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Karma’s Hat

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Everything posted by Karma’s Hat

  1. Karma’s Hat

    He is not wrong
  2. Karma’s Hat

    The comment about the lyrics probably came off a bit harsh, or as an exaggeration rather. It's just blase, and the groaning disappointment is just multiplied when coupled with the blase music. Shiin Kurashi, Tabetai etc. went fucking hard and now we got this crap. also is it just me projecting or did their production get worse with these two songs as well?
  3. Karma’s Hat

    Within the span of two PV's they went from being one of the most talked about bands on the forum to no one giving a shit about the new song, and I can't blame yall for it because this track sucks even worse than the last one. It's a fine line they treaded, and now that their musicianship ( they used to sound really tight despite the generic riffs, or at least they didn't sound this sloppy ) and PV budgets take a slump they've managed to wander off to the wrong side of that said line. Shoutout to the lyrics also that some kind soul translated in the comment section. They're embarrassing.
  4. Karma’s Hat

    If it's any comfort I think the seemingly disproportionate amount of westener feedback on their social media is more indicative of Japanese people not being interested, rather than massive worldwide support. For example the dead account of Karma has almost twice as many twitter followers as Koichi, and Raid's Sena has three times more ( while all the other members have at least twice as many. ) This shite muzak project is bound to sink, and both of them will be working as hosts and living without electricity and running water in no time. Not even the lady working the corner shop will recognise them as they try to shoplift mandarins in an effort to not to starve to death with the rest of the homeless people sleeping under the bridges.
  5. It's very hard to tell what exactly is their style right now before the album comes out, because that's when they break out of the three minute single formula with the growly verses and poppy chorus melodies. There are hints, and I agree with Geist that some, even fairly major things have happened and Kyo's vocal performance is the biggest one. He has really let loose after Arche on Sukekiyo and on the Dir en grey singles, and I can't wait to see whether the compositions can hold their end on that front. I don't care about the "style" of music they play as long as they just manage to let go and experiment with the style and be spontaneous, different etc. Much like Sukekiyo did with their last album ( and that album still is so fucking good and it has held up 100% since it's release. There's just no way the well insulated room can ever live up to it )
  6. Karma’s Hat

    Fucking awesome.
  7. Karma’s Hat

    I mean it’s not exciting, but that’s a decent set
  8. Karma’s Hat

    Arguably he has been better live than on CD for a while now. The Sukekiyo lives have been incredible and the mode of Kisou & Vulgarism dvd’s are really good
  9. Karma’s Hat

    I hope the yakuza chops off their fingers after that in-store
  10. Well The Gazette had their best live in ages on that limited edition, while deg is more likely to have more live renditions of sustain the untruth and utafumi if anything
  11. Karma’s Hat

    Yeah that may well be I have listened to nothing beyond the first LP. This thread brings me back to the PSC carnival lives. They had such an interesting roster once upon a time and they got shat on with accusations of ruining bands or whatever, meanwhile bands were ruining themselves even without the help of PSC somewhere else. Although I do think even gazette alluded to the shadiness of their management in some interviews ( don’t quote me )
  12. Karma’s Hat

    Whom still are, according to some accounts, still consistently interesting and good. Idk personally I just like their early stuff and am amazed that they’re still around to the interest of a handful
  13. Karma’s Hat

    Does PSC have anyone left? They went from having a roster of fairly big and up and coming names to Lotus and whatever the other one was, and on the gaijin net they generate 0 buzz. I wonder if this was a conscious decision on PSC’s part to leave the biz. This will not affect gazette’s music in any way. If anything the split is probably over stuff like merch, touring, appearances etc.
  14. Karma’s Hat

    I saw Satsuki do this in Helsinki and it wasn’t pretty
  15. Karma’s Hat

    So this now makes it their worst selling major album. I wish I knew how and why their sales from DIM to TOXIC sunk as much as they did, because they were probably lowkey positioning themselves for that SID & L'arc spot with the dome show and anime OP. Before anyone says it's the quality of the music they should know that has literally never mattered when the bands on top are L'arc ( numerous years if not two decades since last decent release ) and SID ( never released anything good, unique or groundbreaking outside of like their fucking first single or something )
  16. Karma’s Hat

    If you don't like their first two EP's then stop listening to vk
  17. Karma’s Hat

    Solid renditions of the old songs on that DVD by the way. Very surprised just how well they transitioned over
  18. Karma’s Hat

    can't listen to this shit without crying anymore. he's the one bandman who's lyrics I identified with really hard.
  19. Karma’s Hat

    Mejibray's riffing style was always very uniquely MiA though, so there's must've always been massive contributions coming from him for pretty much every song. The only hope I had left is that they'll somehow end up coming back in an year, but seeing this and MiA's project I'm not sure if I want to. I don't even know what happened to this band in the first place, like they were totally going to places around 420 Roses playing at decently sized venues and pretty much being the talk of the town in the internet community... and then after shitting out a dozen singles campaigns they cap off their career by playing at the clubs bands like Kizu and Mamireta are already at after an year. What happened
  20. Karma’s Hat

    Yeah the weirdest thing about him is how fucking hard he went at the lives, in the lyrics and the music and allegedly in his personal life; and then all he wanted to do all along was to play baroque covers.
  21. Karma’s Hat

    Tzk is a big fan of oshare and all that, and they probably figured that being an IG model with a who gives a shit music project will rake in big bucks far easier than doing all the rigorous touring and whatever else it is that VK bands have to do just to scrape by. and tbh I don't even know what direction they could have taken VK to after Mejibray without MiA also being on board. That's why the thought of a post-mejibray project with just the two of them was so exciting, but impossible to imagine
  22. Karma’s Hat

    Well the reception youtube seems to be overwhelmingly positive. This pretty much proves all the negative stereotypes about their fanbase lol I refuse to believe a person who fucks with Sou to utsu to kyoukai and Distance.exe would ever fuck with this
  23. Karma’s Hat

    damn no one came out looking good from the mejibray disbandment I mean it's not good even for what it is. This is the sort of shit that plays in dentist's waiting rooms or in mom's car while picking up the kids from football practice. It's fucking trite and that's the saddest thing about it. fuck my life tzk why did you do this to me
  24. Karma’s Hat

    dude what the fuck is this shit
  25. Karma’s Hat

    Ruki's a bit chubby if you ask me
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