular enough anymore to gain traction outside of performing at multi-man events. Avelcain comes to mind as one band that managed to defy the trend and peek its forehead above the surface even though all they had to offer was spirit.
  9. Karma’s Hat

    Pulled up the dispo party wagon to the Odessa film festival and the saw my first film of the tournee, Der Goldene Handschuh First off, the comparisons to The House That Jack Built are totally off the mark. Von Trier's film is intensively personal with the killing used as an allegory for his own actions, while Atih's film is more an exploration of a Brueghel-like scene of an entire social sphere in complete disarray where you could argue that no one is inherently bad, but rather intensively traumatised with their worst aspects enabled by their social environment. If The House That Jack Built is the quintessential self-obsessed straight white male™ director making a film about himself, Der Goldene Handschuh is almost the opposite of this in its focus on the world that the unfortunate people inhabit, it arguably even has more than a helping of sympathy for Honka himself. What the former film has going for itself however, is that it is very much a complete work, developing throughout into a statement about itself and the person who made it; the latter on the other hand more or less shows its cards right from the jump and then you're in it just for the romp and the themes and motives are not much further investigated than what you'll get during the first half. As a true crime fan I have to commend the film for doing a couple of things I haven't seen done like this, first of all that the human empathy offered towards the victims and the other inhabitants of this world is also extended to the almost comically grotesque, 1970's Quasimodo the serial killer who by all accounts could've been an alright guy had it not been for his unfortunate upbringing coupled with an environment that fosters if not encourages the consumption of vast amounts of alcohol to cope with a world that's first for unjust and inhuman. Despite what some might've said and a lot of people still like to believe, alcohol plays an important part and if you go through the serial killer boom of the 70's and 80's you'll find out that most if not all of the big names were barely functioning alcoholics to whom alcohol played a big part in the killings ( including the biggest names of the period like Bundy, Gacy and Dahmer. With proper health care and social welfare it could be argued that all of them could've been avoided. ) If there's anything to be taken from the film is a strong teetotaler ethic, lol. Anyway, a decent film in the exploitation film tradition that looks incredible from shots to the makeup. A lot of people were walking out of the theater even though I didn't think it was nearly as bad as THTJB, and probably most of these people went back to their homes to eat sausages or some shit bloody hypocrites. I haven't decided what I'll see next, but it looks like Ken Loach has a new film out so guess I'll try to see that.
  10. Karma’s Hat

    When I saw that rump of a setlist I let out a sigh of relief that I totally forgot about this and didn't go
  11. Karma’s Hat

    guys, I found it
  12. Karma’s Hat

    There is a very gnarly recent picture of Hizaki from some Jupiter live that I can’t find now on my phone, but I hope someone knows which one I’m talking about and posts it
  13. It’s not like half of the threads you post are in the genre of ”stupid libtards upset about X Y Z” ”Desperate for wokeness points” who the fuck are you for real coming on this board about vk bringing your asenine american political shite in here. Nobody here takes this shit seriously enough at least in the context of this forum to give a shit enough to virtue signal for anything. Left right up and down or center these titles and threads are peak cringe and I’d rather see this forum dead with its dignity intact rather than have this shit continue
  14. Karma’s Hat

    I grew up in a non-religious household and me and my mom together left the state church when i was about 7 when we decided that even going to church on christmas was a bit too much. It’s probably growing up atheist in an atheist environment that made me totally unable to even jokingly consider what bearing religious identity and superstition would have in my life. When I was a teenager searching for an identity I instead went straight for politics without considering whether I’d identify more as a shintoist wiccan bullfrog. We are pretty much products of our culture and upbringing and I’ve found that those who grew up around religion find it haunting the rest of their lives even if nominably atheist – kind of also how those growing up in an atheist culture seem to be totally unable to process religious thinking and philosophy unless academically inclined to do so. I always enjoyed religious and esoteric subjects, but just not enough to engage with them. I spend about 0% of my time thinking about the universe and the soul as anything other than an infinite cold and electricity on which life has appeared as an accident and will eventually make its exit also; and should I be wrong it’d still be a waste of time to think about it since the possibilities are infinite, and what man can process with his senses in his place in history is but a meaningless fraction of this. But dumb white people raiding the moldy coffin of ancient thought ( that they wouldn’t have even had access to anyway til a couple of decades ago, and the people that spent their brief moment on earth without being able to read buddhism for dummies pdf lived through this world just fine ) is even worse when you have latte pagans on laptops thinking the shit on their shoe has a cosmic pathos that’s a just bit cooler than dad’s ol’ christianity with its unfortunate political baggage ( that isn’t jesus’ fault anyway. ) Everyone struggles with the meaninglessness of this world but that’s just about the worst way to do it.
  15. They sound exactly like they look. Some sort of pop punk menhera, it's kewl
  16. Karma’s Hat

    Both bands are good and they have great moments, but Kizu's just has the kind of vk sound I'm partial for, and aside from a few occasions they're pretty dark and heavy without having to resort to too much americore riffing which I'll always be apprehensive towards in my visual kei. At their best DIMLIM mixes it up and at worst they drone in a metalcore song that'll honestly just make anyone who knows a thing or two put on something better from the US/UK/take your pick. Despite that however it does look the bands are in a bit of opposite trajectories where DIMLIM is diversifying more and more whereas Kizu is dangerously close to calling it a day and sticking with what they have. Either way I like Kizu more so my vote goes that way.
  17. Karma’s Hat

    Just listened to the single and it's decent stuff that they're going for, and while I was listening to it all I could think was that I wish they would release an album to show how much they're able to do with the sound they have. Not the best, but in the landscape of today's vk I'll fucking take it
  18. Karma’s Hat

    If the guy from pura didn’t get surgery for his nose then no one should no but jk i like the transparency.
  19. Karma’s Hat

    Soan is the type of bandman who’ll even get his solo project disbanded
  20. Karma’s Hat

    a bandman from a fairly noteworthy late 2000's band that will be left unnamed here wanted to fuck my ex girlfriend. vk guys are great if you have some cash for chrome hearts and/or a vagina I can't be mad at kyo for not giving a shit about some stupid Q&A the management set up for some cash and anyone who pays for those VIP's is a dweeb that doesn' deserve look in their general direction ya fucking nerds. i can't even imagine how it is like when everyone wants to talk to you while all you want is just to eat some shitty fast food in the tour bus and sleep.
  21. Karma’s Hat

    Not going to lie, I don't listen to Infinitum a lot either. That I respect the concept and the ambition which puts it leagues above the rest of the scene hasn't really translated over to much interest. Adoratio on the other hand I listened to obsessively from when it came out to every once in a while even up to this day.
  22. Karma’s Hat

    When the A-side came out I thought I was already tired of the blessthefall riffs with the tapping gimmick and all that having gotten tired quick of their last album, but the B-side got me back. The vocals are sick on the entire single, and even if the wank didn't win me on the first track the funny one second long heavy chug around the 1.49 mark is fucking sick and the chorus hook is something else. The technically most able band in vk hands down if they only flaunted it just a bit less
  23. Karma’s Hat

    Feels like it was your first show and not theirs if this screaming at weeb shows was news to you. At rock concerts it’s not a given these days that the audience is young and enthusiastic enough to give a shit so if they were in the UK then that’s great.
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