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    doombox reacted to The Bread Wolf in Family planning and the lack of it   
    Yo peeps. I wanted to talk about an issue that's very dear to my heart, and that's called planning a family, or a lack of it. Just like the title says.
    At my age, most women (and possibly also men) are, if not already totally at it, at least planning for their own family. You know. Husband, kids, golden retriever, stuff like that. Most women have silently agreed to have children, even if they don't particularly want them, just because society thinks they should.
    I stand at the other side of the whole concept: I don't want kids. Ever. I've been told ever since I was a tot that I'll change my mind and when I'm older I'll understand the need to have children. Bitch, I'm older now and still don't want any. In fact, I would gladly have my tubes tied into one hell of a knot to ever avoid even considering the idea that I might be with a child. The idea of pregnancy scares me. The idea of childbirth scares me. I don't like kids. I don't think babies are cute, not in the least. In fact, I believe children up to the age of 10 are, at best, a bore, and at worst, horrible spawns of satan I want nowhere  near me. And yet, medical specialists argue I'm too young (nearing 30 here) to decide if I want kids or not, so they won't perform a sterilisation. Yo, people can decide on a sex correction surgery once they turn 18 but I'm not old enough to know I hate kids and don't want any. And I'm not saying this to mock anyone or say that transgender people shouldn't have the option to do that, but just that both are a part of body autonomy that I think one should have the right to rule over after a certain age.
    Are there other people who feel the same way as I do? Ladies and gents who just don't want kids, no matter what? Or people who want them but can't have them? Tell me your thoughts and give us some peer support.
  2. Like
    doombox got a reaction from qotka in Family planning and the lack of it   
    Mid-thirties here and still don't want kids, or even a serious relationship, tbh. Everyone in my family looks at me like I'm an alien because I don't give a shit about marriage or children. I also get tired of people insinuating I'm selfish for not wanting children, like living my life for myself is a bad thing. The world is scary, not to mention over populated as it is. I don't feel compelled to add to it. 
  3. Like
    doombox got a reaction from Tatsusalt in Family planning and the lack of it   
    Mid-thirties here and still don't want kids, or even a serious relationship, tbh. Everyone in my family looks at me like I'm an alien because I don't give a shit about marriage or children. I also get tired of people insinuating I'm selfish for not wanting children, like living my life for myself is a bad thing. The world is scary, not to mention over populated as it is. I don't feel compelled to add to it. 
  4. Like
    doombox reacted to DeithX252 in CRYSTAL LAKE new single "Apollo" release   
    2017/10/11 - Cube Records / JMS
    1. Apollo
    2. Machina
    3. Dreamscape (Omega PhaseOne Remix)

    1. Alpha
    2. Omega
    3. Matrix
    4. Metro
    5. Six Feet Under
    6. Waves
    7. Prometheus
    8. The Fire Inside
  5. Like
    doombox reacted to Seimeisen in What are you listening to?   
    I think I'm becoming obsessed with this band, I've been listening to them non-stop lately
  6. Like
    doombox got a reaction from suji in PS COMPANY new band "ZOL" has formed   
    Not really. This is for posting news and discussing said news. You've asked past a reasonable amount of times, everyone in this thread knows you are waiting on information, trust me. 
  7. Like
    doombox reacted to Zeus in #93: 迦陵頻伽 by 陰陽座   
    | Another solid effort but it doesn't stand out as much as it could.
    With the head of a human, a bird's torso, a long, flowing tail, and a voice said to surpass all the gods and angels in Nirvana, the fantastical creature known as the Kalavinka is the inspiration behind 陰陽座's fourteenth album, 迦陵頻伽 (Karyobinga). 陰陽座's known for taking heavy amounts of inspiration from Japanese folklore and incorporating it into their music - even though they sound more like Iron Maiden than anything else - so this is a positively peculiar route to follow after their recent focus on Japanese deities and folklore. The Japanese interpretation of the Kalavinka is portrayed faithfully on the album cover; vocalist Kuroneko's upper torso is dressed as a winged Bodhisattva and her lower half is birdlike. It's both a gorgeous sight and a lofty proposition.
