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About usuxorz

  • Rank
    Kisaki's Errand Boy
  • Birthday April 9

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    Murder, mayhem, and malicious mysteries!

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  1. usuxorz

    9 Acts of Service 8 Quality Time 6 Physical Touch 5 Words of Affirmation 2 Receiving Gifts For the first few questions I had any romantic relationship in mind, then realized that I should probably answer with my boyfriend in mind instead. My boyfriend LOVES to spend, spend, spend, spend so much that it's become a problem in the relationship. ((Stop BUYING me shit and start DOING shit!)) And that question where one choice was to NOT be interuppted while talking? Yeah, I didn't need to look at the second option. *cough* So I took it again! This time without my boyfriend in mind at all. Just look at the difference..... 8 Physical Touch 8 Quality Time 6 Acts of Service 5 Words of Affirmation 3 Receiving Gifts
  2. usuxorz

    I was friends with Jeiku on myspace before he made TW, so I was on the recieving end of his constant advertisements/begs/spam. XD I put off joining for a while just because the spam was annoying.
  3. usuxorz

    Butts and mustaches..... and sideburns. XD
  4. usuxorz

    This butt. We first met in late 2001 (maybe super early 2002) online, despite living only about an hour drive from each other. He wouldn't give me the time of day, but I stuck to him like a dingleberry. XD He eventually gave in and accepted my love. <3 We get along like two peas in a pod. Seriously... we've only ever had one major disagreement and that was settled with a: "nunyabsns." He continues to support me even when he thinks I'm being irrational, convoluted, or any other negative term. He'll tell me I'm being ______, but that he can understand why I would be reacting that way. He's always been trustworthy and never condescending. He's not just my dearest friend, he's my soulmate. Non-romantic soulmate, but still. We explain it as in a past life we were conjoined twins and HAD to get along, but now our souls found each other again and we CHOSE to remain as close as before. ((Okay, so I explain it that way and he just merely nods at my insanity.... because I'm his sanest friend. )) We totally jiggle each other's goodies. In public.
  5. usuxorz

    Because y'all suck and I was in an obviously-fail-troll mood. I'm tempted to change it to FUUHTOU for inside joke reasons. I've had 3 previous usernames, only one of which mattered: 1. My name: Missa. Some people thought I jacked it from Diru, but I actually had my name long before that release. Cuz, ya kno, it's mah name. 2. Dionixia is a random combination of 3 names I liked the sound of put together just so I could join TW (I didn't want Jeiku to know his massive spam campaign worked). I prefered it to be shortened to Dio, Nix, Xia, or Nixia.... some people shortened it to Dion just to aggravate me. XD 3. Lurk-n-Leech Should be obvious why I picked this, yes? I'm not very creative and I have a touch of immature humor for things that don't matter. Cptn Obv out!
  6. usuxorz

    At first it was rant-worthy, but now.... I can't help but laugh uncontrollably when I think about it. My 24-year-old housemate (whose native language is English, graduated from high school, and attended 4 years at a community college before dropping out) vandalized the door to my room. About a foot from the ground he etched in "FUUH TOU". Because apparently "FUCK" and "YOU" were too difficult for him to spell. Here's a link because the picture is freaking huge. XD Laugh with me. <3
  7. I got my phone back. All the rage has subsided. ^_^

    1. Tetora


      How did you get it back?

    2. beni


      Thank god. Happened to me once, not good at all. I'm glad it was returned/found!

    3. usuxorz


      I harassed my phone with Google's Android Device Manager at odd hours. A 3rd party returned it to me. XD

  8. usuxorz

    All these posts seriously remind me of my own experiences: -my grandkitty Moon was poisoned back in 2011. She had just turned 12 years old the month before. =/ -Khaleesi, the rescue I adopted to help me get over Moon's death, was stolen only a few months after I adopted her. -for the past 3 years I've lived with self-centered, manipulative, destructive, lying assholes because I couldn't afford to live anywhere else while in school (except I had to drop out because of all the insane drama at home was dramatically effecting my grades and my health) On Thursday I went out to go apply for a job, when I got home I was greeted with a banged up doorknob. Again. Shithead took a hammer to my doorknob for, at least, the third time! The doorknob was already replaced twice. Friday I didn't leave my room. Saturday I made my monthly trip to visit my daughter... and someone STOLE MY PHONE! My boyfriend called my phone but the asshole declined the calls and then turned my phone off. I've also had insomnia for a week and really bad heartburn since Thursday, but that's fairly mundane for me.
  9. usuxorz

    My former kitty TJ (RIP) had a HUGE toe fetish! He was a 20-something pound cat and would lay on a person's leg to "trap" them so he could lick and love-nip their toes. ((His fetish started when he noticed that I had an infected ingrown toe nail.........)) Khaleesi insisted on sleeping under the covers with me. She had a heated cat bed, but it wasn't good enough. XD Psycho will only eat the cheapest kibble around. Expensive kibble, wet food, treats, and most "human" food will get shunned.
  10. usuxorz

    Fantasy Life Monster Hunter 4 and I WAS playing 10 RPGs on my phone, but since it was stolen 4 hours ago..... >_<
  11. usuxorz

    My bf and I are currently watching The Devil is a Part-Timer! I'm trying to make him watch an entire series instead of watching 1-3 episodes of several series. Netflix is made for binge watching!
  12. usuxorz

    Fairy Tail (on ch 31x-something) A Tea Shop Mystery series by Laura Childs (I'm on book #9)
  13. Dear asshole who stole my phone, FUCK YOUR EVERY ORIFICE WITH A RUSTY MORNING STAR!!!

  14. usuxorz

    Actively playing Fantasy Life and Omega Ruby ( I have Alpha Sapphire too, but.... too much pokemon). When I'm tired of those (yeah, I know...) I prefer to play: Animal Crossing Etrian Odyssey series Dragon Quest series Pokemon Mystery Dungeon and Ranger series 15 (mostly RPG) game apps on my phone 20 more game apps on my tablet, including official Dragon Quest spinoffs in Japanese XD
  15. usuxorz

    I had an interview today. I was offered the job on the spot and the interviewer said he'd be disappointed if I didn't pursue management within the company. And then, to top it all off, after the 2 week training period I'll be making a dollar an hour MORE than I was originally asking for.
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