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Everything posted by doombox

  1. doombox

    Hurry up Warped Tourrrrr
  2. doombox

    This episode killed meeeeeee
  3. I can't vote in the poll because I would need an "all of them" option. I don't think any one thing is more important, even if I have a bias for one thing over another it wouldn't sound good if the instruments with it didn't work in its favor. Everything has to work together for me, personally.
  4. doombox

    That HYS album is a beast. So so good.
  5. What a bummer. I would have liked to hear new stuff from them.
  6. I dunno if we got any Jrock momma's on MH, but if there are Happy Mother's Day!

  7. doombox

    De nada and どういたしまして! lol That's really cool you got to meet them, Toru and Taka definitely seem like how I imagine them, well Ryota too a little haha. I got to see OOR on their recent tour with All Time Low and Sleeping With Sirens, they're great sounding live, aren't they? Practically just like they are on CD.
  8. doombox

    Been jamming Jinjer all day
  9. doombox

    Welcome to the forum! That's really cool that you used to run a Jrock podcast, nice taste in bands too. I like most of those myself. If you have any questions feel free to ask red or blue usernames. Have fun!
  10. doombox

    I lIke both songs a lot, but I usually like their stuff so I'm not surprised. Still looking forward to this.
  11. Love the look, the song preview doesn't have me very excited though. The breakdown at the end was the only part that hooked my interest so far.
  12. Wow, that's pretty disgusting. I never planned on using Apple Music. I'm still not even a fan of Spotify. I like owning copies of my music. As if hard drive failures and power surges weren't already nightmare enough for digital music fans, then a program can help itself to your files and take them away from you just like that. I already stopped buying Apple products (like ipods) because I had multiple issues and their "genius" staff were not only ill informed on their own products but also rude. And if I could find a better alternative to move away from iTunes for buying digital music, I certainly would. Thanks @peffy for reminding me to disable Apple Music Connect.
  13. doombox

    Yep, I consider them similar to Hysteric Panic, though maybe a little less intense. X"D Nobody does it quite like Hispani. And just throwing it out there but you might like Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas too if you haven't checked them out already.
  14. doombox

    *high fives* I have been addicted to these guys lately. So happy to see other people jamming them!
  15. doombox

    I do think all of their new stuff was shared here, if it's not I can help with that. Those are all great albums, i'm happy to see people are still getting into them. As for SHADOWS, I'm with you on hoping the next release is a step up from this.
  16. doombox

    What's your username so I can add you back? For some reason I can't see who adds me there.
  17. doombox

    Thanks, I appreciate the link. I don't use proxies though because I continue to nag companies to make their videos view-able in the US. I have a personal protest against artist/labels that don't.
  18. doombox

    I've never heard of musicbrainz, I'm gonna have to check that site out. I started keeping my record collection on discogs. I'll eventually probably put my CD colletion up too but I kind of assumed I'd have to create wiki pages for a lot of the visual indie stuff so I was too lazy for all that. >_> I'm doombox_ on discogs if anyone wants to be friends.
  19. doombox

    "This video contains content from PONYCANYON. It is not available in your country". Well gee, thanks.
  20. doombox

    Exactly, that's kind of the last thing I expected to say. If anyone had the right line up to come out of the gate swinging, it was them. LOL and true, maybe the run length was a blessing in disguise. xD I hear you. Actually, if this had been in front of a crowd maybe his energy would have been more enjoyable because I have enjoyed his past live footage with FACT. I wonder why they took it down. That EP footage was originally what I was looking for to link with this review. But I guess maybe they felt they were giving away too much if they left it stay up? I'm looking forward to Joy Opposites too. KTHEAT era would be cool, I also have a suspicion it'll have more electronic elements since Adam and Eiji both seem to have/had electronic focused side projects.
  21. doombox

    Then you came to the right thread to help with that!
  22. I love this song and this live video is making my warped tour hype so real.
  23. Tracklist: 1. Push [Instrumental] 2. Justify 3. Doubt 4. Expectations 5. Forest | A shadow of their former selves I think we all know I was this close to starting a mourning thread for FACT when they decided to call it quits. Luckily they announced their split a year before it was set to happen and they released enough goodbye material to satiate me. But the best news of all was the announcement of their new projects. SHADOWS sounded as if it had the best possible group to continue on the FACT signature sound with both guitarists and the vocalist sticking together to form it, so I was counting the days awaiting its release. It's kind of astonishing to think one could be so disappointed in only twelve minutes. Cue my first letdown. FACT was known to write some short songs, but to see the entire 'mini album' only reached a twelve minute running time came as a shock. "Push" starts off innocently enough, as a nice guitar-lead instrumental. The same seven-note riff repeats over and over as it optimistically builds up to the next track, "Justify". Effectively, these songs sound like they are one track that got spliced in half. It was the right choice to start off the disc because it's the only song I'd recommend for older FACT fans. Even at its one minute and seventeen second track length, it has a healthy dose of aggression and emotion to keep you engaged. The following song "Doubt" is when the real train wreck happens. I'm guessing it was an intentional choice to let vocalist Hiro sing the entire song off key, in an incredibly cringe-y way, not a cool, intensely emotional kind of way. In fact, Hiro's vocals seem void of any and all emotion for the entire track. So just imagine an off-key robot yelling at you over incredibly repetitive and watered-down FACT riffs-- Actually, don't. Just pretend it doesn't exist like I'm going to after this. The second half of the 'mini album' carries on with "Expectations" and while the emotions are still feeling stunted with the vocals, the guitar riffs are driving the atmosphere. They push the track down a punk rock-rendered void so you walk away with the feeling of the pressure they must have felt to deliver on these songs. It's too bad it seems the pressure may have gotten to them in their effort to rush them to the masses. The final track "Forest" rounds out the end of the release. On the surface, it comes off like a leftover idea from FACT's burudanga album, which wouldn't so bad if SHADOWS and Extrance weren't standing directly in the shadow (pun intended) of FACT's former glory. The harsh truth is that their fans do have expectations, and even if the guys want to press on in a new direction, at this stage in their careers ideas have to be presented fully realized and polished. And what I find even more insulting is they are being called 'live' recordings, but what they sound like are single take play-throughs. If you're going to push demo level music, don't expect people to happily shell out top dollar for them. I still have hope that their future releases will improve because any new band would need to take time and find themselves. But this ultimately felt like an unnecessary cash grab, and that's what hurts the most. Buy Extrance @ CDJapan!
  24. doombox

    I can't believe I never posted in this thread. Let's see what my most played list has to say in iTunes.* イツエ FACT Crossfaith ONE OK ROCK SiM back number (okay they verge on pop-rock but I'm counting them. ) CRYSTAL LAKE a crowd of rebellion coldrain WANIMA *This list is only accurate from 2013 on, when I got a new computer and had to reinstall everything from scratch. So I'm gonna list a few older honorable mentions: Pay money To my Pain ラヴィアンローズ NEW BREED cinema staff 2side1BRAIN
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