    I'm torn on 迦陵頻伽. On one hand, the feel and flow of the album are all too familiar. I peg it as some hybrid of 金剛九尾 (Kongokyuubi) and snippets of their last two albums because of the pacing and atmosphere. 金剛九尾 ranks among my least favorite of their albums, but to its credit, 迦陵頻伽 is much more polished and straightforward, as if MATATABI had a destination in mind when composing. On the other hand, there is lots of carry over from 風神界逅 (Fuujinkaikou) and 雷神創世 (Raijinsousei), which I regard as near perfect. It's not as ambitious as their last effort, and at times it feels like they're marking boxes off a checklist, but this consistency is why they've never released a bad album. An opportunity to incorporate some Indian and East Asian influences into more songs was missed and would have greatly opened up their sound, but I can look past that. If it didn't appeal to you before, this will not change your mind.
    Where this album impresses me is how the mystic, haunting atmosphere of their earlier eras returns. It's no longer as dark or ominous, but still present and mysterious. Opener "迦陵頻伽" really catches what I'm trying to describe here, and it's got one of the catchiest choruses in their repertoire. Centerpiece "人魚の檻" is a masterful emotional manipulator that's hogged my repeat button for the last few weeks. Those in need of a fix of heavy metal should check out "廿弐匹目は毒蝮" or lead single "愛する者よ、死に候え", and "轆轤首" is the token track where they buck all expectations and try something new. It's tone reminds me of "無風忍法帖" and it's one of my favorites of the album. The canned strings of "轆轤首" were a curious choice, and "御前の瞳に羞いの砂" sounds suspiciously familiar, but I'll admit these are minor quibbles.
    陰陽座 is in the midst of a second renaissance after the release of 2012's 鬼子母神 (Kishibojin), breaking a streak of tepid albums with a concept so beautifully realized that it still sounds fresh today. 迦陵頻伽 stabilizes this upward trend, and while it's not the best thing ever it's pretty good.
    Support the band!
  8. Like
    doombox reacted to qotka in MUCC will suspend activities and go on hiatus in 2018   
    i thought the announcement was pretty ridiculous at first, too. but then i realized that a large chunk of their audience are people who WILL freak out if they don't hear any announcements/see any activity on social media for a couple weeks without an explanation, and being considerate of that audience makes a lot of sense.
  9. Like
    doombox reacted to chemicalpictures in MUCC will suspend activities and go on hiatus in 2018   
    I really don't get why japanese bands feel like they need to disclosure every single break they have. Western bands often go radio silence for very long periods of time and nobody could care less... really, what's 3 months to a band so accomplished as MUCC?
  10. LOLOL
    doombox reacted to Tokage in MUCC will suspend activities and go on hiatus in 2018   
    they should bring back those 2 new members they had for like a week and have them be the temporary replacement mucc while the real band goes on holiday imo
  11. Like
    doombox reacted to qotka in MUCC will suspend activities and go on hiatus in 2018   
    i was hoping they'll be getting at least 6 months/a year's break because 1) they deserve it 2) i'm broke
  12. Like
    doombox reacted to Jigsaw9 in MUCC will suspend activities and go on hiatus in 2018   
    Make it 6 months. They deserve to rest a bit.
  13. Like
    doombox got a reaction from qotka in MUCC will suspend activities and go on hiatus in 2018   
    Agree about the break being well deserved. Hope they get to live it up, enjoy the fruits of their labor for a while and get some rest too.
  14. Like
    doombox reacted to saishuu in MUCC new DVD and tribute album release !   
    Tribute tracklist is out!
    ・風と太陽 / cali≠gari
    ・謡声(ウタゴエ) / 氣志團
    ・溺れる魚 / gibkiy gibkiy gibkiy
    ・ブリリアント ワールド / 鬼龍院翔(ゴールデンボンバー)
    ・ニルヴァーナ / GRANRODEO
    ・EMP / Ken(L'Arc-en-Ciel)
    ・最終列車 / THE BACK HORN
    ・暁闇 / シド
    ・ガーベラ / sukekiyo
    ・アカ / DEZERT
    ・ハニー / BAND-MAID
    ・Mr.Liar / ヒステリックパニック
    ・流星 / Plastic Tree
    ・フライト / BREAKERZ
    ・アイアムコンピュータ / POLYSICS
    ・家路 / MERRY
    ・リブラ / 矢野絢子
    ・茫然自失 / lynch.
    ・ハイデ / ROACH
    I cannot wrap my head around SID doing 暁闇.
  15. Like
    doombox reacted to Kiyoharu is God in MUCC will suspend activities and go on hiatus in 2018   
    Notice of suspension of activity
    2, Oct. 2017

    From 2018, we will suspend the expiration of our activities for the first time in the history of the band.
    "We will definitely come back! About three months ,,,"
  16. Like
    doombox reacted to Kiyoharu is God in MUCC will suspend activities and go on hiatus in 2018   
    This was such an insane year for them. Fans probably had to work 2x as much too to afford all the stuff they released. 5 albums I think, not counting the tribute? And all the touring? Wow
  17. Like
    doombox reacted to saishuu in MUCC will suspend activities and go on hiatus in 2018   
    If there's one band on Earth who deserves a break, it's MUCC. And it's only three months, so it's all good.
  18. Like
    doombox reacted to Chi in What are you listening to?   
    I disliked this track at first but now I stan the whole EP :^)
  19. Like
    doombox got a reaction from jiji94 in What are you listening to?   
  20. Like
    doombox got a reaction from Tatsusalt in Does anyone have a HQ copy of this photo/knows the photoshoot it is from?   
    The photo is about the size of a business card in the middle of an empty page, so I don't think I was able to get much more quality out of the scanner, but I did try also taking a regular photo of the image and was able to tone down the grain, though you end up with some slight glare and distortion from the page not being quite as flat. But maybe one of these does the job for you.
    (if you open the image in a new tab/window they will be larger)


    Bonus version where I played in photoshop merging and painting a bit trying to get some shading details back into the scan.
  21. Like
    doombox reacted to chemicalpictures in Does anyone have a HQ copy of this photo/knows the photoshoot it is from?   
    This is great!
    thank you so much for taking the time to scan and edit it, I really appreciate it!
    I was trying to see if I could make it work on a t-shirt, but i'm thinking printing it and framing like a poster will do the job better!
    thanks again for it, really!
  22. Like
    doombox got a reaction from chemicalpictures in Does anyone have a HQ copy of this photo/knows the photoshoot it is from?   
    The photo is about the size of a business card in the middle of an empty page, so I don't think I was able to get much more quality out of the scanner, but I did try also taking a regular photo of the image and was able to tone down the grain, though you end up with some slight glare and distortion from the page not being quite as flat. But maybe one of these does the job for you.
    (if you open the image in a new tab/window they will be larger)


    Bonus version where I played in photoshop merging and painting a bit trying to get some shading details back into the scan.
  23. Like
    doombox got a reaction from chemicalpictures in Does anyone have a HQ copy of this photo/knows the photoshoot it is from?   
    It's from Cure Magazine Vol.32. (May 2006). I have the magazine, I'll see if I can get any better but the picture is pretty small to begin with. And my scanner isn't very good.
  24. Like
    doombox reacted to mopkins in Worst to First: MUCC Albums   
    myakuhaku is their best album since shion and I hope people aren't sleeping on it
    MUCC's killin it this year
  25. Like
    doombox got a reaction from jiji94 in What are you listening to?   
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